Three days later.

Punk Hassard.

After sending off the people, Sakaski took a virus from Vegapunk and prepared to set off.

Below the warship, Carol took the latest intelligence and said:

“General Sakaski, another war has broken out in the New World.”

Sakaski came over:

“what’s the situation.”

Carol said:

“One of the Three Emperors, Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, fought against the red-haired Shanks on the Island of Bitterness.”

“But both parties had no choice but to leave in the end.”

“The Island of Bitterness sunk… the residents…”

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly:

“There’s nothing I can do…”

“You grow up so fast.”

“It looks like the fourth Pirate King will be born in a few years.”

Carol was stunned:

“It’s so fast.”

“He seems to be the same age as Enelu.”

“Talent is really hard to say.”

“Rosinandi is the same age as Eniro…”

A few black lines flashed across Carol’s head:



“But it will be completely destroyed…”

Sakaski shook his head:

“Every year, countless towns are slaughtered by pirates.”

“It’s just that some people kill more and some kill less.”

“This island is just a small microcosm. There is no time to sigh.”

“Let’s go, let’s go.”

“It’s time to get down to business.”

Recycling Devil Fruit…

Go up the stairs to the warship.

Carol folded the newspapers and put them away, then followed.

Not long after, all personnel landed and the warship slowly started.

And the direction of departure is the first half of the great route…

After the appointment of the new marshal, Sakaski also took the initiative to patrol the Grand Line and fight against pirates.

As always, the non-stop fighting on the front line… gave Sengoku a lot of peace of mind.


Inside the cabin of a warship.

Sakaski planned the route.

Finally, a big cross was drawn on a place called the ‘Land of Fire’:

“Just go here first.”

Carol looked there, recalling the information in her mind:

“Here…is the fungus fruit.”

“The eldest prince who was exiled by the late king of the Ciggu Kingdom twelve years ago, and the person with fungus fruit ability, Musulu.”

Sakaski nodded:

“That’s right.”

“That fruit power is called the worst.”

“In addition to being able to cultivate bacteria as a means, it also has a special ability that can only be used once every ten years.”

“Spore bomb.”

“Given the right circumstances, a country can be destroyed in just a few moments.”

“The sensation that guy caused at that time was heard even in the Navy.”

Carol thought for a moment:

“Yeah, it’s crazy.”

“The late king of Cigu Kingdom was considered a good king, but the two sons he raised…”

“It’s hard to describe in words…”

Twelve years ago, the great prince of the Ciggu Kingdom, Musulu.

While the former king of the Drum Kingdom was attending the World Conference, he used the spore bombs that could only be used once in ten years to launch against the Drum Kingdom.

It is also known as “testing ability”.

If it weren’t for the blizzard in the Ciggu Kingdom that made it difficult for the ability to spread, I’m afraid the Ciggu Kingdom would have been destroyed.

But that incident also led to the direction of the launch of spore bombs, and the extinction of humans and animals… directly killing one-tenth of the population of the Drum Country.

The former king of Cigu Kingdom, who was holding a world conference at the time, was so angry that he almost didn’t save him.

This is what happened at the World Conference, and the Navy heard about it.

After the former king of Cigu Kingdom was rescued, he didn’t even attend the world meeting and went home directly.

But in the end, I didn’t have the guts to do it. After all, he was his biological son…

Because the ability of the fungus fruit will be attenuated in a high-heat environment.

Therefore, he was exiled to the ‘Land of Fire’ of his good friend, King Ziravia…

Sakaski chuckled:

“Then let him die.”

“Barrett, I’ve asked him to go to the Drum Kingdom.”

“You will bring this virus and the Devil Fruit Recycler over soon.”

“After this virus is fed into the body, it will die without any warning. Even if it is thrown into the Navy’s scientific research team for examination, the final result will be natural death.”

“And this Devil Fruit Recycler will pierce the spikes here into a hidden place of flesh.”

“Watching him die, the power of the fruit will be transferred into the fruit in this container.”

“Transform into a new Devil Fruit.”

After taking the two things from Sakaski, Carol scratched his head:


“But how can I send it…”

Sakaski took out a pale white Devil Fruit and handed it to him:

“Eat it and you’ll know.”

Carol took the Devil Fruit and looked at it:

“This is a superhuman type. Can it fly?”

After all, we had just set off from Punk Hassad, and reaching the Drum Country in the first half of the Great Line was not something ordinary fruits could do.

Carol took a deep breath and took a bite with her eyes closed.

He frowned, chewed a few times, and swallowed with some pain:

“To die…”

Sakaski chuckled and handed over a glass of water.

After taking it, Carol took a swig and breathed a sigh of relief:


“Come alive.”

Sakaski said:

“Try it.”

Carol nodded, summoning her strength to sense something… Suddenly her eyes widened with shock, and she looked at Sakaski.

Carol disappeared instantly and appeared on the sofa on the left.




Figures kept flickering, disappearing and appearing without any warning.


Back to where I was at the beginning.

Carol’s shock hasn’t faded yet:

“This is teleportation.”

Sakaski nodded:

“That’s right, superhuman type, teleportation fruit.”

“The previous capability owner was a CP member of the government.”

“The earliest memory I have can be traced back to the Battle of the Valley of the Gods.”

“Later, during the Battle of Sgrim Sea, he also brought Kewell back. I wonder if you have seen him.”

Carol thought about it:

“That’s it…”

“He brought Lieutenant General Kewell back.”

“But we had already set off at that time, so we didn’t see it.”

“Then before the Sgrim Sea Battle happened, he was the one who brought you and Marshal Warring States there urgently.”

Sakaski nodded:

“That’s right.”

“This fruit is an unexpected surprise.”

“The government is also researching the technology for recycling Devil Fruits.”

“It never worked.”

“Then it was dominated by Mr. Vegapunk.”

“After several years of research, we have some results.”

“But the success rate is not high, only one percent.”

“This guy is already old. Coupled with the injuries he suffered during the mission when he was young, he won’t live long.”

“I just sent it here to see if I can recycle this fruit.”

‘Take a gamble. ’

“The result…it was a ‘natural’ failure.”

“As for the government looking for it, it’s hard to find it.”

“It may have been ‘reborn’ in a dark corner of the sea, waiting for its next host.”

Carol smiled and made an OK gesture:


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