Sakaski nodded:

“No problem, go ahead.”

“Nothing happened recently.”

“It just so happens that you also get some mini-missiles and give them to Barrett.”

Enel said:

“no problem.”

Sakaski signaled Barrett to put away his abilities:

“There’s something else you need to do.”

Enelu picked up the orange that was lying on the ground with its power taken back:


“What’s the matter?”

Sakaski stood up and walked over, his arms transformed into magma:

“I need you to design a bomb.”

The magma on the arm surged to the ground and writhed into shape.

A magma island takes up one-third of the ground.

After cooling rapidly, it turns into a completely black island.

Mountains, trees, towns, and ports all come alive.

Then the arm transformed back into flesh.

Sakaski stretched out his right index finger:

“Watch it.”

The index finger began to turn into lava and squirm.

It forms an empty shell of a missile that is divided into two planes.

Then smaller missiles filled it.

Enelu’s eyes widened as if he had thought of something.

I saw the empty shell of the missile covered by Sakaski’s index finger. He took a few steps back and aimed at the black island on the ground.

Trailing black smoke, the tail flame shot towards the island.

In mid-air, it suddenly exploded.

The densely packed small missiles spread out and fell on the black island like raindrops.

A series of explosions sounded, and then the explosion point began to burst into flames.

Two-thirds of the front of the island that the few people were facing was on fire.

Nearly half of the pitch-black island was filled with flames.

Enel took a breath of cold air:

“This is too cruel.”

Just using magma simulation, Enelu has already thought of throwing it into reality.

One cannonball dropped, and half the people on the island would be burned alive.

When it comes to ruthlessness, it’s Uncle Sakaski…

Sakaski chuckled:

“There’s a problem.”

Enelu nodded heavily:

“no problem.”

“It’s not difficult.”

“But the small bombs inside are all incendiary bombs.”

Sakaski said:

“This is up to you.”

“Steel balls, iron pieces, whatever.”

“Let’s design some.”

“Can be used according to different scenarios.”

Enel said:

“That’s no problem.”

“By the way, what is this bomb called?”


Grand Line, Alabasta.

Robin directed the people from Baroque Works to move bags of dancing powder into the warehouse.

Dancing fans……

Thinking of Crocodile’s plan, Robin frowned slightly.

This plan will last for several years, subtly changing people’s minds.

Let people point the finger at the royal family of Alabasta.

If you weren’t someone who knew the inside story, no one would have thought that this was controlled by Crocodile.

This terrifying patience and the city…crocodile…

But such a terrifying crocodile has infinite fear of Sakaski…

Can I really take revenge…Mr. Lorca…

Suddenly I felt something.

Robin raised his hand inadvertently, and on a high-rise platform in the distance, several arms instantly grew to grab him.

But there is nothing…



Port of Alabasta.


Carol’s figure appeared in the corner and breathed a sigh of relief:

“I’ve grown a lot.”

It’s also a bit gratifying to have a child raised by one hand grow up to where he is now.

At least…you don’t have to worry about losing money.

At present, the first half of the Grand Line is still safe under Crocodile’s command.

Coupled with the importance of Robin, he can be stable for a long time…

“It’s time to get to work.”


Entire people disappeared from Alabasta…


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

intelligence services.

As a general, Kuzan opened the door.

Everyone greeted Kuzan familiarly, and Kuzan also nodded slightly.

This is Kuzan’s daily operation.

Come to the intelligence department every once in a while to read through the latest pirate records.

Then pick a few and take them away.

Not long after, Kuzan read through the reward orders and records handed over by the intelligence officers.

I sighed in my heart, still not…

He casually took away a few reward orders and walked out of the intelligence department.


New World, Cake Island.

Next to the sleeping Charlotte Lingling in the main hall, Ka

Takuri is waiting.

It was getting late, and Charlotte Lingling woke up:


Countless amounts of food were pushed in and placed on the table.

Charlotte Lingling got up and walked over.

At this time, I also saw Katakuri:

“What’s the matter, Katakuri?”

Katakuri said:

“Shanks of the red-haired pirates has entered our sphere of influence.”

“Do you need to negotiate, mother?”

Charlotte Lingling raised her head and thought for a moment:

“Red hair?”

“Let Kaido defeat that brat some time ago.”


“Send someone to keep an eye on it.”

“It’s quite powerful to be able to defeat that kid Kaido.”


Katakuri nodded:



New World, Wano Country, Onigashima.

Kaido looked at the information in his hand and smiled ferociously:

“You have reached the power of that old woman.”

“The manpower has been arranged.”

Jhin said:

“It’s done.”

“As soon as the red hair leaves, take action immediately.”

Kaido raised the wine bottle and took a few sips:

“Ba luo luo luo.”

“Lingling, that old woman, values ​​​​face the most.”

“Red hair……”


New world, Sugar Island.

The red-haired pirates’ ship slowly started to move.

Shanks looked at the island behind him and breathed a sigh of relief:

“I finally left.”

He smacked his lips and couldn’t help but feel a toothache.

This island thing is really…too sweet.

The bread is sweet, the wine is sweet, and even the quilt you sleep on has a sweet smell.

It almost drove him crazy.

The rest of the people also breathed a long sigh of relief, they really couldn’t bear it…

Just as the ship pulled away and the island turned into a small black dot.

Boom boom boom——

A huge explosion came from the island.

The powerful people who had seen and heard this swept towards the island, their expressions slightly condensed.

Jesus Bu had some doubts:

“These guys…”

“Why just kill BIGMOM’s men?”

“Do you have any grudge?”

Shanks frowned slightly and was suddenly startled:


“It’s a frame-up…”


The knife from his waist was drawn out.

Rushed out.

Beckman was also startled and reacted.

Invite a few people to follow and rush to the island.


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Buzz – um – buzz – um –

The piercing alarm sounded again.

Warring States was correcting documents in the marshal’s office, the pen in his hand…


Broken directly.

The veins on Warring States’ head throbbed:


“Who is it again…”

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