New World, Quepos Island.

One of the largest gathering places for the Beast Pirates.

Cries of death filled the entire island.


A dragon roared.

Allosaurus, several stories tall, appears on the battlefield.

The tail, head, and claws of the body were all filled with dark domineering energy, and he rushed directly into the swarm of pirates, waving his body.

In just a moment, the surrounding pirates were torn into pieces of flesh and blood that filled the sky.

A roar came from the distance:

“court death!!!”

The mammoth, which was stronger and taller than the giant Allosaurus, appeared on the battlefield.

The curved ivory is terrifying and sharp.

hold head high–

Under the trampling of the giant elephant, the earth trembled, and the violent aura accompanied the charge, rushing towards Drake, who transformed into an Allosaurus.

A trace of solemnity flashed in Drake’s eyes.

But it didn’t flinch at all. The huge Allosaurus body turned around and exerted force on its thighs.

The several-story-tall Allosaurus, with a strong domineering energy attached to its head, also charged rapidly towards the charging mammoth…

Everyone around, whether they were navy or pirates, fled the area in a hurry…

As the two violent behemoths get closer and closer…

boom–! ! ! !

A strong storm swept out, overturning the ground and spreading outward.

The two people who collided had their brains empty for a moment and their eyes turned white, but they came back to their senses in an instant.

Staring at the opposite side, he exerted his strength again…

boom–! ! ! !

The air surges wildly.

Heads, fangs, claws…the most primitive and ancient melee fights collide here.


The other side of the island.

Without Jack’s double attack, Luo felt a little more relaxed.

Staring seriously at Quinn who transformed into a yellow brachiosaurus opposite him.

And Quinn also lost a boost because Luo’s teleportation was too troublesome, so he relaxed a little.

No big moves, just holding a cigar:


“What a troublesome ability.”

“Forget it, I don’t want to fight.”

“It’s cooperation after all, isn’t it?”

The corners of Luo’s mouth curled up slightly, but his movements did not relax at all:

“That’s true. If we continue to fight, it will be a fake show.”

“But you are pretty good.”

“You can actually transform your body into a mechanized one.”

“And if I read correctly, there is also some technology from the Vinsmoke family.”

“Invisible black.”

Quinn is a little strange:


“You actually know?”

This is something that belongs in the Vinsmoke family at the bottom of the box.

In his early years, he and Vinsmoke Gage were both members of the illegal research organization ‘MASD’ established by Vegapunk, so he had access to Gage’s research information.

I didn’t expect that this random brat from the navy would be able to recognize him.

Luo chuckled lightly:

“Although there are some differences,… mine should be more advanced than yours.”

With a snap of his fingers, he triggered the combat uniform hidden in his clothes, making him instantly invisible.

And with the ability, the perception of seeing, hearing and color is minimal.

Quinn’s face condensed slightly:

“That guy Gaji…is working as a dog for the government.”

“Even this kind of thing was given to the Navy…”


Luo appeared at the back of Quinn’s neck and slashed out.

But Quinn didn’t look back, with a strong aura of armed domineering clinging to his neck.

Then the long yellow whip on the head flexibly deformed and wrapped around Luo, with countless firearms extending out of it and shooting in pursuit.

Luo made a ‘cut’ sound, and a stone appeared in Luo’s position…it was blasted into powder by bullets and cannonballs.

Luo’s figure appeared on the boulder in the distance.

The attack did not work, and Luo was not surprised and said:

“It’s not that I became a dog, but I was beaten into a dog…”

“Then he handed it over voluntarily.”

“Well…that bastard Enelu did it.”

When Quinn heard Enelu’s name, his eyes narrowed slightly:

“Ah…that bastard.”

Luo showed a hint of interest:


“You are very familiar with that bastard senior brother of mine.”

Quinn’s face gradually turned cold:

“You mean…senior brother?”

“So Vegapunk is your teacher.”

Luo felt that the atmosphere was not right and was slightly wary:

“Ah – that’s right.”


Quinn stared at Luo and suddenly laughed:

“Not only do we know each other…”

Every part of the body began to deform. The neck, tail, hair, and arms all deformed. Various weapons appeared, aiming at Luo:

“I still have a grudge!!!”

