“Red-haired kid, if you have the guts, try this trick!!!”

“Rising Dragon Flame Bagua!!!”

hold head high–

Kaido, whose whole body was wrapped in red flames, roared.

The flames continuously gathered on the head, and the hot breath was like a second sun appearing in the sky.

The huge flaming dragon head, attached with domineering energy, swooped down and hit Shanks.

Shanks grinned:


“Only a devil can pick it up.”

“I told you, your moves are too old-fashioned.”

Who would be impulsive with such an obvious way to provoke a general?

He is strong, but has no problem with his brain…

Such a huge dragon swoops down to compete with him?

As soon as he stepped on it, the figure moved quickly, and a red light flashed in the air.

Kaido, who swooped down, stared at Shanks’ figure and pursued him.

no way……

He just discovered that this damn brat…

Seeing, hearing, and coloring are actually incomprehensible.

There are so many outrageous talents in the sea, but even his sight, hearing and color can be blocked and cannot be sensed.

It’s simply outrageous…

The distance between one dragon and one person is getting closer…

Kaido’s eyes flashed, and his speed increased dramatically!

But at the moment of impact.

Shanks turned around suddenly, smiled at Kaido, and his speed suddenly increased several times and disappeared.

Kaido’s eyes widened in anger!

boom–! ! !


In the very center of the island, a red sun rose.

Countless bolts of lightning raged and swept away.

The strong impact made even the red-haired pirates on the shore unable to open their eyes.

Lucky Lu took a bite of meat and said inarticulately:

“It’s so powerful.”

“Boss, are you okay?”

Jesus opened his mouth and said:

“Of course it’s okay, at the speed of the boss.”

“Even if you can’t beat it, you can definitely dodge it.”

“This is the guy who is called the Emperor.”

“It’s really scary.”

“How can the navy suppress them with its generals and marshals?”

Looking at the explosion on the island, Jesus thought that Porusalino had just retreated after fighting for a while, and he was a little confused.

The comparison of the strength of the two is really unimaginable.

Beckman lit the cigarette and took a puff:

“Kizaru just now is just a newly promoted general.”

“It doesn’t seem very strong, although none of the attacks hit us.”

“But… our attack didn’t hit him. There are so many of us, but there is only one of him.”

“It’s just like the information, he’s a veteran…”

“Without an absolute advantage, this guy won’t fight to the death.”

Jesus smiled and said:

“This is the purpose of your temptation.”

Beckman nodded:

“Since the information collected is correct, in that case, the new general Qing Pheasant will probably be the same.”

“In the Warring States Period, he was promoted to Marshal to suppress his headquarters, and Garp traveled all over the world.”

“The only problem the Navy has in trouble right now is Sakaski.”

“That guy is a pure mad dog.”

“If Sakaski is here today.”

“I’m afraid it won’t be good.”

Jesus Bu said:


“Is it really so troublesome?”

Beckman narrowed his eyes slightly:

“Of course.”

“If the navy is all guys like Kizaru, how can it possibly suppress the emperors of the new world?”

“Most of the pirates of the previous generation died.”

“But the navies of the same era are still alive and well.”

“Locus, who dominated the sea, died in the Valley of the Gods.”

“During that time, the Warring States Period suppressed the New World.”

“Garp chases the boss’s captain, and Roger the Pirate King runs around the world.”

“The white beard and the golden lion died at the hands of Sakaski one after another.”

“The Red Earl fought with the former Marshal Kong, was defeated by Garp, and was arrested and imprisoned.”

“Not a single one of the four legendary pirates was left alive, and all of them were surrendered to the navy.”

“Even Kaido on the island.”

“The data also shows that he was defeated by Sakaski.”

“Although he later escaped for unknown reasons, it cannot conceal the power of the navy.”

“And the scary thing is…as time goes by.”

“The pirates on the sea seem to have forgotten these achievements…”

“Every one of those guys is living well, but more and more people don’t take the navy seriously…”

“You said…why is this.”

Jesus Bu took a breath:



….Why. ”

Why didn’t I feel this horrible record before…

Beckman looked at the island with a faint look:

“It’s time…”

Many of the new generation of pirates are young. In this information-blocked sea, the only way to convey information is through newspapers.

But who remembers every page of a newspaper?

These deeds could certainly cause a sensation at the time, but time…

These deeds may seem not that far away, but they happened more than ten or twenty years ago.

Who would remember every major event reported in the newspapers more than ten years ago or more than twenty years ago…

He is considered older and can remember and collect information.

But Jesus Bu, who was only three years younger than him, stayed on the island before going to sea.

Even if he was about the same age, he wouldn’t remember those things.

Because he was not a pirate or a navy at that time, even if he had seen those things, he would have forgotten them in the blink of an eye.

The only thing above that happened to them after they went to sea was the end of a golden lion.

Everyone at that time just sighed… and didn’t have much emotion.


The gun in Beckman’s hand was loaded:

“Get ready to respond.”

“It seems like the boss can’t stand it any longer.”

On the island, a furious giant fire dragon was chasing something and rushing towards the red-haired pirate group’s ship.

You don’t have to think twice to know who you are chasing…


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Outside the Marshal’s office.

Da da–

The crisp sound of leather shoes sounded, and a figure with condensed light appeared.

Porusalino breathed a sigh of relief:

“I’m finally back~”

Through the wooden door, the voice of the Warring States Period came:

“What’s going on over there in the New World, Porusalino.”


Porusalino opened the wooden door and walked into the marshal’s office:

“It’s okay~Marshal~”

“The two are not a collaboration~”

“There seems to be a conflict~”

“Bokuku Island is probably under the sea now~”

Warring States frowned slightly:


Porusalino sighed:


“I originally wanted to monitor it~”

“But the red-haired pirates are all like monsters~”

“Can’t get close at all~”

Warring States took a few deep breaths, waved his hands, and suppressed the anger in his heart:

“I see.”

“You go back and rest first.”

Porusalino seemed to realize that it was too much, and his attitude became more formal:


Get up and walk out of the marshal’s office.

Warring States looked at the documents in his hand and found out that the revolutionary army had developed into several countries that had joined the country. He rubbed his temples:

“A troubled time…”

He took over such a big trouble just after taking office…

I picked up the phone and dialed. After a few rings:

“Check for me the latest situation on Kuku Island.”

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