There is nothing to hesitate and nothing to consider.

No one in the Navy is stronger than Sakaski.

There is no one with higher prestige than Sakaski, and after this incident, Sakaski’s prestige in the hearts of the lower-level navy can be imagined.

As for recommending Porusalino and Kuzan, Sengoku didn’t even have to think about it.

Porusalino is wobbly and of unknown composition.

Not to mention Kuzan, he is considered a new recruit compared to Porusalino. As for his strength… Enelu just finished fighting him…

Sora nodded:


He only asked symbolically, and no one except Sakaski could afford it.

Not to mention that Wulaoxing had long been dissatisfied with the Warring States Period because of the Revolutionary Army incident. After reporting the detailed incident this time…

How could he have a good look on Sengoku who allowed Garp to leak the information?

After all, the government has killed many people because of looking for traitors…

Sora turned and left:

“I’m going back to the Holy Land first.”

“You clean up the mess.”

Warring States didn’t speak, just stood quietly on the fortress…looking into the distance.


New World, Punk Hassard.

In the underground research room.

Carol teleported here with Barrett.

Repair the physical damage caused directly through nutrient solution.

This is also the reason why Sakaski sailed directly. There is no need to hide on the sea, just come directly.

After all, as long as there is enough nutrient solution, the patient can recover in a few days.

It’s just that the cost is a bit high, but it has no side effects, and the cost is there.

Barrett had regained his consciousness at this time. His whole body was soaked in nutrient solution and he moved:


Taking a breath of cool air:

“Old guy, you really can resist being beaten.”

After Barrett enters ghost mode, his body is both soft and hard, capable of offloading force and resisting forcefully.

And Garp has practiced his weaponry and color to the core. In one word, tough.

Carol smiled and said:

“After all, it is a navy that has been active since the Locks era.”

“You two are more than 30 years apart in age alone.”

Barrett’s mouth twitched:

“So many?”

“I can’t tell.”

“You are so old and still so difficult to deal with.”

Barrett couldn’t help but click his tongue… An old guy in his 70s is still so strong.

Carol smiled and said:

“A real fight to the death will begin.”

Barrett frowned slightly:

“Let’s go fifty-fifty.”

“When there is no other way, we can only die together.”

“This old guy’s domineering spirit has been practiced to the core.”

“Too hard.”

“No one can kill him instantly.”

“You can’t kill him instantly. With that old guy’s physique, he can survive for three days and three nights even if he goes through rivers and oceans.”

“There’s no way a person with abilities can fight.”

“But if you pull him from an altitude of more than several thousand meters and smash him down at a hundred times the speed.”

“If he dies…I will die too.”

Previously at the headquarters, Barrett dragged him and dropped him from a thousand meters altitude as a test. The result was obvious. The old guy was not feeling well at that time…

Carol shook her head and said:

“no need.”

“How to deal with these powerful men with names on the sea.”

“General Sakaski has everything planned.”

“It just depends on time and layout.”

Barrett chuckled and said:

“That’s it.”

“Then I won’t worry about it.”

Carol smiled and said:

“Take good care of your injuries.”

“I went to collect information about the new world.”



at this time.

Half of Punk Hassad’s men have been transferred.

There were only some soldiers left behind and scientists packing up their equipment.

Because of the Caesar incident, Vegapunk moved to Egghead Island in the new world, and Punk Hassad is gradually becoming history…


Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

In the pure white palace hall, five figures gathered together.

The sturdy Five Old Star snorted coldly:

“That’s ridiculous.”

“The marshal of the navy actually had an affair with the leader of the revolutionary army.”

The curly-haired Wulaoxing narrowed his eyes slightly:

“That is to say…”

“The leader of the revolutionary army, Long.”

“He is Garp’s son. His real name should be Monkey…D. Long.”

“It could be that lamp…”

The five old stars holding the knife had a headache:

“That’s still too far away.”

“Let’s find a way to reduce the impact of this matter first.”

“I’m afraid it has spread all over the world.”

“Let Warring States prepare for the handover as soon as possible.”

“When the New World becomes more stable, let Sakaski come back and take over.”

The other people also nodded. They had no choice but to deal with it even if they knew about the problem between Warring States and Garp.

The pressure from the revolutionary armies in the four seas is there. The fourth emperor has just been born in the new world, and it is the time when the pirates are having a carnival.

The Navy is almost on the verge of a breakup, and the top priority is to stabilize the situation…


On the Sakaski warship that had just crossed the red continent.

Sakaski looked at the distribution map of the New World’s forces hanging on the map and thought about something.


The sound of the doorknob turning was heard.

Enel walked in:

“What’s the matter, Uncle Sakaski?”

Sakaski threw a phone bug:

“Give me a mission.”

After explaining the general content, Enilu’s lips curled up slightly:


“I’ll take someone with me.”

Sakaski said:

“You can trust it.”

Enelu chuckled:

“That brat Luo.”

Sakaski nodded:

“Go ahead.”

Enelu thought of something and smiled evilly:



The electric light flickered and disappeared.

Sakaski looked at the new world map with a faint look, and let out a light sound…


New world, red-haired pirates.

In the early morning, a group of people just woke up from their sleep and walked to the deck to stretch.

Jesus cloth on the observation deck said in a brisk tone:

“What a big event!”

“The navy is broken!”

Everyone who walked out of the cabin was stunned and looked around.

Beckman raised his head and shouted:

“What’s going on! Jesus Bu!”

Jesus smiled and threw down a few newspapers from the observation deck.

The incident that happened yesterday spread across the sea overnight at the hands of newspapers all over the world.

The red-haired man reached out to catch a newspaper, and Beckman looked over.

The cover is the reconstructed back of the Navy Headquarters.

The content was roughly compiled by a reporter who interviewed at the Navy Headquarters through a one-night visit and investigation.

But there is no core content. After all, it is that kind of scandal, and no one in the Navy dares to tell it to death…

Only the two sides fighting and the approximate losses are written down.

“General Sakaski, Warring States Period…”

“General Kuzan, general Enilu will be the backup…”

“Lieutenant General Barrett…”

The people around also looked surprised:

“what’s the situation.”

“I haven’t heard of any discord within the navy before.”

“Good guys… let’s just split up.”

“This is really… great, hahahaha.”

“That’s right! It’s the Navy after all!!!”

Beckman looked at the information:

“Something’s wrong.”

“How could these two guys fight?”

“Sengoku and Sakaski are both absolutely rational guys.”

“Especially Sakaski, it seems he was the one who made the first move.”

Shanks also frowned slightly:


The pirates who didn’t know anything about the navy fell into a carnival, while the pirates who knew something about Sakaski and Sengoku felt as if they were being scratched by a cat.

What could it be that could turn these two guys against each other?


New World, Wano Country, Onigashima.

Above the huge ghostly skull, there were dark clouds, flashing with thunder and lightning.

Inside the skull.

Kaido was drunk and fell asleep in the empty wine jars on the floor.

There was a newspaper next to him. It was the report of the rupture within the navy that made Kaido drink more involuntarily.

Jhin and Quinn seemed to notice something.

One transformed into a pterosaur and the other looked like a pinball and rushed out.


The lightning struck directly on one of the ghost’s horns.

Eniru’s right leg was crossed and his left leg was hanging in the air. He put his chin with his right hand and looked at the two people who rushed out:

“Hey, isn’t this Quinn?”

There was no conscious greeting.

Using the fruit’s ability to teleport to the other corner, Luo stood facing each other with cold sweat on his head…

Damn…how could this happen…

It’s so exciting again! ! !

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