Strong winds swept across the island, and the people on the island ignored the chaotic night.

Everyone hid inside, closed all the doors and windows, and waited for the storm to pass.

Sakaski stepped on the two people under his feet and stabilized their blown bodies:

“Don’t dare show up.”

boom–! ! ! !

The violent overlord color rushed out unscrupulously, sweeping the world.

All creatures on the island were unconscious…

The howling wind seemed to have stopped and was retreating rapidly.

From an unknown distance away, from the perspective of the sky, Gagoao Island was just a small black dot.

Sakaski’s overbearing color couldn’t hit here, and the strong wind that retreated condensed his figure.

The dragon appeared in mid-air, frowning:

“The scope is too big…”

Powerful Haki can invalidate the fruit’s abilities.

This is why Long didn’t dare to confront him head-on. He had met Sakaski more than once.

If exposed under the impact of Haki, it would be easy to find out who he is.

But when you retreat here, you can’t feel the impact of Sakaski’s overlord color. This range is… troublesome.

It is not yet time to openly declare war…

Long took a deep breath, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

A huge tornado appeared on the sea.

Constantly absorbing sea water… a water column reaching the sky is formed.

At the top of the extremely high waterspout, half of the dragon’s body is dissolved in the air, increasing its ability output.

Until the inertia of the waterspout made him unable to control it.

Pushed violently towards Gagoo Island.

Looking up, the endless waterspout rushed towards Gagoo Island.

The roaring sound roared on the sea without any hindrance.

Even Sakaski, whose domineering power cannot hit here, can faintly feel the threat here.

The dragon turns into a violent wind and surrounds the waterspout. The success or failure depends on this blow…


Sakaski’s sense of perception was as he sensed the rapidly approaching waterspout:

“What a big gesture.”

If this kind of thing is knocked down and shot on an island… its power can directly divide the island into two halves.

Of course… the greater possibility is that the island sinks directly…

“I want to save people.”

After he finished speaking, his body expanded rapidly, and in an instant, a magma giant of more than thirty meters appeared.

He combined his hands and pulled them outward, and a jet-black lava spear with an armament attached appeared, continuously instilling abilities.

Under the continuous compression, even if it is attached with armament color, it still emits a faint red light.

He sensed the center of the waterspout using his sense of sight, and threw the gun violently with his right hand.


The sound of breaking through the sky sounded like a fiery red meteor.

He rushed to the waterspout in the blink of an eye.

boom! ! ! !

The ultimate weapon violently broke through the surrounding wind and water walls.

Rushed into the quiet center of the tornado.

Exploded with a bang.

It expands like a bubble and rushes around, being continuously sucked into the waterspout.

The dragon can control the strong winds, but cannot control the currents that are far beyond his control.

After the magma poured in, the waterspout’s rotation gradually slowed down.

Although the magma in the waterspout rotates, it continues to increase and reaches the bottom of the sea.

After traveling for nearly a thousand meters, the waterspout stopped completely…

At this time, a lava column reaching the sky stood on the sea.

All the water has been continuously evaporated and disappeared by the magma.

The dragon, which turned into a strong wind and guided the waterspout, completely gave up the idea of ​​rescue…

There is no other way. If you have this trick, you can try it.

But before he even got there, he was solved.

The surface of the magma slowly solidified and turned black, seemingly cooling.

Long sighed inwardly, he still failed… he was indeed very strong.

At this time, cracks continued to appear on the surface of the lava column…

boom–! ! ! ! !

It exploded directly, and a circular air wave expanded.

Countless magma fragments were thrown around by the impact of the explosion.

The dragon was also driven by the violent airflow, and the violent wind turned into the fruit’s ability surged uncontrollably and disappeared…


After being carried to an unknown distance, the dragon regained its shape:

“What a powerful force.”

He took out the record pointer, but then had a weak reaction and shook his head.

I can only follow that weak reaction and look forward, find an island, and determine my current location…


On Gagoao Island, the sky is slightly bright.

Six black spots appeared on the sea level, growing larger and larger.

It was the warships that came day and night.

Not long after.

On the warship docked on the shore, the first people to disembark were a group of personnel in black suits.

The CP member in black suit walked up to Sakaski and said respectfully:

“General Sakaski.”

Sakaski nodded:


He stood up and kicked the two people under his feet, and said to the CP personnel:

“Find someone and hurry up and treat him.”

“Don’t die.”

CP members said respectfully:


After saying this and waving, several people behind him quickly carried away the two prisoners on the ground.

Sakaski also walked towards the warship.

Suddenly he remembered something, and towards the island behind him, he felt an overbearing look and flashed past.

Ignoring everyone’s doubts, he walked to the lounge.


Gagoao Island, within the island.

The residents who had experienced the violent overlord’s color wash had already turned from coma to deep sleep.

And under the impact of Sakaski’s overbearing color with controlled strength.

All the sleeping residents on the island woke up with excitement.

“This is…..”

“What’s going on? Why am I on the ground?”

“Huh? Huh? What happened?”

“Was it a dream last night?”


“That big mountain in the distance!!!”

The huge mountain covered with magma proved that everything last night was not a dream.

But something unknown happened…

For a moment, people on the island were panicked, and many people packed their things and prepared to leave.

until the afternoon.

After communication between the Kingdom and the government, we learned everything about last night’s thrilling incident.

The frightened princes and nobles praised the government one after another, and at the same time sent a large amount of money to the navy…

There is no money to be made…if there was no navy, my life would have been lost last night…


A few days later.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

As soon as Sakaski entered the port, he felt something different:

“It’s so energetic.”

There were many times more people than usual.

In a few days, it will be the day when Sengoku will be promoted to navy marshal.

Everything is going in the right direction.

The soldiers are preparing for everything with high spirits…

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