Long came back to his senses, shook his head, stood up, and put away the newspaper:

“No…it’s nothing.”

He walked out and disappeared into a gust of breeze.

The two looked at each other.

Lindbergh scratched his head:

“what’s the situation?”


Grand Line, Alabasta.

Rainland, the basement of Yuyan Casino.

Robin was in the office, reporting to Crocodile on the casino’s finances and the operation of the Baroque Studio.

After listening for a while, Crocodile waved his hand:

“Stop talking about useless things.”

“What’s the rainfall situation like now across Alabasta.”

Robin closed the note in his hand:

“Except for the capital Albana and nearby towns, rainfall has stopped in other places.”

“The plan can begin, BOSS.”

Crocodile looked puzzled:

“Yeah…it’s time to start.”

After more than ten years of planning, victory is just around the corner.

But at this time, Crocodile became calmer.

No one knows what will happen until the last moment…

Crocodile was lying on the boss’s chair, and the index finger of his right hand kept moving on the gauntlet…

“Go and send people to spread the guidance secretly.”

“Point the finger at the royal family.”

“There are also those rebels, let’s get in touch with them too.”

“Don’t reveal your identity.”

Robin nodded:


Crocodile waved his hand, and Robin respectfully walked out to perform the task.

After Robin left, the corners of Crocodile’s mouth kept rising, as if he thought of something happy:



The Devil’s Triangle.

One of the Seven Martial Arts under the King, the residence of Moonlight Moria.

A few years ago, he sailed the terrifying three-masted ship into the foggy sea, and established a zombie army with his partner, the talented surgeon Hogbark.

The intention was to make a comeback and take revenge on Kaido…but Moria, who had lost his heart, this idea was obviously a bit naive.

But this does not prevent him from being a powerful pirate. Every year, nearly a hundred ships accidentally enter the Devil’s Triangle and disappear without a trace.

When people found it, only the broken sailboat was left with no trace of people.


The penetrating song echoed in this misty sea.

On a broken ship, a skeleton with an explosive head stood on the retaining wall and fell forward.

“Ah! 43 degrees!!!”

Then it slipped on the deck….


A slight sound broke through the air.

The skeleton stood up suddenly and looked around:

“Huh? Hallucination?”


The terrifying barque.

It looks like an island on the outside, but it’s actually Moria’s ship.

Known as the largest pirate ship in the world, the fog in the Devil’s Triangle and the ships that mistakenly entered this sea area and disappeared without knowing when.

They are all the work of Moria. This huge pirate ship and the zombies can capture nearly a hundred ships every year for Moria to capture the shadows and create zombies.

The fog here is also to prevent the person whose shadow is taken away from being irradiated to death by the sun and make the shadow disappear.


Carol’s figure appears.

The skeleton that Brooke heard just now was not an illusion…

Carol’s vision swept over, roughly determined the location, and teleported directly over.


As one of the three weirdos.

The zombie soldier commander’s transparent fruit ability user, Absalom.

I was lying leisurely on the bed, holding the latest edition of Miss World Beauty Magazine in my hand and reading:

“Well, this is good.”

“This is not bad either!”

“Oh~~~This is even better!!!”

Absalom, who is extremely lustful, often uses the fruit’s power to become invisible and choose his ideal bride…


Carol appeared directly in front of him.

The hands were armed with weapons and directly clasped his mouth and neck.

Then the muscles in both arms swelled in a circle, and there was only a sputtering sound. Absalom’s whole body was crushed and he couldn’t make a sound.


The two disappeared from the castle on this terrifying three-masted ship.

Over the foggy sea far away from the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

Carol appeared holding Absalom in his arms.


Energy surged on both sides of him. It turned out to be Absalom’s rocket launchers hidden in his hands using his fruit power.

Carol’s pupils narrowed sharply.

Because he didn’t notice the hidden rocket launcher, it was only because of his active stimulation that it was exposed.


He released the hand that crushed his jaw, took out the Devil Fruit Recycler, plunged it directly into Absalom’s body, and then teleported away.


Two rockets collided and exploded in the air, and the deafening sound lasted for a long time, even alarming Moria in the terrifying three-masted sailboat.

Inside Absalom’s room.

Several little ghosts flew in, followed by Perona:



“Where are the people?”


The Grand Line, a deserted island somewhere.

Carol threw away the mutilated body in her hands and pulled out the Devil Fruit Recycler.

Just after a short verification, it was confirmed that this guy’s transparent fruit ability can actually block the perception of seeing, hearing and color…

No wonder General Sakaski asked to be killed in one blow…

He shook his head and stopped lingering.



New world, Egg Head Island.

In the secret laboratory, Carol’s figure appeared here.

In the laboratory, there is a row of huge experimental cabins. Each cabin is engraved with a number, and the word Seraph is written on the top.

A small robot is busy in front of a huge screen.

Carol smiled and said:

“Where’s Dr. Vegapunk, Edison.”

Carol knew that this little robot named Edison was actually one of Vegapunk’s clones…

Although it’s a bit strange, scientists all have their quirks…

The busy little robot suddenly woke up and looked back:

“Ah! Mr. Carroll.”

“The main body is in the underground smelting chamber, conducting research on new alloys.”

Carol nodded:

“That’s it, then you get busy first.”

“I’m going to find the doctor.”

The little robot nodded quickly:

“Okay, Mr. Carroll.”

Turn around and continue working:

“Ideas, ideas…so many ideas…I don’t have enough hands!”


Underground smelting room.

A mechanically modified living giant bear opened its mouth wide and was chewed by ores and metals that were continuously thrown in.

After a moment, it spits out new synthetic metal.

This giant bear was transformed into a synthetic furnace after being fed the Swallowed Fruit.

Vegapunk took the metal, put it under the instrument, and continuously analyzed the records.


Carol suddenly appeared and said:

“Dr. Vegapunk.”

“I got the transparent fruit.”

Hearing Carol’s voice, Vegapunk turned around with some surprise:


“I got it.”

“Very good.”

“follow me!”

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