A sharp whistling sound appeared unabashedly over the island.

Everyone looked up and saw a black dot falling rapidly…it was Barrett carrying a missile.

The leader of Hale Nok’s command, who controlled the island, grabbed the big knife and rushed out, looking up at the sky:



With his arms filled with domineering energy, his broadsword turned black. With one step of his feet, he rushed straight towards the black spot and raised his sword to chop it away.

A sword energy of tens of meters shot out and rushed towards Barrett who fell.

Barrett looked at the slashing sword energy, grinned ferociously, and activated a trace of his ability.

The missile he was carrying expanded several times, with a jet-black armed color, and directly smashed the attacking sword energy and hit the pirate leader.

There was no time to escape, in a state of panic and despair.



The massive amount of domineering force and the ten-meter-wide missile directly crushed all the bones of the pirate leader.

Pressing his body, he rushed towards the panicked pirates…

boom–! ! !

All the slaves in the giant pit looked at the explosion in horror, not knowing what was happening.

The center of the explosion.

Barrett, with his injured arms bare, waved his hand through the smoke and walked out.

He walked to a scattered ammunition box, grabbed a handful of bead-shaped bullets, looked at the pirates in the distance, and smiled ferociously.



Throw the last pirate into the pile of corpses.

Barrett found an unopened barrel of wine, sat on a boulder, and drank heavily.


The phone bug’s voice rang.


Barrett put down the barrel and took out the phone bug:


The phone bug said:

“Lieutenant General Barrett, the Warring States Marshal summoned all officers above the lieutenant general level to return to headquarters for a meeting.”

Barrett said softly:

“I know, how long does it take to get here.”

The phone bug said:

“In about 20 minutes, the warship will arrive at Tarkea Island.”

Barrett said:

“Okay, come directly to receive the stolen goods when you arrive.”


Hang up on the phone bug.

At this time, an old slave from a distance came over hesitantly:

“This sir…”


The details of Barrett are unclear, but all the pirates on the island were killed by Barrett. They, the slaves, don’t know what their fate will be next.

Barrett looked at the slave:

“What’s the matter?”

The old slave looked at the encouraging crowd behind him, gritted his teeth and said:

“What are you going to do with us slaves…”

Barrett frowned slightly:

“Where is the king of this country?”

The old slave smiled bitterly:

“Killed by pirates.”

Barrett nodded:

“Where are the residents?”

The old slave had a bitter taste in his mouth:

“We are the residents…”

Barrett waved his hand:

“Go and help me sort all the arms and put them in the port.”

“You will be free.”

“Pick a leader yourself.”

The old slave wanted to say something excitedly, but was stopped by Barrett’s impatient eyes. He ran back excitedly and shouted something.

Then the huge cheers gradually grew louder and echoed throughout the island.

All the slaves are running like crazy to collect arms, just want to end it all quickly and get freedom…


Port office.

The densely packed arms were piled up like mountains, and although they were chaotic, they were still arranged in categories.

Barrett nodded, and another huge cheer resounded throughout the island….because they were free….

Walking to the side of the munitions pile, Barrett picked up a musket, slid it a few times, and bumped it to feel the loose structure…

“What rubbish.”


The pile of muskets completely shattered and exploded, and Barrett had no intention of continuing to watch.

He said to the soldiers who had already arrived and had been waiting for a long time:

“Pick out some useful artillery and spears and bring them back.”

“Throw away the others.”



South China Sea, Kingdom of Sobel.

Inside the palace, there is a temporary base for the revolutionary army.

Only some high-level officials gathered here, including the former commanders of the four armies of the East, West, North and South, Big Bear Sabo, etc…

Everyone looked at the most complete distribution map of the revolutionary army at present, and Long said:

“How much has the Grand Line been withdrawn?”

Saab, who is already a young man, looks heavy:

“Less than half has been withdrawn. The most important thing is Admiral Sakaski of the Navy Headquarters.”

