Kaido’s eyes flashed fiercely.

He transformed directly into the form of a human beast, and his body grew dramatically.

The ferocious dragon head stared at Shanks.

The mace ‘Bazhai’ on his waist was instantly drawn out and raised high:

“Take your life!!!”

Threads of thunder and lightning were wrapped around the mace, and it hit Shanks.

It would be better to kill this guy as soon as possible.

At some point, Shanks pulled out the ‘Griffin’ from his waist.

Step forward.

The gifted overlord color burst out and swept over.

The blade was wrapped with red thunder and lightning, making a sizzling sound, and it carried a fierce sword intent to slash away:

“Then give it a try!!!”


The mace and the blade obviously did not collide, but there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

The almost substantial domineering force was continuously compressed by the two weapons.

Crazy air currents and lightning bursts.

Boom boom boom——

The island trembled, the ground shattered, and energy from nowhere erupted from the ground.

Pillars of light rose into the sky, destroying everything around them.

The ground at the center of the battle began to turn red.

The ultimate domineering collision affected reality, and the ground beneath their feet continued to crack.

boom! ! !

An irregular beam of light rose into the sky.

It exploded over the island, and violent energy swept toward the sky and the earth.

All the clouds as far as the eye could see were emptied.



A ray of light appeared on the top of the red-haired pirates’ ship’s pole and transformed into a human form.

The moment they appeared, Beckman, Jesus Bu and others all pointed their guns at the place.

Porusalino exaggerated:

“Within the mouth~”

“The response is so quick, I haven’t done anything yet~”

“It’s really~~”

“Everyone is as strong as a monster~”


Beckman flipped the button twice and loaded the gun in his hand:

“That’s no place for people to stand.”

“It’s very rude.”

“The new Admiral.”

“Kizaru, Porusalino.”

Porusalino raised his hands:

“It’s loaded~”

“I don’t mean any harm~”

“I just came to see what Kaido, one of the three emperors, would do if he came into contact with the remnants of the Roger Pirates~”

Beckman made a ‘cut’ sound:

“It’s over now.”

Porusalino raised his hand and scratched his cheek:


“It doesn’t look like cooperation~”

“Then I will go back and resume my life~”

Golden light emitted from his body, turning into points of light and dissipating.

Looking at Porusalino who was about to disappear, Beckman’s eyes flashed.

Pulling the trigger in an instant, Haki attached to the bullet and shot towards the part of Porusalino that had not dissipated.


A sound broke through the air.

Bullets are fast, but light spots are faster.

However, it was only a few meters away, but it still missed Porusalino.

The dissipating light spot seemed to be conscious, expanding a hole for the bullet to pass through.

However, Porusalino seemed to stumble and regrouped his figure:

“Within the mouth~”

“I almost hit it~”

Beckman raised the corners of his mouth slightly and stared at Porusalino:

“Stop lying.”

“You are an admiral.”

Porusalino stretched out his index finger and pointed it downwards, and the light spots continued to condense:


“Then what do you want to do~”

Beckman looked at Porusalino and smiled:

“Of course I want to see how powerful the admiral is.”

“After all, the captain is checking himself. How can I, the deputy captain, be lazy?”

A headache appeared on Porusalino’s face:

“It’s so troublesome~”


“They are all so energetic~”



The sound of lasers breaking through the air and the sound of gunfire sounded at the same time without warning…


among the islands.

In just a few moments, all the buildings were destroyed by the impact.

Kaido held the Eight Rings tightly with both hands and moved to the right side, with wisps of thunder and lightning wrapped around it.

With a step of his feet, his whole body drew several afterimages in the air and rushed towards Shanks:

“Roar! Thunder! Ba! Gua!!!”

Shanks looked at Kaido rushing towards him and took a deep breath.

Step forward with your left foot, press your right foot firmly against the ground, flip the Griffin on your right hand, and move it behind you.

Kaido was in a daze for a moment as he rushed towards him…this posture…

Threads of red lightning jumped on the blade, and red light exploded in Shanks’ eyes.

The body rotated violently, and with the force of the rotation, Griffin slashed out an extremely sharp red sword light.

Collision and wrestling with Kaido’s mace.

Kaido’s physique and the huge strength added by the fruit have extremely

Big advantage.

The mace in his hand firmly suppressed Shanks’ sword, pressing down bit by bit:

“I almost thought Roger was resurrected.”

“He has perfectly inherited Roger’s swordsmanship and courage.”

“It’s like ‘another Roger’.”

Although it was a compliment, it was actually a sarcasm, and at the same time, the murderous intent in his eyes was even stronger.

Shanks, who was at a disadvantage, smiled and said:

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Shanks is originally a left-handed swordsman, although after re-training with the right-handed sword, it is not obvious at ordinary times.

But now facing a stronger enemy, the unnaturalness will be magnified, and the right hand that is holding Kaido’s mace will tremble a little.

However, this extremely awkward feeling did not affect Shanks.

Kaido narrowed his eyes, his verbal attack had no effect…


The domineering force of the collision was completely uncontrollable, and huge energy exploded, blasting a large hole hundreds of meters in diameter in the ground.

Both of them quickly backed away.

hold head high–

A dragon roar sounded.

Kaido turned into a green dragon and hovered, and blazing light gathered in the dragon’s mouth.

Aiming at Shanks’ location, a red energy column spurted out.

Shanks looked at the charging energy column, raised Griffin, and chopped it down vertically.

Obviously I didn’t see the sword energy, but the energy column that rushed towards me suddenly split into two!

It seemed as if there was a huge force pushing the chopped energy pillar and shooting it into the mountain diagonally behind Shanks.

boom! ! ! !

The green dragon hovering in the sky stands high and looks up to the sky.

The dragon’s body makes a circular motion like a top and releases bad wind, sweeping it down.

At the same time, the chest of the dragon body suddenly swelled up, like a huge balloon.

The green light in the dragon’s mouth continued to condense, and when it reached its limit, it was aimed at Shanks:

“Tornado bad wind!!!”

The dense turquoise wind blade carrier’s domineering energy spun towards Shanks, like a meat grinder…

Shanks narrowed his eyes slightly:

“it’s useless.”

A strong air current suddenly erupted around him, sweeping away the surrounding gravel and trees.

Hold the knife in your right hand and move it to the left behind you, slashing diagonally upward.

A huge flame slash flew through the air, passing through the densely packed green wind blades.


The slash hit the scales on Kaido’s chest, causing sparks to appear without causing any damage.

The green tornado blade below glowed red and exploded before it struck Shanks.

The flames and turquoise light are like fireworks in the sky…

Although the attack worked, it also showed where Shanks was currently lacking.

Kaido’s dragon eyes stared at Shanks.

Bang bang bang——

The dragon body on the body is constantly bursting with flames, spreading to the whole body…

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