“I’ll be there soon!”


After hanging up the phone, Sora stood up directly:

“Damn, how could this happen?”

Looking at Porusalino who was drinking tea leisurely, he also understood the meaning of what he just said and became very angry:

“Still in the mood for tea! Go and stop them first!”

“I’ll be there soon!!!”

He hurriedly walked out of the door, flew away on moon steps, and dived directly along the red earth continent.

Porusalino slowly finished a cup of tea:


“It’s so troublesome~”

Points of light emitted from his body and disappeared.


Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

A few minutes later, the hall where Wulaoxing was located.

A CP organization hurried over to report:

“Lord Five Old Stars.”

“There is a battle at Navy Headquarters.”

The movements of Wulaoxing and others were all stunned, and they were a little confused.

Who dares to cause trouble at the Navy Headquarters…

The five old stars holding the sword said:

“Who is he?”

The faces of the CP members still looked shocked and a little unbelievable.

Swallowing his saliva, he said tremblingly:

“The two sides of the battle are.”

“Admiral Sakaski of the Navy Headquarters, and Marshal Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters.”

“Admiral Aokiji of the Navy Headquarters, and Lieutenant General ‘White Dragon’ Eniro as backup.”

“There are also Lieutenant General ‘Blue Devil’ Barrett and former ‘Navy Hero’ Lieutenant General Karp as backup generals.”

Several Five Old Stars stood up suddenly:

“What!!” x5

The curly-haired Wulaoxing was the first to come to his senses:

“It’s Sora.”

CP members quickly said:

“Marshal Kong has gone to the Navy Headquarters.”

Several Five Old Stars looked solemn:

“Someone is coming!!!”


Malinvando, on the sea in the distance.

Broken icebergs can be seen everywhere, and from a distance, they are even bigger than Malinvando in the distance.

Slender icebergs rise from the sea, with domineering force crisscrossing towards Enel like a jungle of thorns.

Enero flashed in the sky, and the rumble of thunder echoed across the sea.

The lightning in his hands condensed into a three-meter-long thunder spear, which he aimed at Kuzan and threw it directly.

Almost instantly, he ejaculated in front of Kuzan.

Kuzan looked at the incoming thunder spear, his pupils shrank, and his movements stopped.

The thunder spear passed through the body and hit the ice.

An extremely dangerous aura erupted from there, and a semicircular light lit up…


A mushroom cloud hundreds of meters high exploded and rose, and air waves swept over it.

Countless corpses of creatures floated up on the sea…

Kuzan’s figure appeared from a broken iceberg in the distance. He moved his body at the last moment and was not injured.

Looking at the sweeping air waves and waves:

“Ah la la, it’s really scary.”

He reached out and pointed at the waves in front of him, and the cold air condensed in his palms:

“Ice Age!!!”

The freezing air shot out, freezing icicles covered with spikes in the air wherever it passed, and shot into the waves.

The moment it was injected, ice began to condense from the waves and spread out quickly.

Kuzan breathed a sigh of relief:


An ice knife suddenly condensed in his hand, and he turned around and slashed away.

Enelu’s figure disappeared and reappeared in front of Kuzan in an instant:

“It’s too slow.”

The golden short stick in his hand condensed into a short blade at some point, flashing with the light of thunder and lightning, and stabbed Kuzan’s heart.


Sparks flew everywhere, and Kuzan flew upside down, with a dark domineering aura all over his body.

And Enilu’s feet suddenly shot out countless ice spikes with a hint of domineering.

Enelu sneered, mobilized his ability, and directly predicted the elementalization of the stabbed position. His body was pierced by dense ice spikes, but there was no harm at all.

He tilted his head slightly to one side and raised his hand condensed with electric light:

“They say it’s too slow.”

With a slight click, the compressed lightning exploded on the ice, directly forcing Kuzan out.

The high temperature of the current caused the newly frozen sea to thaw quickly and expand outward.

The whole sea was steaming upwards.

