A ferocious smile appeared on the corners of Kaido’s human-animal dragon head’s mouth.

It is true that cooperation with Sakaski will bring huge benefits, but… they are all foxes with thousands of years of history, who doesn’t know who is who.

It’s nothing more than cooperation, falling out, cooperation, falling out…

This time the bet was on Sakaski’s appetite.

Sure enough, he was going to Wano Country to cause a scene.

Then don’t blame me… Sakaski.

The clouds above 10,000 meters were gradually injected with thunder and lightning, and began to turn black.

Kaido’s aura was also hidden, controlled within a certain range… and prepared.


New World, Figala Island.

Over the ruined island, Jhin hung up the phone and prepared to leave.

He didn’t care about the ruins below, they were just introductions.

If so many people die, it is not an ordinary value to be able to kill a future naval admiral.

He flapped his wings and put the phone bug into his pocket.


A laser beam instantly penetrated the phone bug.


The phone bug explodes with laser damage.

Jhin’s pupils shrank sharply:


This idea just came up.

Golden light condensed not far in front of him, and Porusalino’s figure appeared:

“Oh oh oh oh~”

“What an incredible news I heard~”

Jin’s mind went blank for a moment, when did it arrive…

But the movement of his body was not slow, and his wings flapped fiercely, turning into a black stream of light and rushing towards Porusalino.

His body turned suddenly, and with the help of the rotation, he kicked Porusalino.

Porusalino raised his right arm.

Attached with domineering force, it held up the pterosaur claws that were kicked towards it.

The flames attached to Jhin instantly penetrated Porusalino’s arm and shot into the distance…

Porusalino’s eyes turned slightly:

“Within the mouth~”

“As expected of the Beast Pirates, the first of the three disasters~”

“I almost died~”

Jin narrowed his eyes slightly:

“Stop lying!”

The muscles in the legs swelled and exerted force.

Feel the increased strength.

Porusalino’s pupils shrank sharply and his mouth opened:


A somewhat shocked tone…


The whole person turned into a golden light and was kicked towards the sea.

When approaching the sea.

This golden light exploded like a goddess scattering flowers, and the light spots all over the sky drew a perfect arc, rushed into the sky, and converged at the top of Jin’s head.

Porusalino stretched out his index finger and pointed it at Jhin’s forehead:

“Speed ​​is power~”


The compressed laser shot at Jhin’s domineering forehead, stretching infinitely.

Jin was pressed by this golden light, which also shined directly on the sea.

boom! ! ! !

Not far from the sea, lasers and flames exploded.

A huge spreading fireball appeared. Jhin steadied his body in the center of the flames. His wings shook, cutting through the fireball and soaring into the sky.

But when I returned to high altitude, I realized something was wrong:


Porusalino’s figure has disappeared…

Jhin subconsciously wanted to reach out to touch the phone bug and tell Brother Kaido.

After searching for nothing, I realized that the phone bug had been destroyed.

The islands below have been completely destroyed, and there is nothing left…

Don’t dare to delay.

Turn directly into a stream of light and fly to the nearest island…


New World, Calga Islands.

The islands are densely covered like a chessboard and are rich in ores.

It is also one of the important arsenal locations under Hale Nok.

At some point, a huge floating fleet appeared in the sky thousands of meters above.

Sauter was in the control room, looking at the wind direction and calculation results given on the huge device.

Control the fleet layout and pick up the communication equipment in your hand:

“All personnel enter designated locations.”

“Observation target clarity.”

“Prepare to drop bombs.”

The communication equipment responded continuously in sequence.

When the last voice has been replied.

Sauter picked up the communication device:

“Drop the bomb, everyone prepare for battle.”

Then… dense shells fell like raindrops.

Each of the islands below was taken care of, and panic and blood filled the islands.

“court death!!!”

A roar spread to the sky.

Seven or eight blue slashes tens of meters long spun into the sky.

Immediately below the slash, a tall swordsman with a slender figure and a long sword rushed into the sky.

Sauter looked at the person with a hint of interest.

The whole person floated and swooped down.

Scattered parts followed behind, accelerating and clinging to both arms.

Boom boom boom——

The sword energy was smashed by Sauter’s iron fist, and he rushed towards the great pirate swordsman…Boom! ! ! !

The entire fleet also turned around at this time and dived down.

Dauberman, Flying Squirrel and other lieutenant generals organized various manpower to prepare to harvest pirates and supplies on the islands below…

Sakaski divided his men into two groups.

The team that dealt with Kaido’s side consisted of Eniro, Luo, Drake and others. The few who escaped came to fight Kaido’s side for the purpose of confusing and acting.

To deal with Hale Nok’s side, Sauter, Dauberman, Flying Squirrel and others attacked the target steadily, which was also the main purpose of this operation.

Sauter collided with the pirate swordsman and flew away.

There were many weapons flying behind me…

Follow Sauter and interfere with the opponent from time to time…


The new world, the country of Wano.


Enel’s figure appears above Onigashima.

It’s just not long since I last came here in Eniro.

But the number of large chimneys on the island has increased several times, visible to the naked eye.

Apparently after reaching an intention to cooperate with Sakaski, they immediately organized and expanded the arsenal…

The thunder spear in Enilu’s hand condensed, and he glanced at it with a look, and frowned slightly:

“Come out in force…”

“That’s not quite right.”

The gold rings on his wrists and ankles slowly melted and gathered on the outside of his right arm, and then without much thought, he fired the thunder spear directly into the dense arsenal.

So what if it’s a scam…the arsenal is the main target.

Lightning spears shot out one after another…

Suddenly, I discovered something.

Enilu’s pupils shrank sharply and he did not look up.

The thunder spear is still condensing in his hand, but his body has begun to become elemental.

The transformation of elements is a matter of an instant, but the arrival of the attack is also an instant…

A distance of 10,000 meters, for lightning, is only a blink…

boom! ! ! !

A bolt of lightning struck Enelu directly, connecting to the sky and lingering.

The lightning contained a much more powerful aura than Enel’s, interrupting Enel’s elemental transformation.

Kaido’s dragon eyes are ferocious, and his hands are holding the Eight Rings tightly.

Melted into that lightning, sliding rapidly down from the sky:

“Jiang Sanshi Yin Nai Luo!!!”

Enero above Onigashima was clinging to the lightning with powerful domineering power, and could not be driven away or transformed into elements for a while.

With a wave of his right arm, the gold liquid on his side formed a golden shield, which was pressed against the top and attached with an armament color.

All this happened in a short moment.

Even if Kaido fell from a height of 10,000 meters… with the blessing of thunder and lightning, it was still a moment.

Bazhaijie, flashing with traces of black and red lightning, directly smashed the golden shield out of shape… and smashed into the island ground on top of Enel…

boom! ! ! !

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