The two fists collided.


Sakaski’s arm suddenly exploded.

Barrett’s fist hit Sakaski without any resistance, although he was a little confused about the situation.

But the fist did not stop at all.

The corner of Sakaski’s mouth curled up slightly. In Barrett’s disbelieving eyes, the exploding arm seemed to appear out of thin air.

I didn’t even see the squirming growth, and it condensed instantly.

Sakaski tilted his body slightly, and his regrouped arm hit Barrett’s chest at an angle.

boom! ! ! !

The flying body smashed out circles of white and exploded, and was blasted into the sea.


Waves of water tens of meters high exploded and surged around.

The golden light in Sakaski’s eyes receded, and he put away the red lotus mode and returned to his normal state.

He stepped straight into the sky and flew to the warship in the distance.

The desert island where the two were fighting completely collapsed and slowly sank into the sea.


Barrett rushed out of the water, also removed the ghost mode, shook his head, rushed out of the water and returned to the warship.

Taking the towel handed by the soldier, Barrett wiped his body:

“It’s still far from enough.”

“I’m just a little unhappy.”

Sakaski shook his head and smiled:

“It’s not a fight to the death, it’s just a test.”

“It’s ready, the foundation is enough.”

“The remaining domineering and physical strength can only be honed slowly.”

“Without the use of fruit abilities, it would still be very troublesome to simply compete in physical skills and domineering.”

In fact, Sakaski didn’t have all the fun, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The two of them broke out with all their strength, just on this small island, let alone four days and three nights.

Sakaski sank with one lava explosion…

Barrett smiled:

“It’s just troublesome.”

Carol, who has been back for a long time, said:

“There are very few people who can defeat General Sakaski with their physical skills and domineering power.”

“If it’s a one-on-one challenge, the only ones we have at our headquarters are Lieutenant General Garp and Marshal Sengoku.”

“It’s true that no one can beat you.”

Barrett smacked his lips:

“That’s true.”

Sakaski smiled and said:

“The Devil Fruit has been prepared for you a long time ago.”

“It’s almost time for you now.”

Barrett came interested:


“What kind of fruit is it?”

Sakaski smiled and said:

“A fruit you can’t refuse.”

Carol took out a prepared fruit and handed it to Barrett’s hand.

Sakaski said:

“Superman type – multiplier fruit.”

“You can multiply the speed, strength, volume, weight, etc. of the objects you come into contact with.”

“It can be multiplied up to a hundred times.”

“If attached to itself, the speed can be doubled, up to a hundred times.”

“As for awakening, no one has ever achieved it in the records, so I don’t know what it is like.”

“But it’s very convenient.”

“for example……”

Carol smiled and said:

“Magnify the missile made by Enel a hundred times and smash it over…”

Barrett stared at the devil fruit with wide eyes and took a breath. This… the love fruit in his dreams.

Although he hasn’t eaten yet, at this moment, he has already thought of countless ways to use his abilities.

I ate it without hesitation.

He frowned slightly, swallowed it, felt the effect of the fruit, and felt blessed:

“10x speed.”

One step, swoosh! ! ! !

A large hole was opened in the guardrail of the warship.

Suddenly appearing on the sea hundreds of meters away, Barrett looked back at the warship in shock.

This is already twice the speed of the previous Great Asura King mode, and it is only the speed in the normal state.


The man returned to the warship in an instant, his body swaying a little, and he almost lost control.

Barrett couldn’t contain his joy:

“This fruit is really amazing.”

He stretched out his hand to summon a soldier and asked him to withdraw a bullet.

Buzz buzz——

The bullet in Barrett’s hand expanded three times after being wrapped in a light film.

A small bullet turned into a cannonball the size of a millstone.

I bumped it with my hands and found that the weight and size were all right, as if it was already that big.

Throw it far away.

This millstone-sized cannon didn’t even see a shadow. At a hundred times the speed, it hit the sea in the distance as soon as it was released.

The explosion sent waves of water into the sky, and you can already imagine the scene of the missile made by Enel exploding.

Sakaski looked at Barrett with experimental ability and said:


“How many times can I control myself?”

Barrett grinned:

“At present, ten times is no problem, but the limit that can be controlled is only twenty or thirty times.

,I predict. ”

“A hundred times is fine, but it’s useless.”

“Can’t control it.”

Sakaski nodded:

“It’s already pretty good.”

The last ability user, Bundy Waldo, was just a slightly stronger pirate with only limited physical skills. In the original work, he was hammered by Luffy, who had just learned his domineering skills.

The limit of human body’s reaction ability is there, so it can be increased up to fifty times.

But Barrett is much stronger than him. He is already at his limit. With his reaction speed, it can be improved twenty or thirty times.

At close range, Porusalino and Eniro may not be as fast as him.

Barrett went to the battlefield at the age of eight and served as a demolition soldier who almost died.

From joining the Navy to fighting with Sakaski for more than 20 years, it was all honed in life and death.

Even if the two of them are light and lightning at close range, they will definitely be caught by Barrett’s armed hands.

The ability of the whole body to transform into a natural system requires the brain to react.

However, as long as the distance is widened and the two of them run, Barrett will definitely not be able to catch them. After all, it is light and electricity, and the physical limit is there.

Sakaski said:

“Exercise first, don’t expose yourself.”

“Go back and find an opportunity to cleanse a wave of pirates and find this fruit.”

Barrett nodded:


It’s not that Sakaski was too careful, but it was just too coincidental.

Bundy Val and the Golden Lion mostly died at the hands of Sakaski.

As soon as the front leg of the golden lion died, the fruit from the rear leg came into Soter’s hands. Some people would believe it if it was a coincidence.

But Waldo couldn’t explain it. When everyone thought about the fruit’s ability, they would subconsciously think about who the previous host would be.

The two people who died in Sakaski’s hands had their powerful fruit abilities passed on to others through Sakaski’s hands. That… really idiots couldn’t achieve that position.

Whether it is pirates, the navy, or the government, there is no shortage of smart people…


A few days later.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

At the port, several warships filled with trainees were preparing to set off.

Sauter stood at the head, directing everyone and proceeding in an orderly manner.

Zefa stood on the warship and nodded.

Marshal’s Office.

Some rapid footsteps came.

Bang bang bang——



The office door was opened.

The messenger panted a little, swallowed his saliva and said:

“Report, Marshal Warring States.”

“Just got the news.”

“Admiral Sakaski and Lieutenant General Barrett bloodbathed the Shampoo Islands, the auction house in the lawless zone.”

“And the scope of cleaning is gradually expanding.”

Warring States suddenly stood up:


“what happened!”

The messenger took a deep breath and said:

“It seems… because of a fruit.”

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