Vegapunk explains:

“The spore bomb of the fungus fruit can only be launched once every ten years.”

“Normally speaking, this should be unreasonable.”

“After all, after eating the fruit, the person controls the ability.”

“But according to all the known information, the spore bombs of all the previous ability users of the Fungi Fruit were launched every ten years.”

“So it is very likely that the spore bomb is a fungus fruit. It requires some nutrients in the human body to synthesize it.”

“And this process takes ten years.”

“I’m very interested in what is needed specifically, but I don’t have time to study it.”

“But with this pacifist it’s different.”

Then he looked at the little girl with white hair and dark skin:

“It’s not like government programs that completely transform people into mechanical pacifists.”

“This pacifist is totally bred.”

Carol raised her eyebrows:


Vegapunk nodded:

“Yes, it’s a robot.”

“A living robot with flesh and blood.”

“Thanks also to the experimental data of Gaji sent by Eniro.”

“After all the information is integrated and integrated.”

“Created through lineage factor editing technology and some ideas that Sakaski and I discussed.”

“Because it’s cultivated, there are endless possibilities.”

“Theoretically, it can also incorporate the special abilities of some rare races, or the abilities of devil fruits.”

“But the progress in this area is not very smooth. Different cells are too conflicting.”

“So currently it is just the most primitive first generation cultivated through the flesh and blood of the ability user of that sweet fruit.”

“Having great talent is the most important thing.”

“It can greatly shorten the growth time.”

“Just like Gaji’s cloned soldier, it takes only five years to cultivate a twenty-year-old adult elite soldier.”

“After some optimizations on my part, it can now be shortened to three to four years.”

Vegapunk looked at the little girl with white hair and dark skin who was about eleven or twelve years old:

“So after eating the fungus fruit, she will grow to be twenty years old in about two years.”

“You can accumulate a spore bomb.”

“By the way, if you don’t need it in a hurry.”

“You can use a spore bomb in two years. If you do some research, you might be able to directly cultivate that special spore bomb.”

Similar to fungus fruits and poisonous fruits, these fruits have the ability to emit.

As long as there is sufficient equipment and research time, it can definitely be analyzed. With the original sample, cloning is still no problem.

Carol nodded:

“That’s it…”

“Okay, I will ask General Sakaski for instructions.”

“Then I’ll go back and resume my life first, Mr. Begapunk.”

“You should also rest early.”

Vegapunk said:

“Well, tell him about it.”


Carol disappeared.

Vegapunk felt a little melancholy:

“Rest…not enough time.”

Touching his almost bald hair:

“It would be nice if there were a few clones.”







“Seems like it works!!!!”


Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

In the white and empty hall, Wu Laoxing frowned and looked at the pile of reports on the table.

The tall and thin Wulaoxing frowned slightly:

“Can not be done.”

“How did this revolutionary army develop so fast?”

The curly-haired Five Old Star also frowned:


“This kind of development speed is completely beyond control.”

“It’s certainly a good thing to be able to cleanse some countries that don’t have it, but to this extent.”

“I’m afraid it will affect countries around the world.”

The five old stars holding swords said:

“That’s not a big deal. At most, cholera will spread all over the world.”

“What they rely on is nothing more than those stupid people who can’t be killed.”

“If you want to overthrow the world, you are still far away.”

The blond five old star said:

“But even if this is the case, we can’t ignore it.”

“After all, the main source of Heavenly Gold is the majority of the franchised countries located all over the world.”

The five old stars holding swords nodded:

“That’s true…”

The sturdy Wulaoxing said:

“How about letting the navy take action?”

“Start a comprehensive wanted search.”

The curly-haired Wulaoxing thought for a while:

“The navy’s main focus should still be on the new world.”

“On the other side of the Four Seas, let the navy be more careful.

Pay attention to the safety of the participating countries. ”

“Forget it about a comprehensive wanted order. After all, the new world has gradually become chaotic.”

“That guy…”

The five old stars holding swords said:

“The balance that has maintained the New World for several years has been broken.”

“It’s really his…”

“But it just so happens that it is not a good thing for those bold pirates to become stronger and stronger.”

“Just take this opportunity to add a new Pirate King to disrupt them.”






The Grand Line, Barudigo.

Revolutionary Army Headquarters.

The wind and sand in the sky were extremely heavy, and the visibility was even less than thirty meters.

But even under such circumstances, the training outside the headquarters was still going on as before, without any pause.


The sky was full of wind and sand.

Then within a radius of one kilometer outside the headquarters, the wind and sand slowly stopped and disappeared.

From the inside, it looks like there is a huge protective cover covering everyone’s heads to protect them from the wind and sand.

Everyone looked up in surprise:

“The Commander-in-Chief is back!!!!”

Long, who had been gone for many days, appeared at the door of the headquarters.

After greeting the soldiers with a smile, he walked back to the combat hall.

inside the hall.

The big bear looked at the dragon and said:

“Things went smoothly.”

Long nodded slightly:

“It went pretty well.”

“The location of the empty layer has been told to Ivan through the bribed jailer.”

“As for what to do…he can only rely on himself.”


Big Bear comforted:

“I’ve thought about this day for a long time, haven’t I?”

“It’s just that everything has been going too smoothly, so I’ve never tasted failure.”

Long sighed:


“This is reality…how can everything be smooth sailing…”

“But…it’s really uncomfortable.”

Big Bear said:

“Believe in Ivan, he will definitely be able to do it.”

Long calmed down his depressed mood:


Squinting his eyes slightly, he looked in the direction of Marie Joa:

“The battle has just begun…”


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

In the marshal’s office.

Warring States frowned and put down the phone:


“What a mess this is…”

Rubbing his temples,…it was clear that he was taking over a navy that was at its peak.

But why is there such a big difference from what was expected…

Once Marshal Kong left, Garp stopped doing his job, and the new generation still had little time. However, the two new generals were fishing in troubled waters, and they were still only supported by him and Sakaski.

But over in the New World, the remnant of the Roger Pirates, the red-haired Shanks, was making a big fuss and couldn’t figure out the situation.

Revolutionary armies are everywhere in the Four Seas, and the five old stars of the government have ordered the navy to defend the Sihai allies to the death.


I slapped the table to vent.

Warring States readjusted his emotions and reached out to pick up the phone bug:

“Notify me, all branch heads in the world.”

“Eight o’clock in the evening, conference call.”

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