Thousands of meters in the air.

Boom boom——

The explosions of collision continued to sound.

Weibull’s demented expression was filled with a hint of madness:

“Damn bugs!”

“Where is this! Where is mom!!!”


He raised his naginata high and swung it down at Sote.


There seemed to be a slight delay, and then a huge slash appeared, breaking through everything in front and killing Sauter.

Sauter raised his hand and waved.

Countless fragments on the warship condensed and reorganized.

A combined fist several meters high was formed, and he stretched out his hand to rest on it.

The rich armed color instantly covered it, turning it extremely dark.

Smashing forward suddenly, the huge black fist was like a rocket, carrying air waves and rushing towards the slash.

boom–! ! !

Mushroom clouds rise.

The warship was completely reduced to pieces under the impact of this huge explosion.

Weibull lost his footing and was falling rapidly.

The fragments of the warship reorganized to form a huge arrow, attached with domineering energy, like a black meteor, shooting towards Weibull.

The veins on Weibull’s arm rioted, and he aimed at the huge arrow and swung it.

A sound like a thunderbolt exploded in the sky.

The huge arrow composed of warship fragments, even if it is attached with armament color, is still in danger of collapse.

However, Weibull’s descent speed doubled several times, and he was pressed down by the huge arrow.

And Sauter did not know when he appeared further down.

The arms were attached with a jet-black flowing weapon color, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Weibull who was flying down.

After finding the correct position, the muscles of his right arm suddenly swelled.

Aim at Weibull’s lumbar spine and punch him!


There was a crisp sound, and one could clearly feel that Weibull’s lumbar vertebra was broken, but it was not serious.


Not only was Weibull’s body beaten to a ninety-degree angle by the inertia and impact, he actually turned angrily and slashed at Sauter.

Sauter’s pupils shrank sharply, and he suddenly dodged and retreated, feeling extremely shocked in his heart.

This guy…what the hell kind of physical fitness.

Just now, he was pressed down by the huge arrow and rushed downward, and the punch that hit his lumbar spine from bottom to top made him withstand it for his life…

It’s too perverted…

Sauter’s brows jumped and he looked at the angry Weibull.

I had only heard of those pirates with abnormal talents on the sea before, but this time I saw it for real…

Weibull looked at Sauter who was very far away and couldn’t attack him. He angrily grabbed the arrow that was pressing him down and smashed it down.

Aimed in the direction of Sauter:

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”


The arrow controlled by Sauter’s ability, under the huge power, was forced out of control and shot towards Sauter.

Sauter’s mouth twitched slightly, and he stretched out his hand to push.


The arrows that exploded directly turned into fragments all over the sky, flying everywhere, losing all their strength.

With a flip of his palm, the fragments reassembled into four big hands and rushed towards Weibull.

Sauter followed.

Four big hands flew from four directions and hit Weibull.

Amidst the huge roar, four big hands squeezed and locked the body firmly.

Not waiting for him to use that huge force to break free.

A subtle sound broke through the air, and the infinite sense of crisis stimulated Weibull’s nerves.

A violent explosion erupted from the big hand that locked Weibull, and instantly swayed across the sky.

I want to reach out and grab my head.

However, Sauter suddenly appeared and blocked his arms for a moment.


Weibull fell directly into darkness.

Under the control of Sauter’s ability, the two iron rods were attached with armed colors, shot from the eyes, penetrated straight into Weibull’s brain, and disappeared.

The four big black hands locking Weibull faintly collapsed, but it was too late to struggle any longer.

Sauter moved and appeared on top of Weibull’s head and held down:


The two iron rods that sank into Weibull’s brain broke directly into countless small pieces, quickly gathered and spun…

After several screams and roars, Weibull completely lost his life and his body drooped.

The eye sockets, nostrils, mouth… are constantly flowing with red and white flesh pulp and iron filings…

Sauter slowly released his palm:

“That was… this guy’s ability just now.”

Weibull’s explosion just before his death was recalled in his mind.

Sauter held his shoulders and dropped him down.


On the pirate ship below.

Zefa looked at Sauter who was carrying Weibull’s body and smiled:

“It’s solved.”

Sauter breathed a sigh of relief and said:

“Yeah…it’s a trick.”

“This guy’s physique is quite abnormal.”

“Save it for Brother Enelu to do experiments on.”

“It must be good material.”

Thinking back to the scene just now, Sauter still couldn’t help but feel a toothache. What kind of abnormal physique is this…

Even the waist was not broken by the impact. Just when it was thrown into the sea, 99% of the people were instantly paralyzed or died.

But there really is such an outrageous guy… who can still turn around and fight back…

Zefa nodded, interested:


“Go back and tell us about the battle.”

Sauter said:


“We need to close the team.”

There was no other way. Two warships were destroyed, which was equivalent to losing half of the supplies.

Zefa looked at the cheering students on the warship in the distance:

“Hmph…collect the team.”

“But tell them first that they are not allowed to graduate.”

“Go back and practice for another half month.”

“Scare them.”

“Don’t tell anyone.”

“Give them a long memory.”

“I’ll save you from making such stupid mistakes again.”

Sauter smiled helplessly:


The pirate ship under their feet took off into the air and flew towards where the warship was…


New World, Dantou Island, early morning.

The sun hasn’t risen yet, but it’s already getting light.

Heavy fog filled the area.

Alone, Alnilu escorted the warship filled with treasures to a location not far from Egg Head Island.

As soon as we got there, the sea started bubbling.

After a few seconds, a giant robot emerged from the water.

He nodded to Enel, opened his chest, and a dense crowd of robots walked out of it and began to carry the treasure.

Enelu yawned a little boredly.

I scanned freely and suddenly found something:


“That is…….”

An unknown number of miles away on the sea, a ship flying the flag of the Kingdom of Sobel was sailing, followed by a government escort ship.

“The old woman from Sobel Kingdom…”

Because during the operation in the Plow Garden, it was discovered that Long was related to the king of Sobel Kingdom, Bartholomew Big Bear.

For all the royal members of the Sobel Kingdom, Enelu made magnetic field records.

For those who have made records, their own electromagnetic fields are as dazzling as the sun in the sights and sounds of Enel.

The old woman mentioned in Anilu’s mouth is the Queen Mother of Sobel Kingdom, Corny.

Enelu shook his head:

“I’m traveling with my granddaughter…”

After taking back what he had seen and heard, although this person was of no importance, he was still ready to turn around and tell Sakaski.

After all, the distance from the South China Sea to the New World is really too far…it’s a bit outrageous.


The phone bug’s voice rang.

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