After saying that, he walked quickly towards the elevator, and the giant bear who had eaten the Swallowed Fruit followed him.

Carol kept up with the hurrying Vegapunk.

After entering the elevator, it stopped after going up two floors.

Passed the verification and entered the laboratory.

Rows of jars filled with nutrient solution are placed indoors.

There was a lot of flesh and blood inside, as well as a lot of corpses.

The flesh and blood are cells or extracts from some rare races.

And the corpse…

There are many familiar faces…

For example, Weibull, Mihawk, Boya Hancock and others…

At this time, all of them have been mechanically transformed and turned into robots.

Although Boya Hancock has completed the transformation and can remove the petrification of the soldiers in the G-8 branch, it is not yet time…

Because there is no way to explain this…

Weibull, known as Whitebeard II, was dead when he was delivered, so he did not retain any abilities, but after the transformation of his extremely powerful body.

Extremely resistant to beating… and also a powerful fighting force.

This way.

Vegapunk led Carol to the body of “Navy Hunter” Joracol Mihawk.

After the battle with Barrett, Mihawk’s left arm was broken and his ribs were shattered. Fortunately, his head was intact.

After Vegapunk’s transformation, the skeleton was recast using memory metal synthesized through the ability to swallow fruit, and transplanted to Mihawk’s body.

The half-body metal skeleton, coupled with the memory of its own head, was transformed into a highly intelligent swordsman robot.

He has 80% of the combat power of the original ‘Navy Hunter’ Hawkeye Mihawk, and this can still be improved.

With the continuous analysis and integration learning of future intelligence, the strength will continue to recover and even reach a higher level.

Vegapunk came to the console and quickly issued instructions.

The door to the nutrition cabin opened, and Mihawk opened his eyes, expressionless, and walked out like a normal person.

The mechanically modified giant bear that ate the Swallowed Fruit opened its huge mouth like a gate.

Mihawk walked in expressionlessly, and then Vegapunk asked Carol to throw the transparent fruit in…

Carol twitched the corners of her mouth, thinking of something.

Throw the fruit directly in.

Then there was a sound of mechanical operation inside the giant bear’s body, and steam was continuously sprayed out of its ears.


A crisp sound sounded, and the mechanical sound also stopped.

The giant bear’s mouth opened like a door, but there was nothing inside.


Carol was tapped on the shoulder.

Suddenly, the hair on his hair burst, and then Mihawk’s expressionless body slowly appeared in front of Carol.

A hand rested on Carol’s shoulder.

Carol breathed a sigh of relief:

“It’s scary, Doctor.”

Vegapunk smiled:

“How about it.”

“The corpse of a top swordsman, a reformed pacifist.”

“The ability to fuse transparent fruits.”

“Able to assassinate ninety percent of the powerful men on the sea.”

“Of course, it’s not without flaws.”

“There is a bit of rigidity in transforming people. The transparent fruit cannot hide one’s footprints, etc., and the crisis of the person facing the blade stimulates the sixth sense.”

“So there is no big threat to those who are really strong.”

It’s not nonsense, although Mihawk was killed by Barrett before he reached his peak.

But Mihawk like this is still an existence that many people in the sea cannot resist. Even the leaders of the cadres under the Four Emperors will not be able to resist him.

Carol marveled:

“It’s already very powerful.”

“The real strong ones are definitely not something that the reformers can handle.”

“There are experts to deal with it.”

“This kind of modified human beings can be mass-produced and can greatly reduce the casualties of middle- and low-level soldiers.”

Vegapunk smiled and felt a little distressed:

“That’s what I think too, as long as it’s mass-produced and cloned.”

“It can greatly relieve stress, but there is not enough time and the cultivation time is too long.”

With the technology obtained from Gaji, it will take five years to mass-produce elite soldiers.

After his optimization, it can reach about three or four years.

But that’s a soldier. This kind of strong man is different. He consumes a huge amount of resources and the time it takes to clone him also increases exponentially.

So one of the main research projects now is to overcome the time of cultivation.

According to Sakaski’s plan, there are only a few years left before the decisive battle, and it is necessary to cultivate a ‘Seraph’ that can fully grow within two or three years.

Even though six clones have been divided now, it is still not enough…

Carol sighed:

“That’s enough…”

In fact, he and General Sakaski also deduced it… and it really came to that day.

Unless tens of thousands of this kind of thing can be made, it won’t be of much use. The most important thing is large-scale legion operations.

Take your life to fill…


New world, steam pirates.

On the throne, Hale Nok frowned and looked at the message in his hand:

“completely annihilated?”

Next to him, the chief executive of the Steam Pirates, Ben Black, said:

“That’s right.”

“Confirmed, there is no one left alive.”

“It only took half a day from the time the fleet lost contact to the time when the men arrived.”

“No trace whatsoever.”

“The only one with this capability on the sea is the navy.”

“Not only that, during this period, the arms factories in the first half of the Grand Line were almost wiped out.”

“It’s all…”

Hale Nock narrowed his eyes slightly:


Ben Black said:

“That’s right.”

“The revolutionary army’s business line is temporarily cut off.”

Hale Nock picked up the newspaper, which was the news report about the naval breakup a few days ago:

“Just cut it off.”

“Tell the people below to prepare for war with all your strength.”

“I already know a thing or two about the conflicts within the Navy.”

“Sakaski is going to be a marshal soon, that guy’s character.”

“It won’t be as gentle as the Warring States period.”

“That’s a sign.”

“The war between the navy and the pirates is about to begin.”

Bin Black was stunned for a moment, but he nodded and went down to give orders to his men.

He knew that his boss had business relationships with some high-level officials in the government, so the inside story of the Navy’s breakup was probably already known.

To a certain extent, it can be considered a hit or miss.

Because of Sakaski’s goal of cooperating with Kaido…

It was Hale Nock.


World Economic News Headquarters.

One of the emperors of the underworld, the king of intelligence who controls newspapers around the world, the location of Morgans.

Followed by a news bird mixed with monitors, back to get the newspaper.

Morgans, who controlled Newsbird, noticed something, but remained calm…

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