Porusalino looked at the island stained red with blood:

“Within the mouth~”

“Is there anyone alive on this island~”

“What kind of fruit is it~”

“Such a big fight~”

Sakaski said while recovering the magma:

“It’s not just the fruit, some people stretch their hands too far.”

“Chop it off for him and repair it.”

“As for the fruit, you should compete with Barrett.”

Barrett grinned widely, and dark domineering energy appeared, flowing on his fists, and he looked at Porusalino.

Porusalino was a little curious:


“Let’s compete~”


He touched his chin with his fingers in a thinking gesture.

Porusalino here was still thinking, and Barrett said with a ferocious smile:

“Compare your speed, Porusalino.”

Porusalino paused for a moment:


It’s a little strange how anyone could compete with him in speed.


A sound broke through the air.

Barrett’s figure appeared, and his mobile weapon-colored iron fist hit the spot where Porusalino was just now.

Spots of light condensed on the huge mangrove branches behind, and the figure of Porusalino appeared:

“Within the mouth~”

“Appeared suddenly~ so fast~”


Barrett turned around and grinned:

“I’ll catch you next time.”

“get ready.”

Porusalino’s palms were symmetrical, placed in front of him, and the light spots condensed:



“Then I have to be a little more serious~”



A strong black shadow instantly covered Porusalino’s body.

Porusalino raised his head slightly, his pupils shrank sharply, and he looked into Barrett’s grinning face…

Time seems to stand still…

Porusalino suddenly disappeared without warning and appeared in the mid-air in the distance.

Without looking at the branch where he was just now, a large hand covered in military colors pressed directly on his shoulder.

Pressing him down to the ground…


The two fell to the ground.

Porusalino put his hands in his trouser pockets, bent his body slightly, and stabilized himself, his cloak of justice fluttering.

Barrett’s sturdy figure was behind him, with a hand on his shoulder and a smile on his face.

Sakaski, who was recovering the magma over there, also slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

Porusalino lost his composure at this time, his smile also faded a lot, and he slowly spoke:

“The mouth~dig~within~~”


The brain was working rapidly, and in just a few words, the scene just now was reviewed several times in his mind.

The body slowly stood upright, and Barrett’s hand on his shoulder was retracted.

Porusalino’s expression recovered a bit, and he had already thought of something:

“It’s to increase speed~”

After just reviewing the several times in his mind, he could clearly feel that it was not teleportation.

It was extremely fast, so fast that…his thinking couldn’t keep up.

Can’t react…

It seems that I have slacked off a bit recently…

Barrett crossed his arms and smiled:

“Superman type – multiplier fruit.”

A gasp sounded.


This fruit… Porusalino instantly felt a toothache:

“Multiple fruits?”

“That’s certainly worth the effort.”

Some perverted fruits are listed by the government…

The reason why Bundy Waldo is called the Destroyer of Worlds is because of his ability to destroy islands at will.

Want to catch him? At 50x speed, there are a few who can catch up.

This is also the reason why the navy failed in many encirclement and suppression campaigns a few years ago.

Later, the government sent Sengoku and Sakaski to request that they be captured alive as much as possible, but unfortunately they died in the hands of Sakaski “accidentally”…

This fruit disappeared on the sea for more than twenty years…

Unexpectedly, as soon as he showed up, he would fall into Barrett’s hands.

Even more powerful…

Porusalino sighed.

He also realized at this time that in terms of reflexes, he definitely couldn’t compare to Barrett. The distance was too short.

If it were any wider, it would be much harder for Barrett to catch him.

Porusalino’s face regained its seriousness:


“Then I will go back to find the marshal to revive him~”

“Multiple fruits~”

“This is a big event~”

Sakaski chuckled:

“Go ahead.”

“I will explain the details of this incident to Warring States and Marshal Kong later.”

Spots of light began to emit from Polusalino:

“That’s it~”




A golden light instantly cut across the sky and disappeared.

After Porusalino disappeared completely, Sakaski’s smile slowly faded:

“How about it.”

Barrett laughed ferociously:

“Within five hundred meters, he will die.”

This distance was simulated by increasing the upper limit of some two people after his test just now.

Based on Porusalino’s reaction speed and conversion speed, we calculated it.

His starting speed, how far he could catch up and catch Porusalino.

If it was further away, it would exceed Porusalino’s starting reaction speed, turn into light and run without thinking, making it impossible to catch up.

Sakaski chuckled.

Staring at the direction in which Porusalino left, he said faintly:



Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

As the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Kong’s face gradually darkened as he listened to what happened in the phone bug:

“Okay, okay, I understand.”

“I’ll let them explain this matter.”


Hang up on the phone bug.


Slapping his big hand on the table, Kong snorted coldly:

“What a courage.”

Get up and push the door open directly, heading towards the hall where Wulaoxing is…


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Marshal’s Office.

Porusalino sat on the sofa, picked up the teacup, blew lightly, and took a sip:

“That’s it~Marshal~”

He slowly told the story of the tragic situation in Shampoo Land and what kind of fruit it was that made Sakaski and Barrett so violent.

Warring States crossed his hands and placed them on the table, thinking about something with a slightly condensed expression:

“I understand, you go back first.”

Porusalino stood up slowly:


Walk out the door leisurely.

Dong dong dong——

Sengoku put his hand down at some point, and kept tapping his index finger on the table:

“Bundy Waldo…”

In his mind, he couldn’t help but recall the previous person with the ability to multiply fruits.

Bundy Waldo died at the hands of Sakaski…

The golden lion that died at the hands of Sakaski.

Is there any connection…?

Sauter’s ability…Barrett’s ability…

Under the subtle influence of the Buddha Fruit, he has the wisdom and spirit of a Buddha, and he can easily associate some things…

But in fact, it is sometimes very distressing, because although these things can be connected in series, they are extremely unreasonable…

He shook his head to expel the thoughts from his mind.

Barrett gained the ability to multiply his fruits, which is a good thing after all.

The navy’s foundation has become stronger.


The phone bug’s voice rang.

Looking at the expression on the caller’s face, Warring States picked up:



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