After hanging up the phone, Zeng Guo frowned and looked at the information in his hand.

This is all information about the revolutionary army collected by the government. It is a thick pile and cannot be read at all.

The little goat next to him was chewing one piece after another, and Warring States didn’t care.

His eyes were fixed on the profile photo of Long, the leader of the revolutionary army.

The photo was extremely blurry, and the smaller half of his face was tattooed.

But the Warring States Period feels familiar…

And his name is Dragon.

“Is it really you…Dragon…”

Although the appearance is different, as someone who has seen grown up since childhood…


Grand Line, Desert Island.

On the island, all the mountains have been leveled.

There are huge holes all over the island.

The battle between the two men, one red and one blue, had lasted for four days and three nights.

Sakaski entered the red lotus mode, with lava flowing all over his body. Black smoke billowed behind him, and his eyes glowed with golden light as he stared at Barrett.

Barrett entered the ghost aura mode, and the three colors of domineering energy merged with the ghost aura, forming a special blue domineering energy that covered the whole body. His arms expanded three times, like a giant ape.

The island was already in a semi-submerged state, and Sakaski said:

“There are other moves.”

Barret, who has entered the mode of King Asura, has a face like a demon and a voice like thunder:

“There is one more move, be careful, General Sakaski.”

After he finished speaking, his arms that had tripled in size suddenly contracted, all the muscles in his body wriggled and adjusted, and his thigh muscles expanded a bit.

The blue domineering energy covering his whole body has not changed, but his body shape has changed drastically.

If the previous Barrett was a giant ape with thick blood and strong strength, then the current Barrett is a coordinated tiger.

Barrett’s eyes glowed red:

“Ghost energy, Asura, Great Asura King.”

Sakaski nodded and waved.

Barrett smiled ferociously, and a blue domineering energy that was so rich that it was almost substantial covered and flowed on his arms.

A moving evil ghost faintly appeared on his fist, and he swung it at Sakaski.

Several blue phantoms rushed towards Sakaski erratically, and at the same time, they stepped towards Sakaski several times faster than before.

Sakaski chuckled, and shot out a Hades, exploding in mid-air.

Several magma dog heads differentiated and exploded one by one corresponding to the blue shadows.

Bang bang bang——

Continuous explosions sounded, forming a rain curtain of magma in front of the two of them.


Barrett’s figure did not pause at all, his hands tore apart the airflow generated by the explosion and rushed towards Sakaski.

The ghost’s shadow condensed on his fist hit Sakaski.

Sakaski clashed with fists, but as soon as they made contact, he realized something was wrong:


The hurricane created by the collision of the two swept away and the ground shattered.

Barrett on the opposite side smiled ferociously, and the shadow on his fist actually flowed onto Sakaski’s arm after the fist collided with Sakaski’s.

And Sakaski only felt a little stiffness in the muscles that were flowed by the ghost energy.

Although he was driven away by a large number of armed colors in just an instant, it was at that moment that Barrett increased his power output.

Sakaski took a few steps back while facing Sakaski, and Sakaski smiled and said:


The strong armed color was compressed and condensed, covering the body as if it were free of charge.

A huge impact erupted from the shoulder and elbow of his right arm, and he hit Barrett with his right fist.

Barrett raised his left fist and struck it, but this time the evil ghost’s shadow did not rush into Sakaski.

Under Sakaski’s massively compressed armament, it stopped at the point where the two fists touched.

Barrett’s devilish face showed a hint of helplessness:

“What a scoundrel…”

This massive amount of domineering…

Sakaski chuckled, and the shoulder of his right arm exploded.

The dark arms are extremely hard, coupled with the explosive force.

Barrett felt an unparalleled push and flew backwards.

boom–! ! ! ! !

The man and his arm smashed into the island and exploded, setting off a mushroom cloud nearly 100 meters high.

A violent earthquake struck, and the nearly half-sunk island cracked again and split into two.

Under the violent airflow, Barrett inserted his hands into the ground.

The blue domineering energy continued to flow out, and it felt almost the same.

Put your feet firmly on the ground and push your arms hard!

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”


A huge clod of earth that covered the sky and sun was thrown high into the air by Barrett.

It’s like a hill, but the difference is that this hill… is extremely blue.

Barrett jumped and instantly appeared on the ghostly hill.


Aiming in the direction of Sakaski, the afterimage of his right arm flashed and hit the hill.

The hill trembled suddenly and shot towards Sakaski.

Looking at the hill that hit him, a large area of ​​the ground behind Sakaski turned into lava.

The giant magma fist rushed out from behind, attached with domineering energy from bottom to top, stretching infinitely, and rushed towards the hill.

There was a loud bang.

The island shook and the water was turbulent.

The surface of the giant fist was smashed, but the subsequent part resisted the falling hill.


A huge evil ghost suddenly appeared on the surface of the hill.

Barrett didn’t know when he appeared on the hill, and a steady stream of ghostly energy came to him.

The evil ghost’s shadow instantly broke through the domineering force on the magma arm, crushed the huge magma arm, and then accelerated towards Sakaski.

Sakaski raised his head slightly and narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the huge shadow, he took a step back with his right leg and moved his right fist behind him to accumulate strength.

The huge evil ghost shadow pressed towards Sakaski with the impact of the swooping hill.

When the hill was less than half a meter away and he was in front of him, Sakaski leaned forward and punched out his right arm.

boom! ! !

The blazing ghost dog shadow instantly penetrated the evil ghost shadow, passed through the hill, and hit the side of Barrett’s face.

Sakaski, who was hit by the ghost’s shadow, and the ground around him with a radius of one kilometer, sank half as high as his knees.

Bang bang bang——

A huge impact erupted from Sakaski below the hill, directly splitting it in two.

But Barrett above was nowhere to be seen.

Sakaski threw his left arm back without looking back:



There was a loud bang.

Sakaski’s fist was thrown directly on Barrett’s fist, and Barrett’s whole body was rolled and thrown away with violent airflow.

But within a hundred meters, he adjusted his posture and disappeared instantly as soon as his feet touched the ground!

The naked eye cannot react to the extremely fast speed, but seeing, hearing, and color can…


Before the afterimage here dissipated, Barrett rushed from behind again.

For a moment, it was like a blue storm surrounding Sakaski in the center, and at the same time, the storm kept rushing out of Barrett and attacking Sakaski.

Surrounded in the center, Sakaski’s face kept changing, and his arms were constantly colliding with afterimages.

Suddenly he turned around and punched away!

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