Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

The study on the second floor of Sakaski’s home.

Sakaski, who was standing by the window, looked at Marigio:

“The World Conference should begin.”

Carol shrugged and said:


“I always feel like the world conference is useless.”

“It seems that no useful decisions have been made.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“The so-called World Conference.”

“It’s just a fig leaf for dictatorship.”

“Those kings were just a bunch of pacified fools.”

“The government just gives them a suitable reason to pay for it every year.”

“Eight hundred years is long enough for someone to take control of any force.”

“World government is no exception.”

“The ones who really control the world government…are the guys in the Holy Land.”

Carol sighed:

“It’s really scary…”

Sakaski said:

“There’s no use thinking about that now.”

“By the way, where is Barrett?”

Carol said:

“You can arrive at the headquarters in the afternoon.”

Sakaski nodded:

“You can go to the data room later and sort out the information.”

“List the information on the known superhuman ability users on the sea, with priority given to pirates.”

“Record the latest super-human systems from now on.”

“It’s time to start recycling the fruits.”

Carol said:


“But don’t we collect animals and nature?”

Sakaski shook his head:

“Except for those phantom beast species, the animal system is useless.”

“The same goes for the natural system. It’s not very useful.”

“Only those fruits with super powers.”

“Many of them belong to the rules system and cannot be resisted by strong strength.”

“This is the dangerous thing and must be controlled.”

What are the Slow Fruit, Lucky Fruit, Retrograde Fruit, Childlike Fruit, and some very useful Molten Fruit, Swallowing Fruit, Barrier Fruit, etc…

They all belong to the superhuman system. If you can get this troublesome fruit, you must have it in your hands.

Carol nodded and said:


Sakaski thought for a while:

“Have all the fruits of those guys in the Don Quixote Pirates been extracted?”

Carol nodded:

“They all died unexpectedly.”

“All the fruits have been transported to the base.”

“Some of the fruits they collected are also included in the base.”

“The most valuable of them all are the golden fruits.”

“The rest is nothing.”

“However, there are two little girls from the Don Quixote family who were taken away by General Hezhong when they were in Beihai.”

Sakaski raised his eyebrows:

“Isn’t it one?”

He remembered that it was a Baby-5 and it was nothing serious, so he ignored it.

Carol said:

“According to reports from our people, the other one was discovered during the raid on the Don Quixote family’s residence at the beginning of the year.”

“A little girl preparing to join the Don Quixote family, a user with the ability of the Childlike Fruit.”

“Before I could take action, Lieutenant General He came over.”


Sakaski pondered for a moment:

“That’s it…”

“Forget it, don’t worry about her.”

“If it falls into the hands of a crane, it should become a navy.”

“Let’s collect information first.”

“Find some necessary fruits to recover.”

Lieutenant General Crane’s ability to wash away the evil in people’s hearts can gradually make them better…the brainwashing fruit…

So in the end, these two fruit ability users also joined the navy.


The capital of seven waters.

At this time there was no prosperity at all in later generations.

On the dilapidated island, discarded parts and garbage can be seen everywhere.

Countless people lie on the ground dejectedly, living day after day.

Because of the geographical location and storm surge, ships are often destroyed and people are killed. Almost no one dares to come to this island.

Despair fills the hearts of everyone on this island…

In the abandoned alley, two men holding wine bottles were chatting away:


“Yes, the president of Shipbuilding Company No. 4 lost supplies because of that accident.”

“We can only sell off our property and reorganize our overseas operations.”

“In the end, due to an accident again, not only did we lose supplies, but 50 people died…”

“Even the shipyards were closed and they committed suicide at home.”

“Humans… are really fragile.”

“Is this island really hopeless…”

Two decadent and desperate people were sitting here killing time. Suddenly, there were more and more cheers in the distance.


The two of them were a little confused and listened carefully for a while:

“It seems… Hulk Island?”

“What is there on Hulk Island… Hulk Island…”


The sound of a wine bottle falling to the ground was heard.

The two of them looked at each other in disbelief:

“Hulk Island!!!”

“Could it be that…it’s a sea train!!!”

He got up and rushed madly towards Hulk Island…

There…is hope…


The port of the Seven Waters Capital.

Countless residents gathered here to look at the steel giant.

Shock continued to appear in the eyes, and the crowd was discussing:

“Hey, hey, it’s true!”

“It’s all made of steel!”

“Can this kind of boat really run…”

“It feels a bit dangerous. After all, it was built by criminals.”

“I want to sit and watch!!!”

“Then I want it too!”


“Tom! Any explanation!”

Tom stood on the edge and smiled:

“Ahahahaha, no!”

“Everyone just needs to ride on it. From now on, you can drive loudly on the sea!”

Huge cheers erupted from the crowd.

The fishman Cocoro leaned out of the cab window:

“It’s time to sail, everyone, hurry up!”

After a while.


Sharp steam bursts from the sea train’s head.

It started moving slowly, and with the heavy sound of the whistle…the first sea train began to sail.


A few days later, Judiciary Island.

A report was placed on the desk of the elderly presiding judge:

“It’s been ten years…”

“Did you succeed? It’s really good.”

This was the presiding judge who decided to give Tom ten years.

Looking at the report in his hand, Hai Liantrain performed perfectly, and a smile appeared on the face of the presiding judge.

It was time to eliminate his crimes and called a guard:

“Get ready and head to the Capital of Seven Waters in ten days.”

at the same time.

Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

In the offices of the World Government.

Spandaine has been promoted to the top of the government.

Because he was holding a report in his hand, the content of which was exactly the same as the report read by the presiding judge of Judiciary Island.

This was passed to him by a member of the CP who secretly worked for Spangdyne.

After all, as someone who has been in charge of CP9 for several years, he still has this energy.

Looking at the name of Tom the fishman, I thought of the legend about Pluto’s design.

If it works well…

Then his unsatisfactory son, with this merit, is enough to inherit his father’s legacy and be promoted to control CP9.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he dialed the phone:


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