A sudden feeling of weightlessness came.

After the stones squeezing Enelu were compacted, Luo wielded a small long knife and turned into several pieces, which floated.

Enelu shook his head from side to side with force.

The stone pressing on his head was directly exploded, and Enilu’s floating head looked at his body that was divided into several pieces and scattered everywhere:

“It’s been cut, it’s a bit interesting…”


The scattered rocks exploded with lightning, and Enelu’s body regrouped.

He stretched out his index finger and moved it continuously, shooting lightning bolts at Luo.

Luo Yiwan controlled his ability to bend thunder and lightning to dodge, while rushing towards Enelu.

However, the lightning shot did not have the loud sound that could stun people, and the sound and vibration of the sound were reduced several times.

Enelu raised his eyebrows, silence…

Looking at Rosinandi outside the circle.

Rosinandi spread his hands in embarrassment, expressing his helplessness…

within the circle.

Luo had already rushed to Enelu.

Enilu waved his hand, and the several gold bracelets on his wrists were instantly smelted into a short golden stick.

Point towards Luo’s chest.

But Luo didn’t dodge at all, the moment Anilu’s short stick touched his chest.

The whole person disappeared in an instant.

Appeared behind Enelu, holding a small long knife in both hands, aiming at Enelu’s heart:


He wants to seize Enelu’s heart, but due to Enelu’s powerful knowledge, he will react even if he doesn’t actively trigger it.

The chest directly transformed into the element of thunder and lightning. At the same time, Enelu came back to his senses and grabbed it with his backhand.


Luo disappeared instantly and appeared in the distance.

The lightning on Eniru’s chest condensed and returned to flesh, and he looked at Luo:

“It just swapped places with the item.”

Good guy…teleport…

Luo snorted lightly:

“That’s right.”

The small long knife in the hand was pointed at Enel using the “middle structure” holding method:

“Be careful.”


Aim at Enelu and stab him.

Enelu’s forehead seemed to have been hit by a bullet, and a red mark appeared.

His head also fell back under the impact.


Luo appeared above Enelu’s head.

Stretching out his right hand, only one thumb was exposed, and the other fingers were gathered together to make a gesture of approval, and he pressed the red spot on Enilu’s forehead.

“High-frequency electric shock!”


High-voltage electricity emitted from Luo’s fingers and swept through Enelu’s body.

Seeing the non-elementary Eniru being hit by the electric current, the corners of Luo’s mouth were slightly raised, and he succeeded…

Enilu calmly looked at Luo, whose lips were raised, and suddenly said:

“What are you giggling about?”

The afterimage of his arm flashed forward and directly grabbed Luo’s neck.

He threw it out of the circle with a flick of his hand, and Rocinante reached out to catch it.

Luo turned over and looked at Enilu who came out with some disbelief:

“How can it be!”

“You are not in a physical state.”

“The physical state has been swept by electric current, how can it be okay?”

Although it sounds stupid to attack the person with the ability of Thunder Fruit with electric shock.

But Luo has been studied, and with Anilu’s character, he will definitely intercept his attack, and it will be a direct attack that is not elemental.

As for the physical state, if it is swept through by high-voltage current, the body will fall into a temporary state of paralysis.

He may even lose control of the fruit’s ability, although Luo has no hope in this…

But I never expected that I wouldn’t even be able to temporarily paralyze my body.

Enelu chuckled lightly, the electric light in his hand lit up, and the golden short stick was re-smelted into a bracelet and put on his hand, but a drop of gold liquid fell down.

Seeing this, Rosinandi jumped up directly carrying Luo.

Gold drops fell to the ground….


Visible currents washed across the valley.

Under the control of Enelu, it was not swept away.

When Luo Nandi carried Luo down, he could still see the slightest flash of lightning coming from some places.

Enilu said quietly:

“The little power you have is not enough to charge it.”

The gold ring on the wrist emitted electric light, pulling the gold beads solidified on the ground back to merge into the bracelet.

It’s not a black technology, it’s just that Anilu exercises his control ability and blends the lightning compressed to the extreme into gold, and at the same time controls the lightning to prevent it from melting the gold.

Over time, every gram of gold jewelry on the body contains huge electrical energy.

Luo’s so-called high-voltage current… can’t even charge the gold for a second, and is absorbed instantly.

Luo gritted his teeth and looked at Enelu, feeling like an idiot…

“All right,

you win. ”

Enelu smiled:

“Kid, your ability development is quite good.”

“The only thing missing is physical talent.”

Although Enel still calls him a kid, Luo is actually a teenager.

He has extraordinary learning ability and can develop the fruits of surgery very quickly, but his physical fitness is there…

Unlike those monsters who can easily reach several meters high, Luo has the physical fitness of an ordinary person. He has no talent bonus and relies entirely on training.

The limit of physical fitness is right there…

And the fruit consumes exactly one’s own physical strength…

Luo made a ‘cut’ sound:

“You think everyone is a monster.”

“I’m the most normal one.”

“Most people in this world have bodies like mine.”

90% of the people in this world are ordinary people like Luo…the limit is just over two meters.

Without the abnormal physical talents of those monsters who are often five to eight meters tall.

Although Luo was unwilling to do so…but this was the fact.

The corner of Enilu’s mouth curled up slightly:

“Although the physical quality is there.”

“But there are still ways to raise your ceiling.”

“for example…..”

“Through high-voltage current, the body and cells are stimulated to enhance physical fitness…”


Enilu’s hands were flashing with electric light, and he looked meaningfully at Luo, who was having a hard time making a decision…


In the Grand Line, a warship is chasing two pirate ships.

Actually there were not two ships, there were originally three ships…

I wanted to hunt a warship and increase the bounty.

But under the powerful artillery fire of the warship, even one of them was gone before they even rushed over.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other two ships quickly turned around and ran away, but they were bitten by the warships, and a hail of shells came from time to time…

On a pirate ship.

Several blasts of air struck, followed by a series of explosions.

Boom boom boom boom——

The captain of the Iron Bird Pirates wiped the blood from his face and asked the helmsman next to him:

“Damn it! How long until we get there!!!”

Their eyes were fixed on the warship chasing them from behind.

This warship seemed to be toying with them… biting them hard but not catching up.

It’s like cat and mouse, damn the Navy!

The helmsman’s voice was somewhat joyful:

“Come on! We can already see the outline of the island!!!”

The pirate captain drew his sword and smashed two more cannonballs:

“Speed ​​up and move forward! Let the people on the island ambush!”

“Don’t show it!”

“I want all these marines to die here!!!”

Time flies by…

Only one of the two pirate ships remained, and that ship was destroyed by gunfire during the pursuit…

On the warship not far behind.

Seeing the remaining pirate ship docking, people were rushing to the shore in dense numbers.

The adjutant looked at the scar-covered vice admiral next to him:

“Lieutenant General Dauberman, do you want to log on to the island to fight?”

Dauberman’s perception of the pirates who gathered together to ambush him:

“Need not.”

“Bring out the special missiles from the scientific research team.”


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