Demora covered her face and stood up tremblingly:



The whole person smashed into the ground again.

Sakaski squatted down, patted Demora’s face, and made a snap:

“What are you hesitating about?”

Demora lay on the ground and shouted:


Sakaski stood up and kicked him:

“Get up.”

Demora stood up hurriedly.

Sakaski looked at the blood mist that gradually dissipated:

“I’ve been stationed at Shampoo for about twenty years.”

Demora didn’t dare to wipe his face even though it was covered in blood. He lowered his head and said respectfully:

“Twenty-four years.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“Twenty-four years…”

“What? You’ve had enough greed and want to retire?”

Demora lowered her head, her pupils shrank sharply, her whole body was cold, and she was trembling so hard that she dared not speak.

Sakaski said quietly:

“Dare you do it or admit it?”

“It’s not you who collects the protection money every week, plunders the pirate group, and captures and sells people?”

“Do you want me to give you more details?”


“Split the money late at night every week? Call your subordinates stupid after sharing? Manage everything?”

“After more than 20 years of fishing, have you had enough?”


Demora was so weak that he sat paralyzed on the ground, his mind went blank and he didn’t know how to explain…

It turns out that everything I do is under the control of the above…

Sakaski said coldly:

“Get out of here.”

Demora got up in panic:

“This subordinate deserves death!”

Sakaski stared at him indifferently, and cold sweat continued to flow from Demora’s head.

Until Demora could no longer hold on and fell down again, Sakaski let out a light voice:

“You were going to die. You died twenty years ago.”

“Can’t survive now.”

“I keep you because you have the ability.”

“Able to maintain the balance of the Shampoo Islands.”

“Condensing the gathering place of pirates into the lawless areas from 1 to 29.”

“But tell me, what is this now?”


Demora’s chest and ribs were all shattered, and he was half-kneeling on the ground, coughing up blood:

“Cough cough cough….”

Sakaski retracted his fist:

“The illegal zone has spread to more than 50 giant mangroves.”

“They are all neighbors of the naval base.”

“What? Have you made enough?”

“Leave it alone?”

“Want to take the money and live a stable retirement life?”

“You feel…..”

“Is it possible?”

Sakaski’s deep voice contained murderous intent and sounded in Demora’s ears.

Demora ignored his injuries and kept kneeling and kowtow.

Blood soaked the ground in front of him.

Sakaski frowned slightly:


Demora knelt down and said tremblingly:

“Ahem…Subordinate…Subordinate…there is nothing we can do.”

After speaking, he cautiously looked up at Sakaski, but when he saw Sakaski staring at him with a cold face, his body trembled, and he quickly said:

“In recent years, for unknown reasons, the number of pirates has increased dramatically.”

“As the only entrance to the new world, there are more and more people…”

“The prices of everything have skyrocketed, and many business people have made a fortune. Over time… some government officials have also focused on this place.”

“Using the convenience of his authority, he continues to carry out various businesses.”

“And those pirates are very rich… There are more and more people, and more and more shops are opening.”

“Gradually, the illegal zone can no longer be opened…”

“It spreads to the surrounding areas…”

“Those pirates are all cash cows. There is pressure from above. I…I can’t help it…”

“If you cut off their financial resources, my subordinates… will be dead on the street the next day.”

Sakaski stared at Demora, suddenly chuckled, squatted down and looked at him:

“Dead body on the street?”


Demora flew upside down and smashed a house, almost fainting.

Sakaski walked slowly and stepped on the struggling Demora:

“Are you kidding me?”

“The dignified Vice Admiral, he kills whenever he says?”

“Who does he think he is?”

He bent down and picked up Demora:

“I satisfy you.”

“Point out the places to me one by one.”

“Don’t talk about their cash cow. Even if Xiang Bo Di is slaughtered today, what can they do?”

He threw the Demora in his hand towards the naval soldiers in the distance:

“Carry him and lead the way.”


No. 42 is a huge mangrove in a large tourist and recreational area.

A sudden incident caused this still-expanding

Sightseeing and entertainment areas are temporarily closed and the doors are closed.

