Tom the fishman in the house, after making sure no one was around.

From behind the old iron wall cabinet, I took out a stack of drawings.

It was handed into the hands of Espagu and Franky, and the three of them sat around the table.

Espagu and Franky looked at the designs and parameters on the drawings.

The shock was palpable, and the hand holding the drawing was trembling:

“This…how is this possible!”

“Can humans create such a thing!!!”

Fishman Tom said seriously:

“This is the most ferocious monster in the history of shipbuilding…”

“The government is aware of the existence of the blueprints.”

“It’s too dangerous in my hands.”

“If the government gets it…”

Espagu recovered from the shock:

“I see…..”

“I see…..”

“Let me take it.”

Frankie said excitedly next to him:

“Aspago! Let’s build it!!!”


After patting Franky on the head, Espagu said:

“You don’t think before you speak.”


“This thing is under my care and must not be allowed to appear in the world.”

“If it leaks…”

Fishman Tom took over the words:

“The world will perish…”

However, his originally serious expression suddenly changed:

“Hahahahaha, but it has nothing to do with me anymore.”

“You are free to do whatever you want.”

“If it’s dangerous, just throw it away.”

The two of them were stunned for such an important thing:

“Mr. Tom…”

Tom took a deep breath:

“By the way, another factor that makes me uneasy.”

A wanted poster for Robin was placed on the table by Tom, and he solemnly warned the two…

Enelu on the tower in the distance sat up:

“It’s ancient writing…”


late at night.

In the hut on Hulk Island.

Fishman Tom and his gang were already asleep.

At some point, a faint white mist filled the entire room.

Completely anesthetizing the sleeping people in the house.

After a while.

I saw the iron door handle, twisting open by itself.

Enelu, who had taken the antidote before entering the house, walked in swaggeringly.

He walked straight towards the place where Espagu had temporarily hidden the drawings.

Under Enelu’s powerful knowledge, all their previous actions and conversations seemed to be broadcast in real time…


He snapped his fingers casually.

A thunder ball floated in front of him and illuminated.

Taking out the hidden drawings, Enelu glanced at them roughly and almost fell into them…


“This technology…”

They expressed the same shock as the two people before.

I didn’t think much about it before watching it, but after seeing the detailed drawings, I realized…the shock of the two was not fake.

This kind of thing is really outrageous…

Without delaying business, he took out a specially made phone bug and dialed.

Vegapunk on the other end of the phone answered instantly:

“How’s it going, Enelu?”

Enelu placed the phone bug and pointed it at the drawing:

“Already got it.”

Let the phone bug scan page after page.

Over there with the phone bug.

In Vegapunk’s underground base.

On the huge device screen, drawings arranged in sequence began to appear.

After a while, it filled the entire screen and is still growing.

Vegapunk glanced at each of them, and the inspiration in his mind kept emerging.

At this time, Sakaski also joined in, looked at the two busy people, did not interrupt, and waited patiently…


After half pay….

After scanning all the drawings, Enelu moved a little:

“All scans completed.”

As the words fell silent, Vegapunk on the other side of the phone also closed his eyes.

The drawings I just saw in my mind seem to have become real parts, which are constantly being spliced ​​and assembled.

Opening his eyes after a while, Vegapunk sighed:

“Nearly perfect design.”

“It’s a pity…it’s a pity…”

Sakaski said:

“What a pity.”

“The drawings are not real.”

Vegapunk looked at the drawings on the screen:

“The drawings are real.”

“It’s a pity that there are many things in the materials that can no longer be found today.”

“And even if I find it, I’m afraid I won’t be able to build it.”

“The expense of building it was horrific…”

“Even if we take the amount of gold collected from heaven every year around the world,

Put it all in. ”

“It will take several years…”

“too difficult.”

Sakaski nodded, not surprised, it really is like this…

Enelu shook the drawing in his hand:

“Why are there these guys besides these drawings?”

Sakaski said:

“Put the drawings back, don’t worry about those people.”

All you need to know is the content of the blueprint. If this thing is thrown into the hands of anyone on the sea, he can’t make it.

It would take several years to invest the heavenly gold every year. No one but the world government can create it, and the world government cannot create such a thing.

If the gold in the sky is broken and used to build ships, the first person to fall out will be the Tianlong people…

Enelu nodded:


He hung up the phone and put the drawings back where they belonged.

He walked to the door and took out a black mechanical ball and pressed the button.


A puff of lavender smoke filled the room, lifting the anesthesia…

Push the door open and go out.


With two crisp sounds, the iron door handle locked itself…


The phone bug is on a video call.

Only Sakaski and Vegapunk were left.

Sakaski looked at Vegapunk who was obsessed with drawings and said:

“Can the missing materials be replaced?”

Vegapunk was stunned, frowned slightly, and nodded:

“Of course, that’s not a problem.”

“As long as there is time, it can always be optimized and replaced.”

“Do you want to build one?”

“This is simply impossible.”

I don’t blame Vegapunk for thinking too much, but no force in the world can create one, and the consumption is too great…

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly:

“Some ideas…”

“How confident is it that it can be made if it is scaled down a hundred times.”

Vegapunk said:

“If we scale it down, it will reduce a lot of consumption.”

“Especially those important parts, the more they shrink, the consumption will be reduced several times.”

“But after shrinking, the gains outweigh the losses.”

Before shrinking, you can destroy the island with one shot. After doubling the size, the power will also decrease…

If it were shrunk a hundred times… it would just be a super warship.

Sakaski smiled inexplicably and said:

“The most unreasonable thing in the world is the Devil Fruit, Doctor.”

He took out the Devil Fruit that he had collected for several years and put it in front of the camera:

“Superman type – multiplier fruit.”

“One of the abilities is to magnify things that the person with the fruit ability touches.”


“A hundred times…..”

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