“That bastard from Vegapunk…


“Die here! Kid!!!”

The cordial and friendly atmosphere just now was completely gone. The sky was full of artillery fire, lasers, and bullets, all tracking the teleporting Luo and venting them out.

Vegapunk is like a big mountain weighing on the heads of the world’s scientists.

There are very few people in the world who don’t know about the scientist who led the world’s technology for 500 years.

Whether it is Caesar or Quinn, they are both scientists by profession, but due to abnormal development, they have embarked on different paths.

Their jealousy and hatred for Vegapunk did not disappear over time, but accumulated more and more.

Caesar is always trying to surpass Vegapunk and research weapons of mass destruction just to surpass Vegapunk and use this weapon to gain government support.

Quinn transformed his body, and this machine is his proud work. He has always promoted himself as a transformer that Vegapunk cannot match.

And these are all because of the fear and jealousy of Vegapunk…

Now that I have met Vegapunk’s disciple, how can I let him go…kill him! ! ! !

Luo An cursed, damn…why are you so crazy:

While teleporting and flashing, mobilize your abilities.

The ground cracked and trembled, and large chunks of ground surged into the sky, heading towards Quinn.

But under Quinn’s bombardment, it was destroyed in less than a second.

The dust obscured the realization, but it did not affect the two people who had the ability to see and hear.

Luo pointed the knife at Quinn behind the smoke:



A small hole appeared in the dust all over the sky.

Quinn felt something in his heart and directly raised his mechanical left arm to block it, and at the same time aimed a laser at Luo!

boom! ! ! !


New World, Figala Island.

Unlike the hand-to-hand combat in Quepos.

The pirates on the island are on the coast, forming a defense line around some well-armed pirates.

Because there is only one person attacking here…

In the sky, Enelu was holding a long golden stick, with thunder and lightning flashing all over his body, entangled and fighting with the flaming pterodactyl.

From time to time, lightning is shot downward.

Although there are domineering masters, they cannot take care of everyone.

The pirates fell in droves, but they couldn’t run far at all due to Enel’s lock.

Anilu spoke in a brisk tone and held back the dragon claw that Jin kicked:

“This is acting, don’t take it too seriously.”

Jin’s tone was cold and murderous:

“I didn’t see it as an act.”

“You guy…”

Enelu chuckled:

“If you don’t act more realistically, how can you deceive Hale Nock?”

“Besides… I’m just treating you the same way you, the garbage at sea, treat civilians.”

“Why are you still angry?”

The flames on Jhin’s body surged, and the domineering flames clung to the golden stick:

“What did you say!!!”

boom–! ! !

Flames collided with thunder and lightning, and a second sun seemed to appear in the sky… and it flashed past.

Hot air waves swept out.

Enelu froze his figure in the air and pulled it with both hands.

A lightning spear condensed into substance appeared:


The spear was aimed at Jhin and thrown in the opposite direction, but Jhin was about to block it.

I saw the afterimage of the thunder and lightning spear, turned at a right angle and shot towards the island…

Jhin’s pupils shrank sharply:



A mushroom cloud nearly 100 meters high rose, and none of the pirates on the island survived.

Eniru turned directly into thunder and lightning and disappeared into the sea. The direction he left… was the country of Wano.

Jhin was angry for a while, and then calmed down, as if nothing happened just now…

He took out his phone and dialed.


The phone was picked up, and Kaido’s voice came from over there:

“How’s it going, Jhin…”

Jin said calmly:

“As expected, that guy Sakaski turned his back.”

“‘White Dragon’ Eniru is heading to Wano Country.”

“With the speed he’s going at, he’ll be there soon.”


The country of Wano, at the end of the sea of ​​clouds 10,000 meters above the ground.

Kaido in human-animal form stands on top of the clouds, holding a phone bug in one hand and Hachisaiji in the other.

After listening to Jhin’s words, the Hachisai ring held by Kaido suddenly flashed with lightning:

“very good.”

“Now that you’re here, go to hell.”

“As my gift to Sakaski.”

“Bah, hey, hey, hey…”

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