The freezing air in Kuzan’s hand condensed, and ice crystals kept popping up, and he aimed at Anilu with domineering energy:

“Ice Prison!”

The ice crystal ball drew a long trail of cold air in the air, rushing towards Enel.

Eniru’s sight sensed the approaching Zefa and the approaching Lieutenant General He. He turned into thunder and lightning to avoid the ice crystal ball and rushed into the clouds.


The dodged ice crystal ball exploded.

In just a moment, it turned into a huge ice ball cage with a dark domineering aura attached to it.

It’s a pity that it didn’t hit…

Enero in the clouds transformed into

The elemental man swept the area below over and over again, and his hands kept moving:

“Thousands of Thunder-Thunder Welcome!!!”

I saw dark clouds surging and gathering, forming a ball of thundercloud the size of an island.

From the huge thunder ball, dense lightning shot out and struck downwards, blocking the area below.

Follow the thunderball and press it down little by little…


Naval Headquarters, Houshan.


Two violent figures collided and separated.

The dust in the sky was swept away by the collision of air waves.

Barrett entered the state of the Great Asura King in ghost mode. He was a little embarrassed, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Scarlet eyes stared at Garp:

“Old guy, your bones are pretty strong.”

Garp was filled with a dark domineering aura, and the right side of his chest was slightly sunken.

He was also in a state of embarrassment all over his body, staring at Barrett:

“You’re too young, kid.”

The battle between the two purely in physical skills was far more intense than the other two battlefields.

Barrett smiled ferociously:

“He also has a tough mouth, which is interesting.”

The domineering energy on his body surged wildly, and a ferocious evil ghost appeared on his arms, staring at Garp.

boom–! ! !

The colliding fists burst into air waves again.

The shadow on Barrett’s arm instantly clung to him.

But under Cap’s massively compressed armament, it had no effect and couldn’t create any hindrance.

However, Barrett didn’t expect it to be useful. Instead, he acted as a bridge and turned his hand, turning his fist into a palm to grab Garp’s wrist.

The whole person mobilizes twenty times the speed, although it cannot be completely controlled…

But at close range, before Garp could react, Barrett’s other hand directly covered his face.

With a ferocious look on his face, he twisted around and swung his body, pressing down on Garp’s head and smashing it directly to the ground.


The earth trembled and the ground cracked.

Garp’s eyes widened in anger, and he grabbed Barrett’s wrist with one hand, and a huge force exploded.

Turning over on the ground, he also threw Barrett to the ground.

The two of them held each other’s wrists tightly, rolling crazily on the ground like two violent behemoths.

The huge explosion of force made the ground tremble…

During the roll, Barrett turned to the top, kicked with his feet, and his power exploded.

The two of them shot straight into the sky.

In an instant, he rushed to a height of 1,000 meters.

The veins on his head were raging, and he was holding the opponent’s wrist firmly in a stalemate.

Barrett suddenly laughed ferociously and shook his whole body.

The two men turned around and smashed towards the headquarters below…

Barrett stared at Garp and smiled ferociously:

“Thirty times faster.”

The moment his ability was activated, Barrett himself had no time to react.

The two of them crashed into the island directly from a thousand meters in the air, as if teleporting.


It was as if a powerful bomb had been detonated on the island. Like an earthquake, countless houses on Marineventor collapsed…

In the huge pit tens of meters deep, the two separated at some point…

Barrett shook his head and got up:


My mind went blank, and my mouth kept coughing up blood…

Under this kind of impact, no one can escape unscathed…look up to the other side.

Garp also coughed blood and stood up:

“Ahem…little devil…”

His voice was low, and he did not hide the murderous intention in his heart, because if he continued like this, he might really die…

Barrett grinned and took out a specially made mini-missile from his pocket.

Buzz buzz——

It instantly became as tall as a person, and the tail was removed directly, and the jet-black armed color covered the projectile body.

