Gagoao Island, shore.

Sakaski sat on the boulder.

The noise from the island behind him could even reach here.

At his feet lay two mud-like figures, Ivankov and Lightning.

Although he was not killed under Sakaski’s control, he was under the huge impact.

All the bones in his body were shattered, and he passed out immediately.


Sakaski’s index finger turned into lava and burst into flames.

He put it to his mouth, lit the cigar, and took a puff:


Smoke surrounds me, looking at the sea quietly…

A huge cloak of justice flutters behind…


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

In the marshal’s office.

Although it was late at night, the lights were still bright.

Warring States sat at the Marshal’s desk:

“Marshal Kong, what does it mean?”

“Why don’t you solve it?”

“According to the available information, the Revolutionary Army is no longer a small force.”

“There are dozens of islands that have been detected by government intelligence so far, and the countries involved include many franchised countries.”


A clear voice sounded.

Sora put down the teacup and newspaper:

“Ignore this for now.”

“It mainly depends on how the government defines them.”

“I also understand a thing or two about the government’s purpose.”

“It’s nothing more than using the revolutionary army to reshuffle the participating countries.”

“Since the last time the Tahama Kingdom was invaded by pirates and threatened the succession of its king.”

“The Wulaoxing side is already very dissatisfied.”

“If it weren’t for the agents of CP9 who killed all the soldiers and pirates who were taken hostage, there might be another pirate country in the world now.”

“The countries that join the World Government represent one of the most powerful countries in the world.”

“But if one of the strongest countries is defeated by an unknown pirate, he takes over the throne.”

“It’s not another aspect of world government, but that’s it.”

“When the time comes, how many pirates do you think can resist the temptation of becoming a king?”

“Rebels and pirates are not the same thing. The ‘rebels’ represent the army formed by the people of this country who are dissatisfied with them.”

“If it is overturned, the world will be more likely to accept it.”

“The world government also has reasons to kick them out of the participating countries, and it will not arouse suspicion.”

“If pirates overthrow a country, the consequences will be unimaginable. Pirates are the most audacious people.”

“Pirates in the past were plundering, if there was a beginning.”

“The pirates from now on will become the ones who destroy the country and seize the throne, and the whole world will fall into madness.”

“If you don’t tell anyone who died, the Navy will be under great pressure.”

“So now we just have to maintain the peace and stability of the sea step by step.”

“The revolutionary army and the government are so confident, so you can’t worry too much.”

Warring States nodded:

“I see…”

“I see.”

Marshal Kong smiled:

“The people from Sakaski also caught him.”

“Get ready. When everyone comes back, let’s hold a marshal promotion ceremony.”

“It’s time for new blood in the Navy.”

“Our time has passed…”

Warring States chuckled and said:

“Yes, now the navy’s new blood has grown up.”

“On the future ocean, there will be only one absolute overlord.”

“That’s the Navy.”

There is a huge hanging on the wall behind, the justice that reigns over the world…

Marshal Kong took a sip of tea:

“The candidates for the three generals have been decided.”

At the mention of this, Warring States had a headache and rubbed his temples:

“We have the candidates, but who to choose is a question.”

Sora looked at Warring States:

“Tell me.”

Sora had no intention of intervening in the selection of the three generals. This was also a test for the Warring States Period.

Warring States sighed slightly:

“There are four candidates, but there are only two positions.”

“Barrett has enough strength and merit.”

“Polusalino, who has enough strength and merit.”

“Kuzan has enough strength, almost no prestige, and very strong fruit ability.”

“Enilu is strong enough, has a little prestige, and has strong fruit abilities.”

“There is only one Porusalino that is certain now.”

Suddenly he said angrily and with laughter:

“This old fritter is really…”

“Using the last mission carried out several years ago to eliminate Fisher Tiger.”

“The government has set up a line.”

“In addition, I have enough strength and prestige to be able to get along with everyone without being annoying. I can be considered a neutral faction.”

“So I decided on a general position.”

Marshal Kong nodded:

“Neutral faction…”

“So for the remaining position, Kuzan is the most suitable.”

Sakaski is a hawk, Porusalino is a neutral, and the remaining position is a dove.

Warring States sighed slightly and said:

“Yes, but Kuzan’s comparison between the two is not enough to convince the public.”

“In terms of merit and hard power, he is not as good as Barrett who killed ‘Pluto Rayleigh’.”

“In terms of background and fruit ability, it’s not even as good as Enel.”

“Enilu is the one we have seen since we were young. Behind him are Sakaski, Zefa, and Maurice. He even saved the kid from my family.”

“As for the fruit’s abilities, thunder and lightning itself can’t control most of them, and it can’t overcome these abilities that can conduct electricity.”

“But Barrett and Eniro are both Sakaski people.”

“No matter which one you mention, I, the marshal, will probably become a mere commander.”

“The best choice is Kuzan, but he himself is not easy to convince the public, and Sakaski is afraid of having a grudge.”

“How about you go…”

Marshal Kong smiled and shook his head:

“You…just think too much.”

“The Big Buddha Fruit gives you great strength and at the same time, it also allows you to think more and think more than others.”

“It’s a good thing to think too much, but there’s no need to think too much about your own people.”

“Think about what Sakaski is like as a person.”

“It won’t be so confusing.”

“Barrett and Eniro were right to follow Sakaski’s orders.”

“After all, when he was promoted to lieutenant general in batches, Barrett took the initiative to offer his position and waited for Sakaski to be promoted to general before he was promoted to lieutenant general.”

“Not to mention Enelu, it’s almost the same as the Rosinandi you raised.”

“Then since they are absolutely obedient to Sakaski.”

“Just go to Sakaski directly.”

“Sakaski is not someone who cares about fame, although I don’t know what his previous experience was.”

“But this time the marshal was promoted, he didn’t want to fight for it at all.”

“In the thirty years since I joined the navy, I have been either killing pirates or on the way to killing pirates.”

“So the estrangement you are worried about will basically not happen.”

“Of course…it can’t be absolute.”

“It’s up to you to make your own choice. After all, you are the next marshal.”

“These are all things you have to consider.”


Gagoao Island, shore.

Sakaski looked at the sea, the cigar in his mouth slowly burning out.

Suddenly there was a strong wind, which brought him back to his senses:


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