After a while, the sound of soldiers running approached.

Warring States shouted directly:



The office door was opened.

The soldier ran into the house:

“Report to the marshal!”

“Captain of the BIGMOM Pirates, one of the Three Emperors of the New World, Charlotte Lingling.”

“Gather the troops and go out, the target is suspected to be the red-haired pirates.”

Warring States frowned slightly:

“Red hair again…”

“Be as virtuous as Roger.”

“The specific reason has been investigated.”

The soldier hesitated for a moment, a little unsure:

“Uh… It seems that the red-haired pirates are suspected of attacking the forces under BIGMOM.”

“The incident happened suddenly and no more has been investigated.”

“I only know that all the personnel stationed on Tangtang Island under BIGMOM were killed.”

“The red-haired pirates were on the island at the time.”

“The new world has spread.”

Warring States thought a little:

“The incident happened suddenly but spread throughout the new world…”

“I see.”

“By the way, let’s go investigate what other pirates are doing in the new world.”

“The red hair provoked the two emperors one after another. If we can escape unscathed this time.”

“There will definitely be many people who want to follow him.”

The sphere of influence of the Three Emperors of the New World is roughly the whole. Due to territorial reasons, some scattered and remote islands are left unattended.

Although the environment is a bit harsh, it is still a place for some pirates who do not want to be oppressed by the Three Emperors to survive.

After all, joining BIGMOM’s command, not only paying tribute every month, but also paying life expectancy every six months… Who would think that life is long?

To join the Steam Pirates, you must complete certain tasks every month, because what they do is the underground business of the entire new world.

As long as you are strong enough, you can get a lot of money, but it is not a good place for those who pursue freedom.

The Beast Pirates is a place where strength is the only criterion. If you are weak, you will be cannon fodder, but if you are strong, it will be better.

But at this point, few of them are alone. They can’t abandon everyone under them and let them be cannon fodder while they become the leader.

Therefore, the redhead who has been making waves in the new world recently is a very suitable choice.

There is no oppression from the Steam Pirates, no BIGMOM’s hobby (recharging lifespan), and no war fanaticism from the Beast Pirates.

The unrestrained, free-spirited style is exactly what those pirates are pursuing… and because of its powerful strength.

As long as you join, you don’t have to linger on some remote islands and can travel in the new world openly.

If the red hair escapes this time, it will only be a matter of time before he becomes the new emperor… Even if he doesn’t want to be, he will be pushed by those pirates…

The soldier replied loudly:


“Do you have any other orders, Marshal?”

Warring States looked at the information on the table and thought for two seconds:

“Call Garp.”

“Go ahead.”

The soldier saluted and said:


He turned around and ran out.

Not long after.


The sound of chewing senbei came from outside.

Garp walked in carrying a bag of senbei.

With a mouthful of senbei stuffed in his mouth, he said with some slurred speech:

“What’s wrong! Warring States!”

“BIGMOM, you want me to take action.”

“a ha ha ha!!!”

Warring States gestured to sit down:

“It’s okay, I just suddenly thought of that boy Long.”

“I haven’t seen him in years.”

“I didn’t even mention coming back to see you.”

“I haven’t found it yet.”

Garp sat on the sofa, eating senbei and said casually:


“Just gave me a few phone calls.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing, it’s so mysterious.”

Warring States said softly:

“I’m probably busy with the revolutionary army.”

Garp chewed senbei:

“Huh? How did you know…”

Suddenly he covered his mouth with his hand.


Warring States didn’t know when he appeared in front of him, grabbed his collar with both hands, and shouted with a ferocious face:


“I knew it!”

“It is indeed a dragon!!!”

Garp turned his head to the side, waved his hand, and said with a smile:

“Don’t worry about that!”


Warring States shouted with a ferocious face:

“How could you not care?”

“Do you know how big a trap he has made now?”

“He wants to overthrow the world government!!!”

Seeing Garp still smiling coquettishly, Seng Guo angrily…

He grabbed the senbei and poured it all into his mouth in one breath.

Garp grabbed his head with both hands and was stunned:

“Ah! My senbei!!!”

After Sengoku finished eating, he threw the empty bag to Garp:

“Tell me everything.”

“What exactly is the dragon going to do?”

“The revolutionary army is making more and more moves all over the world.”

“If this continues, the Navy will have to take action before long.”

“Don’t say that I let your father and son kill each other, huh.”

Garp turned the bag upside down and dumped it. There was nothing, and he sighed:

“I don’t know either…..”

“That boy Long, it’s not like you don’t know.”

“I have been very thoughtful since I was a child, and I keep everything in my heart.”

“To overthrow the government…”

“Just push those rubbish guys away, what’s the big deal.”

Warring States snorted coldly:

“You really dare to think about it, and he really dares to do it.”

“With just the few people he has, he can’t even defeat the navy and overthrow the government.”

Garp sighed:

“what can I do.”

“Should we stop him? All he has done is in vain.”

Sengoku also fell silent…there really was nothing to say.

Garp is his father, and he has watched dragons grow up.

Could it be that telling Long this almost desperate fact is all in vain… The power of the government is beyond his imagination…

Warring States turned around and sat back on his desk:

“Go tell Long that he has calmed down in the past few years.”

“His hand is stretched too far, and all participating countries are the focus of government observation.”

“Many affiliated countries with revolutionary military forces have been identified.”

“If things continue to develop at this level, the navy will inevitably send troops.”

“You can’t hold back when you fall.”

Karp laughed loudly:

“it’s okay no problem!”

“Don’t worry! That boy Long is very capable of saving his life!”

“He won’t die even if you die!”

The veins on the head of the Warring States Period rioted.


The table trembled suddenly and creaked:


“That’s the point!!!”

“If there is a conflict between the Navy and the Revolutionary Army!”

“Have you thought about the consequences!!”

The revolutionary army’s stall is too big, and there is still no stage for conflict to break out.

In the government intelligence department, there is a mountain of information on the revolutionary army. If a full-scale conflict really breaks out.

Those strongholds must be eliminated one by one.

The revolutionary army’s arms were purchased from underground smuggling arms dealers.

At best they are called the Revolutionary Army, at worst they are the militia. How can they fight with the navy’s guns, artillery and imperial warships?

This is also the reason why Warring States has a headache.

What should I do? Do I really order the massacre of those who are not pirates…

Garp looked at the angry Sengoku and became a little more serious:

“I see.”

“Don’t worry, I will tell him.”

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