Kosha pushed Weiwei away and walked out resolutely.

Weiwei collapsed on the ground, grabbing a handful of dancing powder flowing out of the bag. She didn’t know how to explain it, and her tears couldn’t stop flowing…

“really not…..”


Behind the boulder.

King Neferutali Kobra and Minister Ikarem clenched their fists tightly, their veins pulsing ferociously, and their faces were full of shock.

Because they couldn’t believe…why dancing fans who were strictly controlled would appear on a large scale.

And that’s without their knowledge…

“Who is it…?”


Alabasta, Revolutionary Army branch.

As the largest island on the Great Line.

The revolutionary army also garrisoned here.

But because King Kobra’s reputation has always been good, he didn’t do much.

It was only used as a backup stronghold and was not exposed.

He also escaped the Navy’s purge.

It has no contact with the rebel army formed by the people of Alabasta.

But those dancing fans… were discovered by the investigators of the Revolutionary Army and handed over to the rebels to make their own decisions.

This is how the dancing fans that Kosha met came to be…

But within the branch base at this time.

They were all unconscious members of the revolutionary army with their heads tilted to one side.

Nicole Robin sat at the head of the hall, leaning her chin and looking at the struggling branch leader below:

“Stop struggling, it’s useless.”

The branch leader on the ground looked up at Robin with difficulty.

“who are you….”

The body is tightly locked at the joints by several arms.

Robin picked up the notes on the table and looked at them:

“You can call me Miss. all Sunday.”

The head of the branch looked slightly condensed:


“You are… from Baroque Works.”

The Revolutionary Army has also investigated the emerging forces of the Great Aviation in recent years, but they only know that all members are named starting with Miss.

There are many pirate hunters under his command, and they can basically investigate their origins, but the mysterious big boss has no information at all.

It seems to appear out of thin air, but the huge financial resources that can establish the Baroque Working Society cannot be ignored…

Robin chuckled:

“That’s right.”

“Mr. Chief.”

“I’m here this time just to warn you on behalf of our big boss.”

“Don’t stretch your hands too long.”

The branch leader took a deep breath:

“I don’t know what you mean by stretching too far…”

Robin stood up and exuded a sense of knowledge, sensing something, and crossed his hands:

“Matters in Alabasta are the country’s internal affairs.”

“You took the initiative to help the rebels, and even found so many dancing fans to help them make plans. Some of you turned against the guests.”

“So our big boss asked me to come over and warn you if you interfere again.”

“Everyone present will…”


“Don’t try to escape. In Alabasta, no one can escape the pursuit of the Baroque Works.”

Arms kept appearing from the unconscious Revolutionary Army soldiers.

Twist their heads to an angle, as if they will be twisted off if they apply more force…

The leader of the branch stared angrily, twisting and struggling crazily…

“Stop it!!!”

Robin chuckled:

“What’s your decision?”

“Mr. Chief.”

Looking at a room full of companions on the verge of death.

The branch leader closed his eyes unwillingly, his teeth almost shattered:


Robin lowered his folded hands:

“What a wise choice.”

“The warning is over, let’s talk about cooperation next.”

The arm locked on the branch leader also dissipated, and the branch leader slowly stood up:


“What kind of cooperation does the Revolutionary Army have with the Baroque Working Society?”

With a wary face, he looked at Robin indifferently.

Robin didn’t sense anyone else’s aura in what he saw and heard, and his face straightened:

“It’s not with Baroque Works, it’s me personally.”

“Get acquainted again.”

Stretch out your hand and hand it to the branch leader:

“Nicole Robin.”

Looking at the serious Nicole Robin, the branch leader frowned and slowly stretched out his hand to shake:

“Nico Robin…?”


His eyes widened suddenly!

O’Hara’s Survivor! What the Commander-in-Chief said…

The light of revolution!


A few days later.

New World, a branch base conference room.

Sakaski sat in the first seat, and below him sat Barrett, Enero, Sauter, Dauberman, Flying Squirrel and other senior officials.

Luo and Drake sat in the corner and listened.

As the doors close…..

Sakaski nodded:

“let’s start.”

Carol stood in front of the big screen opposite the conference table. With a swipe of his hand, a map marked with dense red dots appeared.

Carol stretched out her finger and said:

“As you can see.”

“These dense red dots are the targets of the next action.”

“The arsenal of Hale Nok, one of the four emperors.”

“These arsenals not only transport arms to all parts of the world, but are also one of the sources of arms for the revolutionary army.”

“The fleet that Lieutenant General Sauter destroyed in the Windless Zone not long ago was the arms that Hale Nok wanted to deliver to the revolutionary army. Fortunately, it was intercepted in time.”

“Our mission is to destroy all Hale Nok’s arsenal bases as quickly as possible.”

The flying squirrel below looked at the map and frowned slightly:

“The impact is too broad.”

“Scattered islands almost carpet the New World.”

“I’m afraid it’s difficult for us to start in some places.”

Carol smiled and said:

“Don’t worry about that.”

“If you go too far behind enemy lines, one of the Four Emperors, Kaido Kato, will take action.”

“The arsenal business under his command has been suppressed by Hale Nok.”

“If you want to break the situation, you can only cooperate with us.”

“And the benefits he received were too much for him to refuse.”

Then he called up the current business information of the Steam Pirates.

It’s densely packed all over the screen, and there’s even a button to turn pages:

“Based on Hale Nok’s current situation, he is no longer a pirate. He has the largest underground power in the world.”

“Almost monopolized all underground businesses in the New World and became the only emperor of the Dark World.”

“In addition, we previously supported the red-haired pirates and worked together to defeat BIGMOM. Now the old and new emperors have formed an alliance.”

“The combination of powerful forces will not be a good thing for us or the other two Pirate Emperors.”

“It’s just that although the four emperors of the new world are relatively hostile, they still maintain balance and exercise restraint.”

“Our purpose is to detonate conflicts and break the balance they maintain.”

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