Inside the cabin of the Foxy Pirates.

A celebration banquet was being held to celebrate winning another game and annexing other pirate groups.

‘Silver Fox’ Foxy has annexed many pirate groups and absorbed many pirate elites through the Davy Back Fight game.

Although it seems to be an inconspicuous pirate group with a bounty of only 13 million, only the pirates who have fought against him know how tricky that ability is.

Foxy raised his glass:


“Let’s welcome the new members!”


Although his character is despicable, that is external.

Foxy was still very tolerant and generous towards his crew.

Otherwise, it would not be so convincing after absorbing and annexing other pirate groups so quickly.

Although the newly joined pirates were unwilling to give up, they could not resist the enthusiasm of the people around them. Even if they were reluctant, they raised their wine glasses and drank with everyone.


Carol’s figure suddenly appeared on the huge rectangular dining table.

Carol was dressed in regular clothes and holding a stack of information:

“Foxy the Silver Fox.”

“Those with slow fruit abilities.”

Seeing the sudden appearance of this person, everyone was stunned, and they were already running to get their weapons.

Looking at Carol holding the information, Foxy’s face darkened:

“who are you.”

The hands under the table were held in a specific posture, ready to explode the fruit ability at any time.

Carol looked at his little movements and shook her head:

“too slow.”


Carol suddenly teleported behind him.


A sharp dagger instantly stabbed into his heart, and at the same time, the fruit recycler was inserted into his body.

Everyone on the boat was shocked:


The pirates who just lost today are overjoyed and can run away!

Foxy was stabbed in the heart and his life was passing quickly. His neck was stiff and he turned back. He opened his mouth but could not speak. How could it be… like this…

Carol twisted the dagger indifferently.

Foxy’s heart was instantly shattered, his head drooped, and he completely lost his breath…

The Devil Fruit in the Fruit Recycler is also slowly taking shape.

He casually pulled out the dagger, wiped it with a tissue on the table, and glanced at the pirates who were hesitant to step forward.

He took out a cylinder, pressed the button on it, and threw it on the ground.

The surrounding pirates immediately hid ten meters away and looked at Carol warily.

Carol chuckled at them.



Everyone looked at each other, a little confused.

It was too fast. Appearing, talking, killing, and disappearing took less than ten seconds in total.

Without any reaction, the captain died and the enemy disappeared.


The cylinder thrown by Carol on the ground flashed with electric light.


Lightning instantly swept across the entire pirate ship.

The high-voltage current in the cylinder paralyzed all the pirates, and countless flammable items on the ship began to catch fire…

The screams are endless…

Afterwards, some brave people ran to check and found that there was no one alive on this huge pirate ship.

Not one of the nearly a thousand pirates escaped, and they were all burned alive on the ship…

Because everyone looked hideous, lying on the ground, dying miserably.

The incident of “The Revenge of the Will-o’-the-Wisp” became a well-known supernatural story in the South China Sea.


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

At Lieutenant General He’s home, Lieutenant General He was leaning on the deck chair in the yard, flipping through documents and checking the recent news on the sea.

Suddenly a clear voice sounded from outside the house:

“Sister He——”

Gion opened the door and came in:


“Where are the two little guys?”

He is talking about the two little girls brought back from the Don Quixote family a few years ago, baby-5 and Sugar.

Because he was a pirate himself, General Hezhong not only used the fruit’s power to wash away the evil in their hearts after he brought them back, he also stayed by his side to teach them.

Baby-5’s responsiveness has also been washed away by the ability to wash fruits.


After flipping through a page of information, Lieutenant General He said:

“It’s time to enter school.”

“He’s at the main academy now.”

Gion said in surprise:


“So fast.”

“They are all old enough to go to school.”

Gion walked to the rocking chair next to Lieutenant General Tsuru, lay down on it, and stretched:

“Sister He, let them board my ship after they graduate.”

“What a pair of kids.”

Gion, who has been promoted to lieutenant general,

I have been worrying about the combat power of my ship.

Lieutenant General He next to him said:

“Baby-5 can give it to you, but sugar can’t.”

“Her abilities are too terrifying and she must be by my side at all times.”

The abnormality of the Childlike Fruit is that it will erase a person’s memory in this world.

Although there will be some physical records that will not disappear, no one dares to bet that if evil thoughts are really born, people can be turned into toys at will.

You can’t find it at all. You must keep it with you at all times and use the power of the fruit-washing fruit to brainwash your brain regularly.

Make sure nothing goes wrong.

Although washing it once is enough, this kind of thing cannot be done carelessly.

Gion sighed:

“Alright alright.”

“forget about it.”

“We can’t separate the two of them.”

“I’m going to the Naval Academy to see if any of this year’s new recruits are suitable.”


Malinfando, Motobu Academy.

In the principal’s office, Morris was sitting on the sofa.

There is a large piece of paper spread on the coffee table, and the names of this year’s new students are written on them.


The sound of the doorknob turning sounded, and Zefa walked in with a smile on his face and sat on the sofa.

Morris became interested, poured a cup of tea and pushed it over:


“Why are you so happy today?”

“It’s not like you.”

Zefa smiled:


“I’m usually very serious.”

Morris shook his head and said:

“You usually only have the word “serious” engraved on your face.”

Zefa didn’t care and said with a smile:

“There’s a little guy enrolling this year, which is great.”

“There’s a lot of potential.”

Morris smiled and said:

“It’s rare to get a compliment from you.”

“what’s your name.”

Zefa picked up the tea and took a sip:


Morris said:

“That little guy.”

“The animal type is still an ancient species of Allosaurus fruit.”

“It really suits your taste.”

“The little guy is good.”

“The evaluation report rated him very highly. He has a firm stance and is loyal. More importantly, he is not pedantic and is good at adapting to changes.”

“The most important thing is his amazing wrist strength.”


“Good guy, except for not being pedantic.”

“It’s the exact replica of you.”

Zefa snorted lightly, acquiescing to the pedantry.

Looking at so many names on the coffee table:

“Why did you write such a name?”

Morris said:

“Just in case, don’t be careless about the rule-level superhuman ability among this year’s newcomers.”

Zefa frowned slightly:

“That little girl…”

“Is it necessary to be so defensive? We are all our own people.”

For Zefa, doubting his comrades was a little uncomfortable.

Morris turned over the silver:

“It’s not doubtful. The effect of Crane’s ability to wash fruits is generally recognized by everyone.”

“But this kind of ability must be guarded against.”

“It doesn’t care whether your domineering power is strong or not, it will directly erase the memory.”

“She’s just a little girl.”

“The side effects of the fruit froze everything for her.”

“There are many people on the sea who talk sweet words and deceive people.”

“Even if you meet someone who can hypnotize, it might turn into big trouble.”

Use this bug-level ability, you must guard against it.

No need, for a little girl in her 10s to be imprisoned in a large underwater prison until she dies. People like us in this department cannot agree on humanitarian grounds.

Except of course…Sakaski.

Zefa sighed slightly:

“That’s right…it’s up to you.”

Got up and walked out:

“I’m going to see that kid.”

Morris shook his head and smiled:

“go Go.”

“This is your rare one. Hurry up and make a disciple, otherwise Garp will see it and Garp will kidnap it and run away.”

Zefa snorted coldly:

“He dares!”

But I went out a little faster…


late at night.

The Grand Line, a deserted island.

Sakaski scanned the scene several times to make sure it was hidden.

He took out the phone bug and said to Carol over there:

“let’s start.”

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