Warring States nodded and said solemnly:

“I understand. Gather the lieutenant generals at our headquarters and lead the troops to the new world.”

“Deploy all available warships.”

“As for the mission…”

“Let’s listen to Sakaski’s assignment when we get there.”

Although he was a little confused, the soldier still shouted:


Run down and deliver the order.

Warring States crossed his hands, closed his eyes and thought…it seemed as if the piercing alarm from the outside world could not reach here.

But his mind kept thinking about the phone call with Sakaski the day before yesterday.


Two days ago.

late at night.

Sengoku stood at the parapet of the fortress with a phone bug in his hand.

Sakaski’s voice came, saying something… and then:

“That’s roughly it. You just need to send troops and make a good show.”

“Just let the whole world think that there will be a war…”

Warring States frowned:

“If the situation is out of control.”

“That will drag the new world into war.”

“This plan involves too many people.”

“The Yonko alone dragged in three people. Hale Nok’s business, and even many people from high-level government officials were involved, Sakaski.”

Sakaski’s voice came:

“so what.”

“The dead in battle are honored.”

“You’re too weak, Sengoku.”

“The sky won’t fall.”

“As long as the world is not destroyed, there is nothing that cannot be done.”

“As for the government…if you have any objections, ask them to come to me in the New World.”


The voice of the bug hung up.

Sengoku was not angry when he heard Sakaski’s slightly offensive words.

Looking at the sea in the distance, thinking about the experiences of these years…

Always think about problems from an overall perspective, what can be gained, what can be lost…

for a long time.

Warring States sighed slightly, turned around and walked into the Marshal’s office.

Sometimes there are too many aspects to consider…it’s really not as good as cutting through the mess with a quick knife…

No matter how much you gain, you will eventually die…


Time returns to the present.

New World, G-11 branch.

The island where Porusalino was stationed.

It was the direction of the Beasts Pirates that was being defended.

In the branch office.

All the generals gathered here, waiting for Porusalino’s order.

Porusalino looked at the information in his hand:

“Because of Snei (so strange)~”

“Why did the fight suddenly start~”

“Although it fits Sakaski’s character~”

“But it’s too sudden~”

The base commander of the G-11 branch, Lieutenant General Walkley, was a little excited:

“Move the troops now, General Porusalino.”

Porusalino scratched his chin:


After thinking for a moment, he stood up and walked to the window:

“Mount your troops and be on alert~”

“I’ll go investigate first~”

“Enero is in Tas Harbor, right~”

Walkley said:

“Yes, according to the news half an hour ago.”

“Lieutenant Admiral Eniro is fighting against the Flame Calamity-Jin of the Beast Pirates at Tas Port.”

Porusalino nodded and opened the window.

His whole body was exuding light spots, and he looked towards the direction of Tas Port:

“Because of Snei (so strange)~”



Except for a few backbones, Sakaski’s operation was carried out.

Of the rest of the navy, only Sengoku knew the plan…

So Porusalino, who was also a general but didn’t know the plan, was very confused about this conflict…


New World, G-14 branch.

Sakaski sat on the desk and looked at the map, not looking nervous.

On the other hand, the base commander of the G-14 branch, Lieutenant General Dole, was walking around restlessly.

It’s human nature…the base commander is doing a good job, and a leader is parachuted in.

Forget about parachuting a leader. This leader started a war as soon as he took office. The battlefield is still her territory, so why don’t you rush…

Lieutenant General Dole looked at the calm Sakaski and couldn’t help but say:

“General Sakaski.”

“One of the Four Emperors, Hale Nok and Kaido, have gathered their forces and are coming here. Red-haired Shanks is also coming here with his people.”

“Why don’t we make some preparations?”

Sakaski glanced at her:

“What do you think would be useful to prepare for these people?”

“Lances, artillery, or you can shoot two, or even three.”

Lieutenant General Dole raised his forehead:

“Then you can’t just sit down.”

“Change the fight

The venue is great too! ”

“There are still so many soldiers on the island!”

Sakaski glanced at her:

“You feel sorry for the base, right?”

Lieutenant General Dole had veins pulsing on his forehead and took a few deep breaths:

“it’s the same!”

“I am responsible for this base and the soldiers in it!”


The glass shattered, and Barrett crashed in carrying an ice sculpture:

“Huh? Responsible?”

“What’s the responsibility?”

Sakaski stood up and walked to the ice sculpture:

“It’s solved.”

The cold breath emitted by the ice sculpture spreads to the surroundings…

Barrett, covered in bruises and bruises, nodded:

“Well, it’s quite troublesome.”

“I went to find Kuzan and reinforced him.”

“This guy’s talent and domineering power match this fruit.”

“Physical skills are basically useless.”

Having said this, Barrett thought for a moment:

“It’s a good target.”

Barrett, who can multiply his speed, is invincible in his own right.

But the trouble with this guy is that the shiny fruit combined with the rich armed color…

Don’t talk about him. Two more Garps can’t break his defense. Diamond is too hard…

Of course, regardless of defense, Garp was still able to quickly deal with him. After all, without eating the Devil Fruit, turning the world upside down was a piece of cake.

Just pull it into the water and it will be solved.

And if Barrett eats the fruit, he can’t just hold him and jump into the sea to die…

As for flying into the sea…it won’t work either.

For a physical expert of this level, the chance of falling into the water is very slim. Even if he is only one centimeter from the water, he can still rush forward with a burst of domineering energy.

We can only use the weaknesses of the shiny fruits, fire and ice, to get those specially made small bolas…

Sakaski looked at Lieutenant General Dole who was being ignored:

“Go get a video phone bug.”

Lieutenant General Dole was helpless and walked out helplessly:

“Hi hi~”

I just talked for a long time, but I was interrupted and all I said was in vain…

After Lieutenant General Dole left, Sakaski took out a Devil Fruit Recycler from the table, and stabbed the Bin Black ice sculpture in the back with its domineering energy.

Barrett walked over in a tacit understanding, holding down the Devil Fruit Recycler with one hand and the shoulder of the Bin Black ice sculpture with the other.

Sakaski took out a video phone and dialed…

The image of Hale Nok appeared. He was shocked at first, and then stared at the fiery red figure:


Sakaski put his hand on the neck of Bing Black’s ice sculpture:

“I haven’t seen you for more than twenty years, Hale Nock.”

“I heard that your business has finally returned to what it was more than twenty years ago. Congratulations.”

Hale Nock suppressed his anger:

“Let Blake go.”

“Whatever you want, just say it.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“What do you want?”

Lieutenant General Dole, who took the video phone bug, just returned:

“Bring it.”

Sakaski turned around and said:

“Turn on.”

Lieutenant General Dole over there was a little confused and pressed the power button.

Sakaski looked at Hale Nock in the video phone bug again:

“I want him…”



The head of an ice sculpture flew directly up.

Barrett put away the Devil Fruit Recycler at an extremely fast speed…


Over there with the phone bug.

Looking at the flying head, Hale Nok’s eyes were splitting.

The phone bug in my hand couldn’t bear the pressure, and I rolled my eyes… The video call was also intermittent.

But I can still faintly hear Sakaski’s indifferent voice:

“Record them all…”


The phone bug in his hand exploded into blood mist:

“Sa! Ka! Si! Ki!!!”

The sea is restlessly restless, the dark clouds in the sky are rolling, and the overlord’s unbridled anger… is sweeping…

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