“One person is destroyed

Six districts, no one alive. ”

There were a dozen divisions in the Grand Line… and nearly half of the people were directly massacred…

Everyone looked heavy, and Long took a deep breath:

“It’s my fault. I misjudged the attitude of the world government.”

“I would like to review this to everyone.”

He bowed deeply and everyone quickly helped him up.

Long said:

“Their sacrifice will not be in vain.”

“One day, their names will appear in the records of history.”

Then he glanced at the crowd and said:

“The seeds cultivated in the past few years have all been distributed to various ministries all over the world.”

“No one is left behind, no place is left behind.”

“Everyone prepares for the turbulence that will follow.”

Everyone looked at each other with some confusion.


The half-person-high document was smashed in the center of the table.

Long’s deep voice sounded:

“Cleaning out moths…”


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

As the three major generals of the main combat forces arrived, the meeting began.

As for some lieutenant generals who have not arrived, special personnel will be assigned tasks after the meeting.

Sengoku sat at the head, and there were two rows of sofas below.

On the left are Sakaski, Enero, Dauberman, Flying Squirrel, etc…..

On the right side sit Karp, Porusalino, Kuzan, Huoshaoshan, etc…..

As for others, including Lieutenant General He, Barrett and other Lieutenant Generals, they are still on their way back.

Warring States briefly described the turmoil in the new world, and then spoke:

“There’s only one thing, a simple meeting.”

“The troops stationed in the New World are no longer enough to deal with the four emperors.”

“Although judging from the current situation, in the chaotic new world, the chance of a conflict between the four emperors and the navy is low.”

“But just in case, we decided to send three generals to stay there for a while.”

“In the chain base range of the New World, only the original Three Emperors are in direct contact.”

“So correspondingly, send three generals there.”

“What do you think?”

Kuzan nodded:


Porusalino was a little troubled:

“It’s so troublesome~”

Sakaski crossed his arms and said indifferently:


Sengoku glanced at Sakaski slightly, his eyes slightly condensed…but Sakaski didn’t care.

Everyone also noticed a strange atmosphere, and the conference hall fell silent…

Enel stretched and yawned:


He twisted his neck:

“Huh? Is Rocinante here? So quiet?”

Breaking the brief weird atmosphere, Warring States withdrew his eyes:

“Choose your own opponents.”

Kuzan thought of the time he watched Hale Noak fight with Charlotte Lingling a few years ago… and said:

“Hare Nock.”

Porusalino rolled his eyes and looked at Sakaski:

“Who do you choose? Sakaski.”

Sakaski said indifferently:

“Leave the strongest one to me.”

Porusalino was a little troubled:

“It’s so troublesome~”

“The remaining two seem to be very strong~”

“Who should I choose~”


Warring States said softly:

“If there is no provocation, it is best not to initiate a conflict.”

“The rise of the revolutionary army is a big trouble for us, and we cannot take care of both ends.”

“Especially you, Sakaski.”

“You are too murderous.”

Sakaski looked at Warring States indifferently:

“They are all enemies.”

Warring States frowned:

“They are not pirates, there is no need for this…”

Sakaski suddenly interrupted:

“Know your place, Sengoku.”

“Are you pitying them?”

Everyone knew that it was because of the incident with the Grand Line Revolutionary Army… they dared not speak out.

After all, Sakaski killed too many people… Some people in the headquarters couldn’t stand it anymore.

But now Sakaski has omitted even the title of Marshal and is questioning him by his first name… This makes the atmosphere in the room even more terrifying…

Warring States stared at Sakaski and said in a deep voice:

“The birth of the revolutionary army was part of the country’s civil strife.”

“Except for the identity of the revolutionary army, they are just ordinary people, Sakaski.”

“They are not pirates.”

Sakaski stood up slowly, and his violent murderous intent, accompanied by a domineering look, exploded and swept out:

“I am a person who is rarely swayed by emotions.”

“But now you’re making me so angry…”

“You pity them…?”

“Then who will show mercy?

Our soldiers! ”

“Warring States!!!”


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