This kind of missile is specially made. If it is not armed to destroy the inside, it will not be triggered even if it is thrown into the fire…

Barrett grabbed the bottom pillar of the missile and shook it.

There was no skill at all, and he rushed towards Garp with a violent aura all over his body.




The most primitive and brutal physical combat takes place here.

Without dodging, the two men’s fists and weapons continued to bombard each other.


The missile that hit Garp couldn’t withstand the two men who were like ferocious beasts, and broke and exploded…

There was a huge roar.

The mushroom cloud tens of meters high made the island tremble again, and briefly separated the two of them.

Shaking their heads, the two of them climbed out of the pit.

Barrett took out another mini special missile, zoomed in and rushed towards it…

boom–! ! ! !


The main part is diagonally upward, close to the side of the Red Earth Continent.

Thousands of meters in the air.

Sakaski directly entered the red lotus mode, with red magma flowing all over his body and his eyes glowing with gold.

Light and Warring States collide.

Compared with the nearly 100-meter-tall golden Buddha of the Warring States Period, Sakaski looks like a small black dot.

However, the impact of the collision between the two was indistinguishable, and Warring States was even suppressed and retreated.

Compared to the other two deadly battlefields.

The two of them were quite restrained…after all, they were both in power over the light and dark.

The conflict broke out suddenly, and Sakaski couldn’t hold back his anger due to Sengoku’s attitude.

Sakaski’s words also stimulated the Warring States Period, and the two sides fought.

However, the anger on both sides was suppressed after it broke out, and reason gained the upper hand, but the battle still had to be won or lost…

Sakaski shook his hand, and the lava flew out of his arm.

A three-meter-long lava sword appeared, possessing domineering energy.

As soon as you step on it, you will instantly appear on top of the golden body of the Warring States Buddha.

The blade flashed with black and purple thunder and lightning, and he raised his hands to chop it down.

Zeng Guo’s eyes narrowed slightly and he raised his hand.


There was no collision between the blade and the arm, but countless thunder and lightning were triggered between them.

There were even black balls of extremely compressed energy, exuding an extremely dangerous aura.

There was a stalemate for a moment, with the two staring at each other.


A ball of compressed energy explodes.

The huge golden body of Warring States rushed downwards like a golden light.

A red figure followed closely behind, and the red light became more and more dazzling.

Sakaski quickly approached Sengoku who was rushing down, and his body quickly expanded to the same size as Sengoku.

The lava giant’s arms are filled with domineering energy, and it grabs Sengoku.

A shock wave mask appeared around the Warring States Buddha’s golden body.

He resisted the hands stretched out by the lava giant, and stretched his arms to strengthen the shock wave shield.

The Golden Buddha Warring States Period and the Lava Giant spoke together:

“Buddha’s Shock Wave!”

“Lava explosion jade…”

Dazzling golden light and hot magma, expansion and explosion visible to the naked eye.

But if you look from a distance, in front of the towering and endless red earth continent behind you, it is still very small…

The golden light was gradually engulfed by the magma, and the light shield formed by the shock wave was obviously not as large as the continuously pouring out magma…

Thousands of meters in the air, fleeting.

The lava covering the ground is wrapped in golden light and pressed toward the sea, and the Warring States and Sakaski inside are constantly colliding.

And there are only a few hundred meters away from the sea below.

“Stop it!!!”

Angry roars came from high above.

Kong rushed down like a green onion, his right arm showing a strong armament color, aiming at the magma sky below.

The whole person was punched along with the cone-shaped airflow.


The cone-shaped armed color instantly penetrates the light shield of magma and shock waves.

The barrier in front of Kong instantly exploded into pieces, revealing the figures of the two people below.

At this time, the two of them were separated by Sora’s attack and snorted coldly.

Kong fell quickly, and his overlord color exploded towards the two of them:

“What the hell are you two doing!”

“A marshal! An admiral!”

“Do you want the Navy to become the laughingstock of the world?”

“Go back to headquarters!!!”

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