Enel took out the phone and took a look:


Bugs answered the phone and said leisurely:

“What’s wrong, Sauter?”


“What material.”

“That’s it.”

“Okay, you can leave it at the headquarters first.”

“I’ll go over there later.”

Enel stretched his body:

“It’s so troublesome.”

Thinking of having to send the warship back, Enel was a little desperate.

Looking at the robots who were still busy carrying the treasure, he scratched his head and said to the giant robot:

“You can just take this warship away.”

The giant robot’s head tilted, a little confused.

Enelu waved his hand:

“I’ll withdraw first.”


Lightning flashed across the sky instantly.

Leaving behind a giant, stunned robot and a bunch of smaller robots…


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Inside the Office of the President of the Naval Academy.

Morris stood by the window with a smile, looking at the training graduates.

“Not bad.”

“The enthusiasm of the entire college has been aroused.”

“I think we can do this every year.”

The students who were frightened by Zefa really thought that they would never graduate, and they were all training like crazy…

Seeing that the graduating seniors are like this, the juniors are even more afraid to take a break…

Zefa sat on the sofa, looked at the information, and said:

“That’s right.”

“It is necessary to find someone to act as a strong man and attack suddenly.”

“If things go too smoothly, it will not be good for their growth.”

“This time a big problem was exposed.”

Morris turned around:

“Then it’s settled.”

“What are you looking at? I’ve been looking at that thing over and over for a long time.”

Looking at Zefa with a solemn expression, Morris was a little curious.

Zefa frowned and put down the information:

“It’s too suspenseful.”

“If Sauter doesn’t follow this time.”

“I’m afraid I won’t even be able to come back.”

“Security work needs to be strengthened.”

I didn’t think much of it at the time, but when I came back I investigated the information on the two pirates.

As well as the abnormal physique described by Sauter, Zefa is a little scared when he thinks about it now. If it was only him, he must have confessed.

Morris came over, sat across from Zefa, and picked up the information and report:


After reading it several times, my eyebrows jumped:

“Good guy…it’s okay even if my lumbar spine is broken.”

“Whitebeard’s son?”

“real or fake.”

Zefa chuckled:

“Of course it’s fake.”

“How could that guy with Whitebeard give birth to such an idiot son?”

“But his strength will probably not be weaker than that of Whitebeard when he was young.”

“I don’t know where I found that guy.”

Morris picked up the information on Miss Bajin:

“Miss Ba Jin?”

“White-bearded lover?”

“Every touch of porcelain touches the dead guy.”


“Been on the same boat as Whitebeard…”

“Locus’ ship.”

The members of Rocks’ pirate group thought about it in their minds and shook their heads:

“No impression. I don’t remember anyone named Ba Jin.”

Zefa smiled and said:

“Then where do you want to go?”

“There are so many people in the Rocks Pirates.”

“The number of fleets under its banner alone is too numerous to count. They are probably using their reputation to cause trouble.”


The glass shattered, and Enel turned into lightning and crashed directly into it.

“Yo, Grandpa.”

“Instructor Zefa.”

Zefa nodded, and Morris also laughed and cursed:


“Pay me the glass.”

Enelu smiled:


“If we collect enough 100 yuan, let’s pay compensation together.”

“As for Sauter, I didn’t feel it.”

Zefa said:

“Take some people to support Shampoo.”

“Sakaski has done too much damage.”

“There’s nothing going on here at the headquarters. We’ve been sent to clean up the mess and rebuild.”

“By the way, that guy’s body is in the cold storage of the training warship.”

“You can just pick it up yourself later.”

Aniru made an OK gesture:


“Then I’ll go to Uncle Sakaski’s first.”

The body transforms into thunder and lightning and rushes outward.

Looking at Enelu in a hurry, Morris quickly shouted:

“Invite Sakaski to come over for dinner tonight!!!”

The lightning disappeared instantly, and a distant voice came from the distance:


Morris shook his head and smiled:

“This kid…”

Zefa also smiled and said:

“Be content with yourself.”


Grand Line, Chambord Islands.

Naval Branch Base Hospital.

Demora, who was lying on the hospital bed, said respectfully to the phone bug:

“Yes, yes, no problem.”



The voice of the bug hung up over there.

Demora breathed a sigh of relief, put down the phone, and called the adjutant:

“Find a reason for sending away the warship before and report it back together.”

“There must be no flaws.”

Looking at the serious Demora, the adjutant also nodded heavily:


Making false accounts is easy!


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

The study on the second floor of Sakaski’s home.

Sakaski hung up the phone and looked at Eniro sitting on the sofa:


“Tell me where the research progress is.”

Enel tossed the orange in his hand.


“The overall architecture is complete, and all that’s left is simulation.”

“Once the number of simulations is enough, construction can begin, but this simulation may take a little longer.”

Sakaski nodded:


“There’s still enough time.”

Enelu said softly:

“By the way, Brother Barrett.”

“Let’s see what your fruit is capable of.”

Throwing the orange in his hand towards Barrett.

Enel is also curious about the ability to magnify things exponentially.

Comparing the current design between him and Mr. Vegapunk, the redesigned Pluto main gun is one that has been shrunk several times.

The key point is this multiplication fruit.


Barrett caught the orange and thought about it:

“30 times.”

A translucent light film covers the orange.

Buzz buzz——

The orange hit the ground instantly and was so big that it almost reached the ceiling.

Enelu was stunned:


“How can it be!”

“How can 30 times be so big?”

“It’s superimposed and enlarged.”

After the shock, he stood up with a solemn expression, walked over to look at the orange, put his hand into the bottom and lifted it:

“No, no, very wrong.”

“Brother Barrett has to come with me.”

“The effect of doubling and the basis for the multiplication must be rigorously tested.”

Now it is designed based on direct magnification of one hundred times to calculate the degree to which it can blast through the red earth continent.

But this doubling effect is obviously not a hundred times magnification, it seems to be superimposed magnification, but something is wrong.

In this case…if you can’t calculate the multiple, it will be troublesome if you don’t control it well…

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