The owner of this tourist area reassured everyone, promising that there was a background, so everyone could rest assured.

And since Sakaski and Barrett started purging from No. 30 to No. 1, the frightened people waited for a while and nothing happened.

I slowly felt relieved and started to continue playing.


A rapid sound broke through the air, causing everyone to look around for the source.

Suddenly someone pointed to the sky in horror:


“What is that!!”

I saw a giant fist of magma falling from the sky and hitting them…

boom! ! ! !

The management hall not far behind was hit directly.

Turned into a sea of ​​ruins and fire…

Then there was the sound of neat running outside.

Groups of navy soldiers ran in with guns drawn and surrounded the entire tourist area.

Sakaski walked in slowly and waved his hand.

Several soldiers ran forward carrying Demora on a stretcher.

Sakaski’s indifferent voice sounded:

“Come on, identify them one by one.”

“Don’t even let the dog go.”

Not long after, continuous gunfire rang out.

Some people resisted, some made phone calls, some died suddenly…

In just a few moments, all the managers of Nuoda’s tourist area were shot dead, and all the money was swept away.

The soldiers came back to resume their duties, and Sakaski looked at the group of tourists gathered together:

“People stand on the left, pirates stand on the right.”

At the same time, a trace of the domineering color radiated from his body, suppressing their nerves.

People’s minds went blank, and they subconsciously listened to the order to separate… There were also some pirates who came over and sneaked to the left.

Five minutes later, everyone was divided into teams.

Sakaski withdrew his overbearing look and moved his fingers.

Several figures in the civilian area were killed by headshots, and a burst of screams came.

Sakaski ignored it and looked to the pirate area on the right:

“Big fire-”


There is only a large area of ​​magma left on the ground…



No. 47 giant mangrove, specialty product area of ​​a certain company.

Countless soldiers surrounded the place. The shop owner in a black suit wiped his sweat:

“Hello, General Sakaski.”

“I am……”



Huge Mangrove No. 54……



Huge Mangrove No. 56……






As Sakaski closed his fist, no one knew how many buildings were destroyed…


Demora’s mind went blank and he shook his head. It’s gone…it’s completely gone…

There is no hiding anything, and I dare not hide anything.

Now the entire business in Shampoo is almost paralyzed.

After being completely destroyed by Sakaski, the ground that was swept by magma still smells like…

Sakaski nodded:

“Go back and keep it. If you don’t want to die, then show your value.”

“If I find out that an illegal zone is a neighbor of a naval base, you won’t be able to live anymore.”

“Including several lovers and sons of your branch on the three islands.”

Demora responded coldly, and Sakaski continued:

“Go back and collect all the information from those high-level government officials.”

“No matter what method you use, the more the better, including family, children, illegitimate children, everything.”

“give it to me.”

“If you die, your whole family will be buried with you.”

Demora took a deep breath:


The tone was unusually firm.

There is no other way… We have reached a dead end. It is better to die to others than to die ourselves.

Near evening.

The “Bloodbath of Shampoo Land” incident that shocked the world came to an end.

Sakaski’s cruelty and iron-bloodedness once again shocked the world, and countless photos flew everywhere with the news birds.

According to later statistics from various parties, it took two months just to clean up the bodies…


Huge mangrove No. 30.

Sakaski touched his hand on the magma barrier to recover his power.

The magma barrier surrounding the island is shrinking visibly to the naked eye…

Barrett stood on the edge, looking at the endless corpses behind him:

“It seems like you did it a little too much, General Sakaski.”

“How can it be done if so many officials are involved?”


Ski Youyou said:

“My teeth were broken, and they had to swallow them all.”

“A random person threatens a Vice Admiral and leaves his body dead on the street.”

“What a big joke…”

Mainly and indeed, it’s time for a wave of cleaning… This wave of cleaning has resulted in several years of research funding…

At this time.

A ray of golden light passed through the slowly recovering magma barrier and condensed around Sakaski.

After Porusalino appeared, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said:


“Finally opened~”

“I’m still thinking about how to get in~”

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