Enel looked at Caesar indifferently:

“Do you think you would agree?”

Caesar suddenly laughed, a nervous laugh.

With a trace of determination in his eyes, he looked at Enelu and struggled to get up.

“That’s right…you guy…”

It was precisely because they had known each other for many years and were familiar with each other’s nature that Caesar did not do useless things like begging for mercy.

He knew very well that although Enelu said they had known each other for so many years, his murderous intent had not been restrained at all…

“Then let’s all die…”

As he spoke, the hand that was pressing the button began to loosen…


Caesar’s entire forearm was chopped off and disappeared.

What appeared in front of him instead was a wooden stick.

Luo pressed Caesar’s thumb on his forearm and walked over. Caesar tried to move his fingers, but was suppressed by the huge force and remained motionless.

Caesar’s face gradually darkened and he stared at Luo.

Enelu said:

“Any last words?”

Caesar’s face was gloomy and his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

Suddenly he laughed ferociously:

“I’m just stalling for time!”


“If you press that thing too hard… it will explode, idiots!!!”

Boom boom boom——

Irregular explosions exploded on the ground inside the mask.

The poisonous gas, venom, mixed with iron pieces, and sea-floor stone powder erupted.

The explosion point rushed towards the three people at the center point irregularly.

Luo raised his hand and waved:

“Antibacterial Arms.”

A transparent light film rose up and covered the two of them.

Caesar was still laughing wildly, but looking at the two calm people, he felt something was wrong.

Suddenly, there was a surge at Caesar’s feet.

The ground rolled and a big hole appeared.

A tanuki rushed out of the ground and smiled at him.

Then Caesar’s entire body was lifted dozens of meters high by a mound of earth.


Caesar fell directly into it, and his eyes must have noticed something was wrong… These are bombs buried all over the island!

A gust of cold air hit Tianling Gai. As if he thought of something, Caesar’s eyes widened angrily and he looked at Enelu.

Enelu crossed his arms and snorted:

“I’m stalling for time too, idiot.”

Caesar’s usual little tricks couldn’t be hidden from Enelu’s knowledge.

The defenses at important places on the island have already been perfected.

But because of the bomb buried in it, it will explode as long as it is triggered.

Even the interference shield will explode instantly, causing a chain reaction and blowing up the entire island.

After scanning and research, it was found that only when the controller is pressed, it enters the standby state.

Only then can they be moved at will, and there is a scene of Enel and Luo cooperating.

The needle tip of the Devil Fruit Recycler was pierced deeply into Caesar’s body. The needle tip was mixed with seastone powder and Caesar didn’t have much strength to climb out of the bomb pile.

The sound of the explosion was getting closer and closer. Even though Caesar felt a lot of unwillingness in his heart, he closed his eyes in despair and resigned to his fate…

Damn…Thunder Bastard…Damn…Vegapunk! ! ! ! !

boom! ! ! !

The island shook crazily, dazzling white light lit up, and purple poisonous mist erupted.

Aperture edge.

The stone in Luo’s hand disappeared instantly, replaced by the completed Devil Fruit Recycler.

Looking up at the air current and poisonous mist sweeping over him, he felt a little headache.

Throw the Devil Fruit Recycler to Enel outside the circle.

Stretch out your hands and press them into the air:


The light mask covering one third of the island shrank rapidly.

The poisonous mist that rushed to the top from the center of the mask has been blocked, and the mask is shrinking rapidly.

The impact of the explosion collided with Luo’s ability.

The mask is slightly irregularly deformed, and its shrinking speed is slowing down.

It’s not that Luo is not strong enough, but these bombs themselves were used by Caesar to blow up the entire island, although the main ingredient was poison.

But these densely packed bombs are piled up together, and the power of the explosion is not small.

Sweat began to appear on Luo’s head, and the light mask was compressed.

Eniru threw away the Devil Fruit Recycler in his hand and walked next to Luo:

“Can you do it…?”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Luo:

“Shut up! Raiden bastard!!!”

His eyes were fixed on the light mask compressed to the size of four football fields, and the veins in his arms were rioting:


Within the light shield, all the bombs had exploded, and the shock wave lost its subsequent power. Under Luo’s explosion, it quickly compressed to the size of a house.

A purple liquid ball wrapped with a light film was formed, floating in front of him, and it was filled with poisonous mist compressed into liquid…


Luo raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his head, and controlled the purple liquid ball to hit Enelu.

Enelu let out a light chuckle, moved his feet and dodged:

“It’s very dangerous, kid.”

Luo snorted coldly:

“Best to blow you up.”

Enelu smacked his lips:

“It’s true that he has always been bad since childhood.”

The veins on Luo’s head are throbbing:

“You are obviously the bad one! Bastard!!!”


Punk Hassard, inside Vegapunk’s laboratory.

There was a purple liquid ball floating behind Luo, and he and Enel arrived at Vegapunk.


Vegapunk nodded:

“It’s no surprise.”

Luo shook his head:

“No, but a third of the island was still blown up.”

In order to confuse and delay time, the bombs in the light shield were not eliminated, so one third of the covered island was bombed.

However, the research institute was secretly reinforced, so there were no casualties.

Vegapunk said:

“That’s good.”

He took the Devil Fruit Recycler from Enel, looked at the fruit, shook his head, and put it away.

Luo’s control ability moved the liquid ball over:

“No matter how you deal with this, it’s all compressed venom.”

Vegapunk frowned slightly as he looked at such a large group. This was compressed. If Luo let go of his ability, it would expand and spread directly…

Enelu said:

“Come out with me and throw this thing to the new world, some pirate island.”

“You’ve been here for so many years, it’s time to go out for a walk.”

Luo Yi was stunned, let’s go out for a walk…

Vegapunk also smiled:

“That’s right, Luo, go out for a walk.”

“Young people should not stay in one place for too long.”

“It just so happens that I also want to change places.”

“The government doesn’t know that all the bombs Caesar planted on the island have been removed.”

“The construction on Dantou Island is almost complete.”

“Just take this opportunity to change places.”

Luo thought for a moment and nodded heavily:



Grand Line, Tarkea Island.

A small island located on the edge of the calm zone, close to the New World.

All kinds of ores can be found everywhere on the island, but because it is located in a windless zone and close to the direction of the New World, Neptune species can be found everywhere, making the route extremely dangerous.

It has been secretly controlled by Hale Nok, one of the Four Emperors of the New World.

Used to manufacture arms and trade with the revolutionary army, the sky above the island is filled with non-stop black smoke…


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