Warring States frowned:


Just because of a fruit, the Shampoo Islands were slaughtered with blood.

Although the method of bloodbath is very consistent with Sakaski’s character, what fruit can cause this…

“Go and fetch Porusalino.”

The soldier saluted and said:


He ran out in a hurry.

Warring States here directly picked up the phone bug and dialed, but there was no answer there…



Grand Line, Chambord Islands.

At this time, the Chambord Islands no longer had that beautiful and pleasant feeling.

The island composed of 79 huge mangroves is currently surrounded by a towering magma barrier with no exit.

The height of the barrier is higher than the giant mangrove tree, making it difficult to see what is going on inside.

Many newly arrived, ships from all over the world are stationed outside at a loss.

Some smart people have turned around and left, but some who are short of supplies have no choice but to wait anxiously.

As more and more ships gathered, the pirates among them became restless and prepared to plunder.

But at this time, magma spears suddenly shot out from the huge magma barrier, shooting directly at all the pirate ships.

Boom boom boom——

Continuous explosions sounded, burying the pirates one by one on the sea.

Shampoo Islands, within the island.

These huge mangroves are also divided by towering magma barriers. They look like a huge honeycomb from the sky.

Above the barrier, magma spears were densely intersecting like spider webs, covering the sky.

There were pirate corpses hanging from countless magma spears, their bodies pierced and hanging in the sky.

They are all pirates who want to escape from the air relying on their own strength.

All were pierced on it, and blood continued to drip. It was like a rain of blood falling on the entire island.

Starting from the huge mangrove No. 30 to No. 1, there was not a complete body wherever Sakaski and Barrett passed.

A feeling of despair and depression filled the hearts of the pirates.

Even those who could fly in the sky or on the earth could not escape. Those with strong physical skills who could fly were all pierced through their bodies and hung from it.

And the ground…

Sakaski stood on the ground with his arms folded, looking at the fleeing pirates indifferently.

Barrett entered ghost mode, with blue skin and scarlet eyes, like a devil.

And what he does is like a devil…

The sounds of gunfire, artillery, sword energy, and abilities are constantly being stimulated here.

But it’s no use…

These slaps on Barrett’s body were just scratches.


The figure suddenly appeared.

Caught two pirates.

He pressed the two pirates’ heads with both hands and bumped them.


It was like a watermelon falling from a height of dozens of meters and hitting the ground.

Under the powerful impact, even the skull instantly turned into powder and exploded with blood mist.

The pirates around were pushing and pushing the people around them back, trying to buy themselves time to escape, although all these were in vain…

Barrett’s figure appeared instantly, caught a pirate who was pushed and flew back, and smiled ferociously at him.

The pirate looked horrified and speechless, and watched helplessly as the big hand pressed on the top of his head.

Barrett’s left hand grabbed the pirate’s waist, and his right hand pressed on his head.

There was a ruckus——

A series of bones-crushing sounds sounded.

The upper body of the pirate’s corpse had disappeared, turning into flesh and bone residue and flowing down under the violent crushing.

Barrett grabbed the remaining half of his body and threw it out in a throwing posture.

boom! ! !

The pirate that was hit was immediately torn into pieces.

The afterimage of his arm flashed and caught a bunch of incoming bullets.

He held a dozen rounds of round marbles in his palm.

Roll one onto your thumb and pop it against a pirate.

The light film of the ability covered the surface of the bullet, flew away rapidly, and expanded three times in mid-air, turning into a cannonball the size of a millstone.

It passed over the head of the pirate, and he didn’t have time to laugh out loud at the joy of escaping.

Barrett appeared in front of him, grabbed the millstone-like cannonball with his big hand, and smashed it directly on the pirate’s head.

boom! ! !

A mushroom cloud more than ten meters high appeared, emitting thick black smoke.

The pirate’s body was long gone.

Barrett waved his arm in the black smoke.


The smoke was like a torn rag, split in two.

Another bullet rolled out of his hand and landed on his fingernail…

Continuous explosions sounded in this area, and the huge smell of gunpowder was intoxicating.

Sakaski watched all this with his arms folded, the phone bug in his pocket never stopping…

There’s the government, there’s the navy…

But the continuous ringing of the phone also made people feel bored. He frowned slightly and pressed the phone button.


The world is completely quiet…

In the perception of sight, hearing and color, people are already waiting outside, using their abilities to open a hole in the magma.

“Barrett, let’s settle it all.”

Barrett stopped and looked at the magma opening:


The blue afterimage flashed across the entire No. 1 area instantly.

At the opening of the magma, all the marines stationed at the Shampoo Islands were gathered, as well as Demola, who was already a lieutenant general.

In their frightened eyes, they saw the pirates who had just come into view.

There was a pause, and then everything exploded into a mist of blood, covering the sky…


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a living pirate broke through the blood mist and was thrown towards Demora.

The pirate’s frightened face stopped close to Demora’s face, and Demora’s heart skipped a beat.


In front of Demora’s eyes, less than two centimeters away, the whole person was torn in half and fell to the ground…

Barrett was covered in blood and said with a ferocious smile:

“General Sakaski is waiting for you inside.”

Demora went into cardiac arrest and stayed where he was.

Barrett suddenly came close to Demora and looked at him condescendingly:

“Didn’t you hear that?”

Demora shuddered and panicked:

“Yes Yes!!!!”

Avoiding Barrett, he rushed towards the blood mist in a panic. After running a few steps, he heard Sakaski’s deep voice in the blood mist:



The pressure of the overlord’s color that contained murderous intent finally made Demora react.

He showed his strength as one of the generals and used Shao in an instant.


Appeared in front of Sakaski.

Demora swallowed, lowered his head and said nervously:

“General Sakaski.”

Sakaski looked at him indifferently.



Half of Demora’s face was almost smashed, and a big crater was made in the ground.

Sakaski’s emotionless voice sounded:

“Have you forgotten what you do?”


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