Morgans went about his daily work normally, as if nothing happened.

Until it got dark, when I returned home, something seemed to have fallen behind. Not long after I returned home, I hurriedly walked out the door.

Morgans’ home, basement.

Monitors spread all over the wall, monitoring every location on the island, even the hidden corners.

And Morgans who just walked out was a stand-in…

As one of the giants of the underground dark forces, he still has the necessary means to save his life, especially for someone like him who is very offending…

Morgans looked at the picture on the monitor over and over again, checking carefully to see if anyone was lurking in.

The news bird carrying the monitor was sent out in the afternoon…

“Who is it…the government? The navy? Or the revolution…”


Morgause’s head flew off.

Feeling the rotation and reversal of his vision, Morgans’ pupils shrank sharply:



Enel stretched out a hand and pinched Morgance’s beak, answering his doubts:

“The answer is the Navy.”

The beak of the bird was pinched, and there was even a sound of breaking.

Luo walked out from behind Enelu, swung the long knife in his hand, and Morgans’ body had been completely divided and floating in the air.

Aim at his heart with one finger:


The long-distance control ability directly dug out Morgans’ heart and turned it into a cube, with the heart beating continuously inside.

He stretched out his index finger and hooked it, and the heart cube instantly appeared in Luo’s hand, and he squeezed it with his hand.

Morgans struggled violently in pain, and cold sweat continued to flow from his head.

Enel grabbed Morgance’s beak, held it in front of him and chuckled:

“It’s quite creative, and it’s like a stand-in.”

“What a pity…this kind of thing is useless to the strong.”

Enel released Morgans’ mouth and looked at him indifferently.

Morgans, who was floating in the air, said with lingering fear:

“What do you want?”

I asked with some fear, not daring to act rashly. The feeling of having my heart pinched was so uncomfortable… I would really die!

Enelu chuckled softly:

“What do you want?”

“Of course I want everything from you, idiot.”

A chill rushed straight into Morgance’s brain:

“What’s the meaning….”

The smile on Enelu’s face also faded:

“It’s time to get down to business.”

“Shut him up.”

Luo nodded and waved.

A huge equipment box appeared on the ground.

The long knife in his hand was aimed at Morgans’ head and slashed vertically, splitting the entire head in two.

Painful Death was equipped with the ability to anesthetize, allowing Morgans to fall into a deep sleep.

Then attach the surgical fruit ability to your hand and take it out.

Morgans’ entire brain was ripped out.

Enel opened the huge equipment box, took Gunsmol’s brain, and placed it on the instrument.

Several robotic arms are connected to neural components and start working.

A chip is implanted in Morgans’ head and his brain is constantly being modified.

Because the current technology is not yet mature, if it is completely transformed into a robot, it will not take long to see it.

So just bury a chip to control his brain at critical moments. It is also responsible for monitoring, etc., and can also secretly control his thinking.

But it won’t take over his daily actions.

Half an hour later…

A green light lights up on the screen of the mechanical equipment, indicating that the transformation is successful.

The robotic arm withdrew slowly and orderly, and Enel took the modified brain and threw it directly at Luo:



Luo nodded, stretched out his index finger and moved it slightly.

Body parts all over the sky began to fly and combine continuously, and then a complete Morgans appeared, standing there with his eyes closed.

Then he opened his eyes somewhat mechanically and turned to look at the screen with an expressionless expression.


Luo activates his abilities and Enel disappears.

After a few seconds, Morgans seemed to have regained his consciousness and looked at the screen to check if there was any suspicious person…

“Who is it…the government? The navy? Or the revolutionary army…”

These repeated words were the thoughts he had just thought about in Morgans’ mind.

It seems to have been reset…

There is no sense of violation and……


On the ark in the sky.

Enel yawned:

“It’s over, let’s go to the new world.”

“Watch the ship’s heading.”

Luo twitched the corner of his mouth:

“I said…what the hell are we doing.”


Traveling all over the world and doing some dirty work, it seems like I haven’t exercised much. ”

Enel said strangely:

“No exercise?”

“Who was so frightened that he was sweating profusely last time in Kaidona?”

The veins on Luo’s head are rioting:

“That’s because you didn’t explain it in advance, bastard!”

“Who would have thought that a navy would go to the four emperors’ lair to cause trouble!!!”

Enelu grinned and said:

“This is how to train people. I’ve told you, what’s the point?”

“That way there won’t be the sense of tension and oppression when a death crisis comes.”

“Faced with the attacks of Kaido’s two big bosses, he didn’t suffer any injuries. That’s pretty good.”

Luo’s face was dark, but he wasn’t injured…bastard…

Enelu looked at the dark-faced Luo, smiled and closed his eyes:

“Okay, I’m going to sleep first.”

“There will be fighting in the new world.”

“Also one of the Four Emperors.”

“Give you one night, guess who it is?”

After saying that, his breath calmed down and he fell into sleep.

Luo raised his brows, tightened his fists… and controlled the flying boat…

Think about which Yonko it is.

Hmm…Excluding Kaido first…


Grand Line, Alabasta.

Princess Weiwei of Alabasta, in the secret base of the Shasha Group, grabbed an angry young man:

“Wait! Kosa!!!”

“It’s really not what you think!”

Kosha threw away Weiwei’s hand and shouted angrily:

“It’s not like this?”

Behind the boulder in the distance.

King Neferutali Kobra, who was secretly following Vivi’s daughter slave in the distance, almost rushed out, lowering his angry voice:

“This bastard! How dare you!!!”

Minister Ikarem, who agreed to follow in disguise, quickly stopped him and whispered:

“Don’t be impulsive! King!”

“You’ll be exposed if you rush out!!!”

In the base field.

Kosha looked at Weiwei and asked:

“Then tell me!”

“Why has it stopped raining in all cities except the capital!”

“Although Alabasta does not have much rainfall, there is only one person who can cause such a large area to have no rain!”

As he spoke, he walked away angrily, grabbed a bag and threw it in front of Weiwei:

“Look what this is!”

“These were found in Albana (the capital)!”

“This is a dancing fan!”

“Do you need to explain the reason for the continued drought in various parts of Alabasta!”

“They have been deceiving the people on the grounds that the weather is controlled by God and that humans cannot interfere!”

“Isn’t this fun!!!”

“This hypocritical royal face… is really…”


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