Grand Line, Gago’o Island.

One of the countries that joins the World Government and is the seat of the Kingdom of Gegria.

Close to the side of the Upside Down Mountain, it was an unknown country. Thirty years ago, it was explored by the prince who returned from traveling and studying, that is, the previous king.

In the exclusive hunting ground of the royal family, a mine vein stretching for unknown distance was discovered.

With the help of mining and sales, the wealth of the entire country is constantly increasing, and twenty-four years ago it became one of the countries joining the world government.

It is a pity that after the only heir of the previous king succeeded to the throne, he continued to make nonsense of his orders.

There are more and more complaints, and there is an overwhelming trend…


In the dark jungle outside the royal city.

The weather was not very good, and dark clouds obscured the stars in the sky.

If you don’t get within five meters, you won’t find the person ambushing here at all.

And such people are densely packed in the woods.

The commander of the Revolutionary Army’s G Army (Grand Line Army), Ambrio Ivankov, stared at the shimmering watch:

“There’s still half an hour left. How’s the personnel deployment going?”

“Lightning (Imazuna).”

A voice was calm and calm, and his face looked very cold.

The man with distinctly colored hair and clothes, one side white and the other orange, said:

“Don’t worry, everything is ready.”

Both hands also turned into a fighting position with two huge scissors:

“The ground for climbing the city has also been completely cut.”

“You can access the city wall at any time.”

Ivankov nodded:

“Very well, get ready for battle.”

“I don’t know why, but I feel a little uneasy this time.”

Ivankov, who usually laughs and laughs, was unusually calm today.

A sense of crisis that comes from nowhere surrounds my heart.

Lightning frowned slightly:

“I also have this feeling.”

“It’s a little too risky this time.”

“After all, it is a member country of the World Government, so there is some trouble.”

Ivankov sighed:

“There’s no way, it’s developing too fast.”

“Even if all the funds are used to buy arms.”

“But it’s still not enough to arm the soldiers.”

“We can’t let them fight with bare hands.”

“After all, most of them are ordinary people.”

“If we take this country.”

“With the storage capacity of this iron ore, we can build an arsenal ourselves.”

“It can even support warriors from all over the world.”

“Had to try it.”

Lightning also sighed:

“Solve the battle as soon as possible and elect a representative.”

“Leave early then.”

“After the dust settles, it will be difficult for the world government to intervene directly.”

“After all, this feeling…isn’t a good sign.”

Ivankov nodded:

“That’s right.”

“Solve the battle as soon as possible.”

“Tonight’s operation can be regarded as a test of the world government.”

“It is of great significance and cannot be lost.”

“Let’s see how the world government responds.”

“It also plays a vital role in the future development of the revolutionary army.”


The phone bug’s voice suddenly rang in the silent jungle.

Everyone was shocked for a moment, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Ivankov answered the phone:


“Scared me to death, dragon.”

“What’s the matter?”

Long’s calm voice came:

“Everything is ready, Ivan.”

Ivankov replied:

“Of course, everything is ready.”

“Tomorrow this country will break away from the world government.”

The dragon on the other side of the phone looked at the information in his hand and pondered for a few seconds:

“I’m sure.”

“If it doesn’t work, withdraw.”

“According to the latest intelligence, the Navy has six warships heading to Gagoao Island.”

“We’ll probably arrive before dawn.”

“It seems that the world government’s reaction is stronger than we thought.”

“It’s already been tested.”

“No more chances.”

“We can think of something else about the weapons.”

Ivankov looked at the time on the watch:

“Before dawn…”

“I think we can evacuate before the navy arrives.”

“This iron mine is so important.”

“With it, at least we won’t have to worry about weapons for a long time in the future.”

“Had to give it a try.”

“Revolution… always involves risks.”

“Let’s take a gamble.”


Barudigo, headquarters of the revolutionary army.

Long looked at putting down the information and sighed:

“now that…..”

Bang bang bang——

There was a sound of applause.

A somewhat familiar voice sounded from over there:

“That is nice.”


“You made the wrong bet.”


The sound of the phone bug hanging up sounded.

The dragon’s pupils shrank sharply…this voice…

Sakaski! ! ! ! !

boom! ! !

The whole person turned into a gust of wind and rushed out of the headquarters.

With countless lights on, Barudigo’s night is destined to be uneventful…


Gagoao Island.

In the jungle outside the royal city.

Sakaski clapped his hands and stood up not far away:

“That is nice.”

Ignoring the shocked revolutionary army members who lost all movement:


“You made the wrong bet.”

He walked forward step by step and put his hand on Ivankov’s hand holding the phone bug.


Ivankov’s hand, along with the phone bug, was crushed into irregular pulp.

Ivankov’s face was so big that it was deformed by the pain:

“Ah – it hurts, it hurts!!!!”

“Damn it! When!”

Lightning also reacted:

“Everyone! Don’t hesitate!!!”

“Run away immediately!”

“Stay alive!!!!”

At the same time, the hands transformed into double scissors were inserted into the ground and lifted.

The ground was cut out like paper and covered layer by layer towards Sakaski!

Sakaski glanced at the approaching waves of earth indifferently.

The hand holding Ivankov flicked to the side.

Ivankov was thrown sideways uncontrollably.

Boom boom boom——

Being pushed in front of him by Sakaski, he smashed the waves of earth that were coming.

Ivankov seemed to be knocked unconscious and fainted.

Lightning gritted his teeth and stopped, not daring to do anything, and stared at Sakaski.

Bang bang bang——

The surrounding soldiers did not escape and kept shooting at Sakaski.

On the distant wall of the royal city, large lights lit up. Apparently what happened here shocked the soldiers.

Visible to the naked eye, they are constantly gathering and lining up.

Sakaski glanced at the Revolutionary Army soldiers around him:

“What an unexpected bonus.”

“If you don’t come today, I’m afraid you will succeed.”

“Help them solve the hidden danger of destroying the country.”

“We have to ask the Kingdom of Gegria to pay later.”

The bullets punched numerous holes in Sakaski’s body, but to no avail.

Some even accidentally injured Ivankov.

Lightning gritted his teeth and shouted:


“Escape from this island immediately!”

“Don’t take any chances!”

“Team leaders! Organize personnel to evacuate!”

“This is an order!”


The gunfire stopped…

But all the soldiers still did not evacuate, pointing their guns at Sakaski.

Sakaski chuckled softly and looked at Lightning:

“The warriors are well trained and very loyal.”

The huge scissors in Lightning’s hands closed tightly, damn…

And here, Ivankov, who was lying on the ground with his arm held by Sakaski, suddenly opened his eyes:


Suddenly, spikes sprouted from his fingers, stabbing Sakaski…

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