Luo was still sweating coldly as he sensed the aura of the ancient ferocious beast that seemed to be sleeping in the skull below.

Quinn’s expression below changed:

“It’s you! That thunder brat!”

Although Enel was still a child at that time, he had basically changed little.

Especially the harsh tone reminded Quinn of this guy.

Jin turned into a human form and put his hand on the hilt of the sword:

“What a thunder brat.”

“This guy is the replacement for the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, ‘White Dragon’ Eniro.”

“Quinn the idiot.”

The veins on Quinn’s head throbbed:

“I know more than you, idiot Jhin!”

“This guy is Sakaski’s confidant.”

Turning to look at Enelu:

“What are you doing here, Enelu?”

The movements of his hands were on guard, ready to explode at any time.

Enel looked like an idiot:

“Of course I have something to do with you.”

“Otherwise, why would I, a marine, come here?”

“Quinn the idiot.”

“Call your boss out.”

“Exchange a collaborative project related to your future.”

Quinn first glared at Jhin, then transformed into the brachiosaurus form:

“Pirates and navy have nothing to talk about.”

Jhin also pulled out the knife.

Enelu was still sitting cross-legged on one corner, clasping his chin with his hand and looking down.

Luo on the other skull horn was sweating profusely and shouted:

“The guy woke up.”




The heavy footsteps, accompanied by the gradually surging overlord color, sounded like war drums.

A figure with a gloomy face walked out of the skull carrying a mace.

Kaido walked out of the hall, turned around, raised his head slightly, and said in a deep voice:

“You just said… cooperation?”

Enelu said in a brisk tone:

“Ah, that’s right.”


Kaido suddenly smiled ferociously and said:

“Sakaski and Sengoku have just broken up.”

“It’s really fun to cooperate with pirates in the blink of an eye…”

“Has Sakaski forgotten the hatred between us?”

“He actually sent someone to die.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Kaido stretched upward infinitely and turned into a huge green dragon, and the energy in his mouth surged:

“Hot breath!!!”

Brutal murderous intent and domineering lust pressed towards Enelu, and Enelu let out a light chuckle.



Kaido’s huge dragon eyes looked at Luo.

Seeing that the pressure had reached this point, Luo An cursed, Damn Thunderbolt bastard…I knew it…

Without hesitation, he stretched out his hand and the aperture rotated rapidly:



Teleport out.

A huge boulder appeared on the spot and was torn into powder by the evil wind blades that filled the sky.

Luo, who had just teleported out, was about to move again.

Locked by a surge of domineering energy, Jhin’s long sword was attached with flames, and a long flame dragon was slashed out:

“Fire Dragon Emperor!”

Luo pulled out the long knife in his hand and struck it with domineering energy.


The whole person was suppressed and kept going backwards.


Jin’s sword loosened and hit the ground directly. A big pit appeared, and Luo teleported out again.

the other side.

Kaido, who transformed into a giant blue dragon, suddenly looked up.

A dazzling white light lit up, and the entire ghost island became like daylight.

Kaido’s eyes narrowed in excitement.


A thunder giant tens of meters high rushed down from the clouds.

He was too fast to react, so he directly grabbed Kaido’s neck with one hand, and stabbed him with the thunder and lightning pestle with the other hand.

The thunder giant and the huge green dragon crashed to the ground, and the island trembled.

There was a crackling sound, but the compressed thunder and lightning condensed into the demon pestle did not cause much damage to Kaido.

Kaido twisted his body and broke free.

He opened his mouth violently, biting the Thunder Giant’s shoulder and tearing half of his body apart.

The thunder giant did not resist, but looked at the green dragon condensing energy in his mouth and taunted:

“On business, suppressed by Hale Nock.”

“In terms of prestige, she was suppressed by Charlotte Lingling.”

“In terms of strength, he is surpassed by red-haired Shanks.”


Boom! ! ! !

The heat breath collided with the thunder giant and exploded.

Mushroom clouds rose into the sky, causing the entire Wano Country to tremble crazily, like an earthquake…

The center of the explosion.

Kaido turned into a human form, with a gloomy face:

“It’s really in the same vein as Sakaski.”

“I really want to tear your mouth open and see…”


Enelu also gathered his figure and stood opposite him:

“But you’re too slow.”

He reached into his pocket and took out a phone bug, and pointed it at Kaido

One throw:



Kaido raised his hand to catch it.

Enilu smiled and shouted to Luo, who was struggling one-on-one over there:


Then he transformed into thunder and lightning and disappeared.

Luo Yi teleported out in embarrassment to avoid the sword and laser… He cursed secretly and mobilized his abilities.


Losing their target, Jhin and Quinn turned into human forms and walked to Kaido.

“Brother Kaido.”


Kaido nodded, his face calm, his eyes slightly narrowed as he looked at the phone bug in his hand, and pressed the button.


After the phone bug turned on, it rang once, and its expression changed.

Sakaski’s indifferent voice came from over there:


Kaido’s voice sounded slightly murderous:



After a while.

Kaido hung up the phone with an expressionless expression.

Quinn was shocked when he heard the entire call, while Jhin frowned.

Kaido suddenly laughed:


“Interesting, so interesting.”

“A deal you can’t refuse.”

“Jin, go collect information and prepare.”

Jin hesitated:

“Brother Kaido.”

“The revolutionary army is making trouble across the sea, and the navy is divided again at this time.”

“Sakaski’s purpose is obviously to cause chaos in the new world.”

“Buy the Navy time.”

“If you do this, wouldn’t it be following his wishes?”

Kaido narrowed his eyes slightly:

“so what.”

“The benefits we can get are simply impossible for us to refuse.”

“We don’t have to pay anything.”

“That’s the scary thing about that guy…”

Not only are the hands black, but the heart is also black…

Even if he is plotting against you, you can’t refuse…after all, there is so much you can get…

The level of alertness in my heart towards Sakaski has increased a bit.

Hearing this, Jin was also a little silent, yes…

Putting aside the opposing positions of the navy and pirates, this deal was impossible to refuse.

And even if the positions are opposite, there is no need to talk about friendship…

The four emperors themselves have their own conflicts. Sakaski is plotting against others, they just need to pick up the slack.

Sakaski’s purpose is obvious, and he doesn’t even hide it, to confuse the new world.

But the huge benefits made it impossible for them to refuse, and they were planning on others, so how could they refuse…

Jin took a deep breath:

“I see.”

“Let’s collect information.”

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