Seeing the syringe in his hand getting closer and closer to Sakaski’s body, Ivankov’s eyes flashed with joy.

Sakaski was condescending and watched indifferently as Ivankov stabbed his leg with his finger.

Seeing that Sakaski didn’t move, Ivankov sped up even more.

When the clothes were pierced, I couldn’t help but say:



Under Sakaski’s indifferent expression, the injections in Ivankov’s hand were broken off.

Sakaski’s body was covered with a dark weapon color at some point.

Don’t wait for Ivankov’s reaction.


There was a loud noise, with the sound of cracking bones.

Ivankov’s chest was dented directly, and he flew upside down and hit Lightning.

Lightning inserted his hand into the ground, lifted up the flowing rock slab, and directed it towards Ivankov.

Boom boom boom——

After smashing several rock slabs in succession, it hit Lightning and barely stopped.

Ivankov injected himself with a shot of stimulating hormone at an extremely fast speed, and his body was shocked:

“Hip Hop!!!”

He suddenly jumped up and fell to the ground.

He shouted angrily:

“Everyone! Evacuate immediately!”

“Here are Lightning and I! Wait for us at the old place!!!”

The surrounding soldiers looked at Ivankov who was fine and felt a little relieved:


With morale high, they quickly evacuated.

Ordinary soldiers don’t know what kind of power the general represents.

I don’t know that even though Ivankov was injected with stimulating hormones, he still had a trace of trembling. That was fear…

Lightning stood next to Ivankov expressionlessly, stabilizing the morale of the army.

Sakaski raised his arm slightly. This action shocked the two of them and almost broke their defense. They could not maintain their composure.

With a chuckle, Sakaski reached into his pocket and took out the phone bug.


The voice of the Warring States Period sounded from over there:

“How’s it going, Sakaski?”

Sakaski said:

“Ivankov has been captured.”

“One more person was arrested.”

Look at the lightning:

“What’s your name?”

Lightning looked calm:


Sakaski nodded:

“The other one is called Lightning.”

“It seems that the official position is not low.”

“If we were even half a day late, the Kingdom of Gegria would have disappeared.”


The voice of the Warring States Period came from over there:

“That’s it…”

“There is no news at all from the government…”

Sakaski nodded:


“And we can’t rely too much on government intelligence.”

“Build your own intelligence department.”

“To help the Kingdom of Geglia solve the crisis of annihilation, the money will not be small.”

“Just right for building an intelligence service.”

The voice of the Warring States Period came from over there:

“That makes sense.”

“We’ll have a meeting later to study it.”

“Those people have been caught.”

Sakaski said:

“Several high-level officials caught it.”

As he spoke, he raised his fingers and clicked. The legs of the team leaders who were commanding at the back all exploded and exploded into blood mist.

Some people who tried to rush to rescue were also killed by Sakaski’s finger gun.

Ivankov and Lightning looked at it with splitting eyes, but they did not dare to act rashly.

The voice of the Warring States Period came:

“That’s good.”

“Take them to Impel.”

“People from the government will interrogate him later.”

Sakaski said:



Hang up on the phone bug.

Sakaski looked at the two of them:

“Okay, let’s capture him without mercy.”

Ivankov stared at Sakaski:

“As expected of a naval admiral whose reputation for cruelty is known throughout the world.”

“They are just ordinary fighters, no threat.”

“He showed no mercy.”

The remaining intact palm had a syringe growing back, pointing it at Sakaski.

Sakaski chuckled:

“Am I cruel?”

“I’ll bear it.”

“It’s you…what nonsense are you talking about here.”

“Are you playing house here tonight?”

“Prepare these warriors, gunpowder, and guns.”

“Is it just for decoration?”

“If this battlefield starts tonight, more than just this number of people will die.”

“Liberation? Freedom?”

“Have you asked the opinions of the Kingdom’s defenders who died in the battle?”

“As for killing…there’s nothing to hide.”

“It’s just a different stance. Isn’t it normal for me to kill your people?”

“Why should we define ourselves as the righteous party and accuse others from the moral high ground?

Where are others. ”



Sakaski’s arm turned into magma and burned, and under the light of the fire, the thick black smoke was clearly visible.

Ivankov was speechless for a moment and wanted to refute, but… he couldn’t think of anything to say.

After all, he has killed many people. From their point of view, he must deserve to die…

Lightning reacted quickly:

“Don’t be fooled by him.”

“There’s no way to answer this kind of question.”

Completely blocking the escape route, no matter how you answer it, it is wrong… Unless all wars in the world will not kill people.

Lightning thrust his hands into the ground and moved quickly.

Ivankov reacted and inserted the syringe into his body:

“Facial Growth Hormone!”

The whole person’s face suddenly swelled several times, like a giant wall standing on the ground.

Ivankov took a deep breath with his big face:

“Hell’s WINK!!!”

The enhanced version of Death Wink is powerful enough to shatter city walls and explode a huge mushroom cloud nearly 100 meters high.

Ivankov didn’t dare to hold back against Sakaski, so he used big moves when he came up.

The explosive airflow rushed towards Sakaski at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time, lightning also covered circles of the ground towards Sakaski.

boom! ! !

The explosive airflow rushed to Sakaski first and exploded.

The erected ground rock slabs surrounded Sakaski in the middle. With obstructions on all sides, the power of the explosion was more concentrated.

However, it only lasted a moment before the rock slab shattered.

A sharp mushroom cloud rushed out and swept away dust all over the sky.

Lightning returned to Ivankov, huge double scissors crossed over his chest.

Ivankov waved the dust in front of him:


“It works.”

Click! x2

Two crisp sounds of bone cracking.

“of course not.”

Sakaski appeared behind the two of them at some point, grabbed their arms and crushed them:

“Is this also called hell?”

A sinister smile appeared on Sakaski’s lips:

“Lava explosion jade…”

boom! ! ! ! !

The island shook violently, and everyone on the island was awakened.

Endless red light rises from the jungle outside the royal city…

Under the violent vibrations and small impact, the walls of the royal city behind continued to tremble and collapse.

The larger part was aimed at the direction in which the revolutionary army fled, with directional blasting…

The magma spreads like a fan to the distant mountains, and everything is covered by magma.

The flowing magma and the pungent smoke destroyed everything in its path.

Like hell…..

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