the other side.

Young Spangdam, listening to what his father explained in the phone bug, was full of surprise:

“Really! Father!!”

“Hahahaha, great!!!”

“I’ll do it right now!”

I hung up the phone impatiently and wanted to set off.

How can you not be excited when your promotion is just around the corner?

But something seemed to come to mind:


“You still have to ask Lord Wulaoxing for instructions.”

After all, CP5 is an organization directly under the World Government and under the jurisdiction of the Five Old Stars.

If you act without authorization, you will make the higher-ups unhappy and that will be the end of it.

Moreover, this opportunity can also show his face in front of Lord Wulaoxing, coupled with his father’s operation…

Spandam couldn’t control his smile.

The more you laugh, the crazier you become…


the other side.

In the top offices of the world government.

Spangdyne looked at the phone caller who was hastily hung up.

Holding back the bulging veins, I pressed my temples, feeling a bad premonition…

“This idiot…don’t mess with it.”

I have a toothache. I am so wise and powerful, why did I give birth to such a stupid son…


Half a day later.

Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

As the commander of CP5, Spandam has the right to go directly to see the Five Old Stars.

Outside a relaxing palace in the Holy Land.

The Five Old Stars were sitting next to the swimming pool, resting.

Spandam walked in with an upright look, bowed respectfully and stood up.

The five old stars holding the sword said:

“What’s the matter? I need to speak in person.”

Spandam said respectfully:

“That’s what Mr. Wulaoxing is like.”

“According to the investigation, the fish-man Tom possesses the blueprints of Pluto.”


The tall and thin Wulaoxing said:

“That kind of thing…does indeed exist.”

Spandam said respectfully:

“Yes, and there are many pirates who are also making plans.”

“In case it falls into the hands of someone outside the government.”

“I’m afraid it will be difficult for the government to deal with it.”

“It has been more than ten years since the era of great pirates began.”

“The strength of the pirates is constantly increasing, and their number is also increasing.”

“Prevent the resurrection of ancient weapons.”

“Without delay!”

“We who uphold justice must have this trump card!”

“Ancient weapons should be under our control!”

“Destroy this era of great pirates!”

Spandam’s face was full of righteousness, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became.

The blond Wulaoxing frowned slightly.

But the curly-haired Wulaoxing nodded:

“Times are changing, and that makes sense.”

The five old stars holding swords said:

“Then you should get the design drawings first.”

“We’ll talk about the rest later.”

The tall and thin Five Old Star looked at Spandam:

“I’ll leave that to you, Spandam.”

Spandam saluted respectfully and said:


“I will handle it!!!”

After exiting respectfully, the ecstasy on his face could not be suppressed.

Promotion….Promotion! ! ! !


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Looking at the latest issue of the newspaper, there is news about the sea train in the corner.

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly. If he remembered correctly…this fish-man Tom must have a blueprint for Pluto.

After thinking about it, I called Enelu…

late at night.

Sakaski uses the latest equipment designed by Vegapunk to conduct video conversations.

On the opposite side of the video, there is still the familiar underground secret room of Punk Hassad.

But now it’s much richer.

Vegapunk said:

“What’s the matter, Sakaski?”

Sakaski passed on the information he investigated during the day:

“Let me show you something interesting.”

Vegapunk came interested:


A few seconds later, the scanned file appeared on Vegapunk’s screen.

The introduction at the beginning attracted me, Vegapunk.

The owner of the blueprint for the ancient weapon ‘Pluto’…

Then after looking at my life experience and the construction of the sea train, I frowned a little…

“This guy…..”

“Is there really a blueprint for Pluto?”

Looking at the backward design of the sea train, Vegapunk seriously doubted… whether Sakaski had been deceived.

This kind of equipment that relies on steam to move is really too backward…

With the ‘Pluto’ design, even if you learn a little bit, you won’t be able to design such a backward thing.

After all, it was an existence that could destroy the island with one shot, and the energy power alone could not be steam-based.

Sakaski chuckled:

“It will be there in a few days

Result. ”


A few days later, the Capital of Seven Waters.

On the shore of Hulk Island, fishman Tom and future iceberg mayor Icebag are assembling a new sea train.

Espagu was a little distracted as he assembled the train:

“Mr. Tom…”

Fishman Tom stopped moving:


Espagu frowned slightly:

“Although everyone is happy to be able to cross the sea safely.”

“But…the transaction didn’t go smoothly.”

“Each island maliciously increases prices for materials.”

“If this continues, nothing will change at all.”

Fishman Tom smiled and said:

“Ha ha ha ha.”

“But people are very energetic.”

“The effects are not visible so quickly.”

“As long as you do what you can do and hold your head high as a man!!!”

Espagu was stunned for a moment, then laughed:

“that’s true…..”

The jingle started to work again.

At this time…

A group of men in black surrounded them.

The leader is none other than Spandam.

Spandam looked cheerful:

“Sorry to bother you.”

“You are Mr. Tom, the shipbuilder.”


A slight sound broke through the air.

Several CP5 subordinates wanted to remind him:


Spandam suddenly turned around with a ferocious face and shouted:

“Shut up!!!”

“Didn’t you see that Mr. Tom and I were talking!!!”

The subordinates silently withdrew the reminder:


Spandam turned his head and looked at Tom gently:

“I have something to talk to you about…”

boom! ! ! !

A shell hit his feet.

Spandam was blown away.

And those subordinates disappeared as soon as Spandam turned his head…

Looking at Spandam falling to the ground, he said worriedly:

“Sir Spandam!!!”


Hulk Island, inside the small brick house on the shore.

Tom the fishman and Spandam, who had his head covered with bandages, sat opposite each other:


“I don’t know, I don’t have a blueprint for that kind of thing.”

There are no outsiders here, and Spandam is no longer pretending:

“Stop lying!”

“I’ve humbled you enough to save your face, but you’re still pretending?”

“Old man! I have traced the history of the Seven Waters Capital, stop making excuses!!!”

“Just search everything around you and you will have the results soon!”

Tom the fishman said:

“You have no right to search me.”

Spandam said proudly:

“Of course, Tom.”

“I have found out that you are the big sinner who built the ship for the Pirate King.”

“Since you are a criminal, of course we have the right to search.”

Fishman Tom laughed:

“Ha ha ha ha.”

“The government has known about that kind of thing for a long time.”

Spandam looked shocked:

“How is it possible, knowing that you can still work as a shipbuilder here?”

He set off in a hurry and didn’t investigate in detail… He didn’t know anything about Judiciary Island.

Even the report on the Five Old Stars was an exaggeration, and they just wanted to get out the mission as soon as possible.

Tom the fishman stood up:

“You need to investigate this kind of thing yourself.”


The thick arm threw Spangdam out and closed the door.


Spandam, who fell to the ground, got up angrily.

He rushed to the door handle and pulled hard:

“asshole! ”

“I’m not done yet!”

“You know who I am!!!”

“How dare you!!!”


late at night.

Fishman Tom exuded a sense of knowledge and sensed his surroundings.

No suspicious person was found. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the apprentice behind him:

“Aspago, Franky.”

“You two come here, I have something important for you.”

On a high tower in a town far away.

Enel was lying on the top of the tower, supporting his head in one hand and holding an apple in the other.


I took a bite and chewed a few times:

“It’s finally time to take it out.”


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