The figure of the dragon appears.

Krall and Sabo reacted, became more serious, and called out to the Commander-in-Chief.

Long nodded:

“you are very welcome.”

After taking two steps, he walked next to the two of them and looked at the children training below:

“The future chief of general staff, what do you think of the future of the current revolutionary army?”

Long Ye was seriously ill and went to the doctor indiscriminately…

Nothing can be done now about the disparate bases and Revolutionary Army fighters.

We can only try to gather as many revolutionary army seeds as possible and cultivate them, just in case.

But the root problem remains unresolved.

Sabo thought for a while:

“Let’s collect the incriminating evidence first.”

Long looked at Sabo:


Sabo said confidently:

“You’ve been out of sorts lately, maybe it’s because of this.”

“We are growing too fast, resulting in uneven personnel. These children are preparing for the future.”

“Because if that happened, we would be in chaos.”

“Even if we don’t control it well, we will collapse first without the government taking action.”

“So those kids down there are the back-up guys.”

“Clean out those moths at the critical moment.”

“Although it will hurt your muscles and bones, it won’t break down.”

Long was a little lost in thought and nodded:

“That’s right.”

Sabo continued:

“Because they were worried about cleaning, the people below were eccentric, but in fact it was not necessary at all.”

“You don’t understand your prestige, as long as you collect all the evidence of those moths.”

“Everyone will be on your side.”

“As a guiding light in this world, you underestimate your own influence.”

Long Weiwei was stunned:


Looking at Sabo, Long suddenly laughed:

“What a good chief of staff.”

Sabo smiled sheepishly and said to Krall:

“Do you see it!”


East China Sea, an unknown island.

In the small village, smoke curled up.

People who had worked hard all day sat in the fields, gathering together in twos and threes to rest and prepare to go home for dinner later.

The older village chief looked at the green seedlings in the field:

“It’s great. There will definitely be another bumper harvest this year.”

The young guy next to him smiled and said:

“It’s true, village chief.”

The village chief snorted softly:

“I have been cultivating the land here all my life, and the harvest is good or bad.”

“You can tell at a glance that you, a young boy, still doubt me.”

The young guy said:

“Village Chief, did you go out when you were young?”

The village chief was stunned:

“Get out? Where?”

The young guy said excitedly:

“Go to sea!”

“Navy! Pirates! Big secret treasure! And the mermaid mentioned in the newspaper!!!”

“They all seem to be very powerful.”

“I really want to meet you.”

The village chief shook his head and said:

“What’s so good about those.”

“Your uncle Rhea’s eldest son became a navy man when he was young.”

“Not even the body was found, only a letter was sent back.”

“Pirates are just like bandits, you know.”

“The town of Kore was looted by bandits not long ago, and hundreds of people died.”

“As for the big secret treasure, the mermaid, they are all just made up to kill time.”

“How could there be such a thing?”

“At least I haven’t seen one in more than sixty years of my life.”

The young guy was a little disappointed:


“That’s it.”

The village chief stood up and patted the dirt on his pants:

“Don’t think about so many useless things. Work hard, it’s better than anything else.”

“Stop reading those newspapers all the time. They are useless and a waste of money.”

He turned around and greeted the resting people:

“Let’s go, let’s go home and cook!”

There are many such backward places all over the world.

The progress of civilization seems to be at a standstill.

Many people only live in that small village throughout their lives and can only understand the world through a few words in newspapers.

Talk about something you have never seen before as if it were a story written in a newspaper.

He is incompatible with those strong men who destroy the world at every turn.

The navy, pirates, the revolutionary army, the new world, the great secret treasure, the competition between various forces, and who controls the world have nothing to do with them.

They are the most numerous people in the world…

Occupying 90% of the world’s population…ordinary people.


New world, punk ha

Sade, Suolong Valley.

Enelu led Rosinandi and Luo here:


As the valley where Kaido was suppressed by Sakaski, this is the most suitable place for sparring.

Luo was a little shocked, looking at the stone tablet that had solidified and blackened with magma:

“Suolong Valley….”

Enelu smiled:

“Kaido, one of the Three Pirate Emperors, was suppressed here.”

“Here, we have collected a lot of Qinglong’s flesh and blood materials.”

“How about it, kid.”

“It’s awesome.”

Luo looked at Enelu and said “cut”:

“It’s not you who did it. Why are you so proud of it?”

“The strong smell and temperature of sulfur…”

“It must be General Sakaski.”

Enelu raised his eyebrows, you will cry soon…

“Guessed it right.”

“Come and see the results of your practice.”

Standing there, Haohan smiled at Luo and casually raised his index finger.

Luo gritted his teeth, damn Thunderbolt bastard…

He pulled out the small long knife from his waist with his right hand and pointed it at the ground with his left hand.

A translucent cover explodes and expands from the center of the duo:


The light film covered the two people within a radius of 100 meters.

Anilu crossed his arms, watched Luo’s performance, and smiled provocatively.

Luo snorted, turned his left hand over and made a fist, stretched out his index finger and aimed at Enel… and hooked it.

The ground under Enelu’s feet was divided into several pieces, and Enelu flew up. The clods of soil kept hitting Enelu, forming a huge ball of earth that was compressed.

And Enelu inside felt the force of squeezing and smacked his lips:

“What the hell…isn’t this Sauter’s ability?”

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