Naval Headquarters, back mountain of Marinefando.

A large area of ​​the island collapsed, and the area of ​​the entire headquarters shrank by one-fifth.

The back mountain here is all gone.

Many high-level lieutenants and generals gathered here. The two men, who looked like violent behemoths, did not dare to step forward, mainly because most people could not resist the aftermath…

The lieutenant generals could only try their best to break the aftermath of the battle and prevent it from hitting residential areas.

Porusalino stood on the edge, not knowing who to stop first.

Morris frowned, looked back, and suddenly relaxed.


The electric light fell on the ground, and Enelu’s figure condensed.

The battle with Kuzan was not decided in the end. Zefa and Hezhong rushed to the two and blocked the two who were using their ultimate moves to attack each other, unable to make a move.

However, Enelu’s breath was stable and his body was quite neat.

Kuzan, who came back from the rear, was in a very embarrassed state, and his fruit was defeated by Tian…

Porusalino breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Enero appear:

“Finally back~”

“One for each person?”

Enelu nodded and looked at the strong wind emanating from the battle. Standing here, it felt like the two men could tear their skin apart.

Thinking of something, he looked at Luo:

“Can I control it for a while?”

Cold sweat dripped from Luo’s head:

“No, they are too domineering.”

“But we can control the situation…”

Luo didn’t expect that he would encounter such an exciting thing as soon as he came out with Enelu…

This battle showed that he had completely extinguished the self-confidence brought by physical training. It was still too far behind…

Enelu nodded:

“That’s enough, get ready.”

Luo stretched out his hand, and a halo appeared in the palm of his hand:


It expanded instantly, covering the entire back mountain area.

Enel and Porusalino looked at each other, their bodies began to transform into elements, and they rushed towards Barrett and Garp respectively.


The center of the battlefield.

The body of the Great Asura King in Barret’s ghost mode has one concave part and one convex part.

Even with the powerful recovery power of ghost mode, he couldn’t recover, and the fist mark was deeply imprinted on his body.

Covered in blood, his scarlet eyes stared at Garp.

The left arm drooped down, and the domineering energy condensed on the right arm increased several times. The evil ghost’s shadow surged, and he rushed towards him with his fist raised.

On Garp’s side, the left cheek was shattered, and the ribs on his chest were all broken and dented.

A large amount of flesh and blood was torn off the right shoulder, and the movement of the right arm was a little slow.

The left arm was condensed with almost substantial jet-black domineering energy, like a gauntlet, hitting the charging Barrett.


It was like thunder on the ground, and those who were close could not help but cover their ears.

The two people in the middle were locked in a stalemate.

Luo quickly eliminated the sound and reduced the roar to a minimum:

“It’s now!!!”

Luo raised his hand and the ground shook crazily.

The entire back mountain was lifted up by Luo using his power, and he held the two people facing him and flew high into the sky.

at the same time.

Enero and Porusalino were on either side of the wrestling duo.

The electric light on the arm and the laser on the foot are condensed respectively, attached to the domineering energy and shot out.

Let the lightning and laser turn into elements and hit their wrists at almost the speed of light.


The two were misplaced and separated…

Arms brushed against each other, and the faint sound of their shoulder blades colliding and shattering could be heard.

Then, with uncontrollable force, it shot in the opposite direction.

Eniro and Porusalino chased each other…

Luo below let out a long sigh of relief, waved his hand downwards, and was lifted to the ground of the island nearly a hundred meters before slowly falling down.

At the same time, the land is constantly being reorganized and restored to its original state as much as possible…

However, there is nothing we can do about the land that was sunk into the sea. We can only wait for Sauter to move some land to make up for it.

The crescent-shaped naval headquarters seemed to have been bitten by something, with one-fifth of the perfect arc missing.


Over Malinvando.

Enel was pressed against Barrett’s back and sent flying backwards.

Just in time, they met Sakaski, Kong and Sengoku who were rushing back.

Sensing Barrett’s violent aura, Sakaski frowned slightly, stamped his feet and rushed out.

Appeared behind him, signaled Enelu to leave, and resisted Barrett.


A huge impact force erupted from Sakaski’s back, directly slowing down the momentum of the inverted flight and slowly stopping it.

Looking at Barrett’s injury, Sakaski grabbed Barrett, turned around and rushed towards the warship in the port.

Looking at Sakaski leaving, he shouted:

“Hey! Sakaski!!!”

Sakaski waved his hand without looking back:

“have nothing to say.”


Nero, tell people to set off for a new world. ”

Anilu shouted:


Then he nodded to Marshal Kong and disappeared.

Kong frowned and said nothing, looking at Sengoku next to him:

“What are you two doing?”

Now that there were only two people left, Sora asked directly.

Warring States sighed slightly, Sakaski’s question still echoing in his mind:

“It was my fault.”

“About the revolutionary army…”

“Sakaski already knows the dragon’s identity.”


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Outside the shabby marshal’s office, Sora and Sengoku stood on the edge of the fortress, watching warships go out to sea one after another…

Sakaski did not stop, and after taking Barrett to the warship, he set sail directly to the New World to perform garrison missions.

Then Anilu organized the manpower, and Dauberman, Flying Squirrel and other lieutenant generals followed.

Nuo Da’s naval headquarters instantly became calm.

Only the people from the Warring States faction, Zefa and Morris from the Honbu Academy were left.

The entire navy seems to be divided…

Marshal Kong was a little silent:

“This is the navy you lead.”

The Warring States Period was silent for a long time:

“Feel sorry.”

Kong sighed softly:

“Apologizing can save the situation.”

“I know your feelings are deep.”

“But you indulged Garp too much after all…”

“Sakaski was right.”

“As the marshal of the navy, you should be responsible for the lives of navy soldiers.”

“Think about how to end the war with the minimum cost of casualties.”

“Instead of showing mercy to the enemy.”

“The values ​​of justice should not be confused by the personal feelings of children.”

“Warring States.”

Warring States closed his eyes:

“I know…..”

“I will take the blame and resign after the year to express my gratitude to the families of the soldiers who died in battle because of my wrong decisions.”

“Give us the compensation we can.”

Kong looked at Warring States and sighed:

“You can resign, but you can’t quit the Navy.”

“Let’s take a temporary job.”

“Otherwise, the impact will probably not be smaller than this time.”

“The Navy has probably become the laughing stock of the world now.”

“As for the choice of marshal…”

Warring States looked at the busy soldiers below and said:

“I recommend Sakaski.”

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