The great sea route, the ice sea route.

Belongs to the hunter family, the Aquino family.

Its leader is Don Acino, a person with the power of the Re-Re Fruit.

It can adjust the temperature at will, switching from one degree to ten thousand degrees at will, and swim in the magma at will.

Even anything it touches will be melted instantly.

He is an extremely powerful guy.

Carol put down the phone and looked at the ice island.

Because of his ability to heat fruits, Ton Akino likes to stay in places full of ice and snow.

The sight and color swept across and locked on Aqino in an instant.


Appeared in front of the sleeping Don Aquino.

Touch the skin with your hands.

Aquino opened his eyes suddenly and his skin began to turn red:



The two disappeared from the castle.


“What kind of person!!!”

The remaining two words of Aquino’s words had just been shouted out.

People have arrived at this unknown desert island.

The moment he appeared, Carol shook off the hand that touched his body and hid aside.

It only took a moment to get burned.

At this time, Aquino’s body turned red visibly to the naked eye.

Like a blazing fireball.

A tall black shadow covered Aquino’s sight.

Aqino looked up, feeling cold in his heart, and a deep voice sounded:

“Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Akainu.”

His face was solemn, and his mind was constantly thinking about the recent conflict with the navy.

But if you hunt pirates yourself, you have no offense to the navy…

Sakaski said indifferently:

“Don’t think about it, you have nothing to offend the navy.”

“It’s just that your ability is too dangerous.”

Aquino’s red body illuminated the darkness of the night.

The temperature, which is unbearable for ordinary people, has no effect on Sakaski.

Looking at Sakaski’s indifferent face, bad premonitions kept hitting Aquino’s nerves, and he said in a deep voice:

“That’s not enough of a reason.”

Subconsciously, he took a few steps back and assumed an offensive stance.

After all, a person’s name is like a tree’s shadow…

Sakaski said indifferently:

“Isn’t it enough?”

Aqino’s face darkened:

“Is that enough?”


On Aquino’s hands, two red balls of hot air appeared instantly.

It is filled with compressed superheated steam.

Its power can instantly vaporize everything within the effective range.

But he didn’t throw it at Sakaski.

Instead, he suddenly threw it to the ground in front of him, exploding into the sky full of steam, white mist, and dust, and disappeared into it.

Driven by the hot steam, the whole person quickly reached the edge of the island and soared into the sky.

“Damn it! Damn it!!!”

“Hurry! Hurry!!!!”

The ability continuously explodes with huge amounts of heat, carrying Aquino and flying away like a rocket.

Sakaski’s right arm also turned into lava, emitting thick black smoke, and stared indifferently at Aquino who flew away.

Carroll came over and put his hand on Sakaski.


The two disappeared.


The island below was already a small black dot, and Aquino in the sky couldn’t help but look back:

“I’m not chasing you…”

But at the moment when he turned back, Sakaski and Carol suddenly appeared in the sky ahead.

Sakaski’s devilishly indifferent voice sounded in Aquino’s ears:

“Isn’t it enough?”

Aquino was startled and wanted to look back.


It seemed that a huge roar was heard somewhere.

The body suffered a strong impact and was crushed.

Even with all the flesh on his body to resist and cache, the crushed bones exploded and his body continued to deform.

Under this impact, the brain directly loses the ability to think.

Aqino’s body was pressed against the island by a tiger-shaped shadow emitting black smoke.

Sakaski withdrew his fist, and the magma turned into his arm again.

Carol activates abilities.


The two disappeared in the air.


On the desert island ground, Sakaski’s right hand is armed with armor.

He stretched out his hand to catch Aqino, who was pressed down by the tiger-shaped shadow.

boom! ! !

A big hole appeared in the ground.

Sakaski stood firmly in the pit, stabbing the fruit recycler with his left hand into the body of Aquino, who was unconscious and rolling his eyes.

Aim your right hand behind your heart.


A heart that was stimulated by adrenaline and beating violently penetrated the chest and was caught in Sakaski’s hands.

The Devil Fruit in the Fruit Recycler slowly takes shape.

Sakaski pulled out his hand and kicked it with his foot.

Aquino’s body formed a perfect arc and fell into the sea


Shaking the heart in his hand, Sakaski’s palm turned red.


The heart in his hand became ripe instantly and stopped beating.

He tossed it casually and threw it into the depths of the island.

Sakaski handed the Devil Fruit Recycler to Carol:

“The owner of the Steel Fruit and the Smelting Fruit has found his location.”

Carol put away the Devil Fruit Recycler and said:

“The owner of the Iron Fruit has been found.”

“The person with his ability is the captain of the Poker Pirates, the Big Bear King.”

“We just captured an island in the East China Sea not long ago and used it as a base.”

“Slave the people on the island, as if they want to build a super cannon and rule the world.”

“As for the owner of the Smelting Fruit, Billu of the Silver Pirates.”

“Currently, he is missing in the Grand Line. The last time there was information was three months ago.”

“Looking at its previous route, the destination should be the New World.”

Sakaski nodded:

“After you harvest the Big Bear King, send these fruits to Punk Hassad.”

“As for the Silver Pirates, let Demora pay attention to them in Shampoo.”

Carol said:



East China Sea, Clockwork Island.

There is only one stone staircase going up on the island, spiraling up layer by layer.

Used to resist pirates and fight guerrilla warfare.

Above is a huge stone plate, where people live.

From a distance, it looks like a huge clockwork.

It was originally a stone staircase to prevent pirates from invading, but after the Big Bear King of the Poker Pirates used his fruit power to break in, this stone staircase was used to resist pirates.

It also became a yoke that prevented all residents from escaping.

The secret elevator in the center was also controlled, completely cutting off all escape routes.

He could only obediently build the so-called ‘King Cannon’ for the Poker Pirates.

In the early morning, the sky was just getting light.


Carol’s figure appeared on the shore of Clockwork Island.

With a trace of exhaustion on his face, he looked at this sky-high building:

“Let’s solve it in one go…”

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