Sakaski continued:

“When Valpo dies, as the sole remaining heir.”

“Mshulu, who was exiled to the Fire Country, will definitely be brought back to inherit the throne.”

“And on this endless sea.”

“It’s so normal for a few people to disappear.”

“Such a good ability will be of great use in the future.”

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, staring in the direction of the Three Emperors of the New World.

Carol inexplicably felt that the indoor temperature had dropped a bit:

“Have you thought of another cruel method?”

Sakaski said quietly:

“It’s not a cruel method.”

“I just want those trash to experience what despair is…”

Carol thought for a while:


“But with their characters, there is no hope.”

Those pirate kings…even Charlotte Lingling, who has the most children, would probably not be sad if a few of her children died.

Sometimes she even takes action herself…

As for those who have no family ties, let alone those…

Sakaski chuckled:

“Of course.”

“Everyone has weaknesses.”

“The so-called Pirate King is just a man who covers up these weaknesses because of his great strength.”

“So it makes people feel like they’re invulnerable.”

“But…it’s really like this.”


Sakaski took out a map and placed it on the table:

“Look where this is.”

Carol came over and said:

“The location of Charlotte Lingling, one of the Three Emperors.”

“Cake Island.”

Sakaski nodded:

“This circle around, the islands around Cake Island.”

“It formed a huge kingdom.”

“The Kingdom of Totland.”

“Also known as Ten Thousand Kingdoms.”

“You see something.”

Carol thought for a moment:

“A huge kingdom?”

Sakaski nodded and said:

“That’s right.”

“However, a huge kingdom is only the foundation.”

“You probably don’t know what her dream is.”

Carol nodded…I really don’t know.

Sakaski chuckled, others don’t know…but he knows:

“Charlotte Lingling’s Dream.”

“It is to establish a country where all races in the world, regardless of high or low, can live together.”

“I hope that all races can become ‘family’ and become as big as her, eating as equals around the dining table.”

“That’s why we named it the Kingdom of Totland. Another layer of meaning is the meaning of all nations.”

“What a beautiful and great ideal.”

The corners of Carol’s mouth twitched…this…

Sakaski continued:

“For those who want to join the All Nations, Charlotte Lingling welcomes everyone.”

“After joining the Ten Thousand Nations, no matter who they are, they will receive asylum.”

“All you need to pay is to hand over your life span and tribute once every six months. If you fail to hand over the tribute… you will be destroyed.”

“Such a nice place.”

“Do you want to go?”

Carol shook her head quickly:

“No, no, no…”

Sakaski smiled:

“It cannot be completely denied. At least if you are being chased by a powerful enemy, it would be good to escape there.”

“With the protection of Charlotte Lingling, one of the three emperors, I can at least survive.”

Put your hand on the map on your desktop:

“This Tollant.”

“It’s Charlotte Lingling’s dream and hard work.”

“Ten years later, throw that spore bomb into all nations, and combine it with some wind-type abilities to sweep the entire Tolant.”

“Except for those Charlotte Lingling’s children and some powerful cadres, everyone in Tolant…will die.”

“Do you think Charlotte Lingling will go crazy by then?”

Carol took a breath:

“I’m afraid I hate you so much that I go crazy…”

“This is too cruel…”

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly:

“If you’re not cruel, how can you let her know what pain is?”

“This group of sea garbage can destroy, war, and the world at every turn.”


“If you rely on your strong strength to crush ordinary battles, you think it is a war.”

“Any idea why they want war?”

“Because no one has ever caused them the pain of war.”

“Because no one destroys everything they care about.”

“And I just want to give them their dreams, their blood, everything they care about.”

“It’s all in vain.”

“So what if you have great strength.”

“Why are fungus fruits called the worst fruits?”

“It’s because its spores flow with the wind. Although it is extremely hot and cold, it fails when exposed to sea water and other defects.”

“But it’s undeniable that it just takes it by storm.”

“Anyone who comes into contact will die violently in just a few seconds.”

“Even if she can cast flames and cover Cake Island, she can’t cover the unknown number of miles of sea and the dozens of islands.”

“Let her watch the destruction of a place she worked for decades to build.”

“Let everything she owns disappear into thin air.”

“Those three-eyed tribes, if you interpret the text of history, they will all disappear.”

“Not only the kingdom that was established, but also the ridiculous dream of being the Pirate King was buried in the sea.”

“Let her go crazy with hate, let her find that she has lived in vain for decades and has nothing in the end.”

“There are also Steam Noc, Kaido of the Beasts, and even the red-haired Shanks who is about to become the new emperor.”

“They all have something they care about, but no one notices it.”

“one by one……”

“Use the most cruel means to completely destroy…”


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

In the Naval Academy, two purple-haired figures crisscrossed each other.

The young Sauter looked at Zefa charging forward, his body slightly floating in the air and he suddenly retreated.

At the same time, the surrounding ground surged out crazily, gathering on its arms, and was constantly compressed.

A huge lion head gauntlet was formed.

Although it was condensed in a hurry, it still weighed more than a thousand kilograms.

The lion head gauntlet seemed to be weightless, and it was filled with domineering energy and kept blasting out from Sauter’s hands.

Two people who are from the same origin cannot defeat each other at all.

Slowly, a trace of sweat broke out on Zefa’s head. After all, he was old.

Sgrihai was seriously injured during the war and his strength declined. In addition, he concentrated on teaching these years.

In the past, I could still suppress Sauter with my accumulation, but since Sauter ate the fruit and received his own guidance, he gradually became unable to do so.

Seeing the sweat on Zefa’s head, Sauter was in a daze.

Zefa raised the corner of his mouth slightly and blasted towards Sauter.

Only then did Sauter react and quickly resist…

boom! ! ! !

There was a huge noise.

The two took a few steps back and stopped.

Sauter shook the broken rock gauntlet in his hand:

“Almost, we lost again.”

Zefa was angry and laughed:

“You won.”

“No one told you that your acting skills are terrible.”

“And he was deliberately distracted.”

“You brat, I’m not that old yet.”

“No need to let me.”

Sauter scratched his head and laughed.

Zefa also laughed. He has really grown up…

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