It is 1520 in the Haiyuan calendar.

With the appointment of the new Admiral Sakaski a few years ago.

The strategic center is transferred.

The original G-1 branch of the New World Navy switched places with Marine Headquarters Marinevando.

Then a worldwide conscription began, and several naval admirals were added in an exceptional manner.

The brutal policies and propaganda of Iron Blood have not only frightened the pirates, but also the people of the world.

Pirates are evil and navy are ruthless, in this extremely depressing environment.

The conflict between the two sides intensified, and several battles broke out between the admirals and the four emperors alone.

The dark cloud of war hangs over the world…


The eve of total war.

New World, Navy Headquarters.

Sakaski stood outside the marshal’s office, overlooking the entire island.

The entire headquarters was brightly lit at this time, and countless soldiers were busy below.

Everything is being prepared for tomorrow’s live broadcast that faces the world and concerns the future destiny of the world.

That was…the call between the current Navy Admiral and the Four Pirate Emperors…

Da da da…..

The crisp sound of leather shoes came.

As the adjutant, Carroll came from behind:


Sakaski said softly:

“Everything has been conveyed.”

Carol said:

“Yes, it’s all passed on.”

“I’m afraid all the navy soldiers are too excited to sleep tonight.”

Sakaski smiled and said nothing.

Carol walked over, a little lost in thought, looking at the busy soldiers below and sighed:

“Although it’s hard to believe.”

“But… the scourge of pirates is really going to end with this generation.”

“It feels like I’m in a dream.”

“It’s actually come to this day…”

Sakaski chuckled:

“This is only the first step, there is a second step, a third step…”

Carol took a deep breath:


“This is just the first step.”

“It just feels a little unreal…”

“By the way…Marshal.”

“Have you thought about this day for a long time? You seem to have believed in something from beginning to end.”

“I have never felt the word confusion from you.”

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the distance:

“No confusion…”

“That’s because I was confused.”

Carol was a little surprised:

“You’ve actually been confused before.”

Sakaski smiled:

“Hesitation, fear, transformation, decadence, and even escape.”

“It’s everything that normal people go through, everyone does it, you do it too, and so does I.”

“Life is full of ups and downs. No one is born to do great things. A smooth road to the top is a novel story.”

“I spent three years not knowing what I wanted to do.”

“Living in a small town, besides exercising every day, I just exercise.”

“It seems to be called Geya Town.”

“It’s been so long…so long that I almost forgot.”

“At that time, I had talent and the ability to rock berries. I was destined to be famous throughout the world.”

“But I don’t know what I’m going to do?”

“The rules of this world are very oppressive, very dark, and very backward.”

“Even if it doesn’t look pleasing to the eye, it has nothing to do with me.”

“Because I can become the strong one who is superior to all living beings.”

“Step outside the rules and enjoy that privilege.”

“No one would be so noble as to want to save the world.”

“Can I become a pirate, a navy, or even the strongest man in the world? Have beautiful women? Wealth? Power? Status?”

“After thinking about it carefully for a long time, these are not what I want.”

“I’m still confused.”

“This confusion lasted for three years until one day.”

“I accidentally flipped through a history book and it only had a thin layer.”

“It probably records the major events on that island in the past hundred years.”

“It goes no further. I went to the island and asked many people. At most, they only remember some legends from their childhood.”

“That was only a hundred years ago.”

“At that moment…I seemed to know what I wanted.”

“It took me one night to figure everything out and I was no longer confused.”

“Ordinary people are like ants, and their life span lasts only a few decades.”

“Even if you become a strong man and have everything in the world, it doesn’t matter. Time will erase all traces in the world.”

“It will completely disappear in a few decades.”

“I want to change the world, I want to break through the darkness, I want to burn all the filth with fire.”

“Let this world still have people remember my name after thousands of years.”

“So I lay out and plan.”

“I want to complete all the tasks that require several generations, or even dozens of generations to complete.”

“So what if I have to bear the reputation of brutality.”

Sakaski looked at the darkness in the distance, and a magnetic voice faintly sounded:

“Ten thousand years is too long, I only seize the day.”

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