Barrett laughed ferociously:


Zhong hung up the phone and scanned with his eyes slightly.

He quickly locked onto a target. That huge body… must be very resistant to beatings.

The double speed of the normal ghost mode can be controlled at will, and the mind turns:

“Double – 50 times faster.”


The air waves surged wildly, and a roar sounded.

Everyone in the red-haired pirate group was shocked. The body that could still see the afterimage disappeared completely at this time.

Jesus Bu’s expression changed drastically as he sensed something:


But it’s too late.

When the sound came, Barrett’s fist had already hit Lackey Lu’s stomach directly.

It’s like hitting the first ball.

The impact rippled around Lackey Lu’s stomach.

Lackey Lu groaned and gritted his teeth. The veins on his head were bulging. He was obviously very uncomfortable, but he did not dare to let go.

The armed color wrapped around the entire body, constantly squirming to relieve its strength.

Barrett grinned ferociously, increased his power output, and sunk his arms deeper…

Lackey Lu’s eyes were slightly bulging, and he was fierce in his heart. Instead of releasing his strength, he directly mobilized his muscles and domineering force to lock the arm that was sunk into his stomach.

At the same time, he raised his hand to smash it.

Barrett stepped down and a sonic boom sounded.

Using his arm strength, he threw Lackey Lu backward, and the two changed positions.

Also interrupted Lackey Lu’s attack.

The attack from the red-haired pirates at the rear had already reached them, and they surrounded them, showing a tacit understanding.

Barrett grinned and looked at Lucky Lu.

The ghost energy was injected into the left arm, which suddenly swelled three times and was lifted up…

Lackey Lu’s eyes widened with anger… as he looked at the huge arm aimed at his head.

He cursed secretly: “****”

Who dared to continue to resist, the domineering force in his stomach relaxed, and he released the arm that locked Barrett.

He crossed his arms and raised them to block the punch coming from Todoroki.

boom! ! ! !

There was a pause at the moment of collision, and then Lackey Lu disappeared from the spot.

The whole person turned into a round stream of light and hit Shanks.


Shanks raised his hand to catch Lucky Lu’s back, and he was pushed backwards and flew out.

He stepped on the air several times before holding on, trying to fall onto the boat below.

The rest of the red-haired pirates also fell behind… There was no way they could catch up.

Although everyone wanted to avenge Mihawk, but after just half a day of fighting, everyone also discovered… revenge is enough.

Barrett is just too fast.

You can’t beat him in a duel, and you can’t catch up in a group fight.

The moment Lucky Lu was knocked into the air, Barrett disappeared. At that extremely fast speed… some people believed that he had eaten the Sparkling Fruit.


Lucky Lu covered his abdomen and lay on the deck:

“Cough cough cough…”

“German song!!!”

“Do you have any painkillers!!!”

Although I suffered some internal injuries, they were not too serious, but the pain could not be shielded…

The pain after the battle hit my nerves, I was sweating profusely, I was holding my stomach and rolling around, shouting the ship doctor’s song…

Shanks asked two people to enter the cabin near Lucky Lu, with a solemn look on his face:


Everyone heard Barrett’s voice on the phone just now.

After being intercepted for half a day, Sakaski’s order to retreat came again. It was obvious that he had done something, and it was over, and there was no need to continue to block it.

But this is the most annoying thing… How can I be so relaxed when I know nothing about the enemy’s conspiracy?

Beckman frowned:

“What should we do? We still have to continue.”

They were going to support Hale Nok’s ally.

After all, that guy Sakaski unscrupulously declared war on the two Yonko, so he must have some trump cards.

Hale Nok was a little uneasy, so he contacted them. They were also interested in testing and prepared to go.

It didn’t take long after crossing Kaido and Charlotte Lingling’s territory and just entering Hale Nok’s sphere of influence.

He was stopped by Barrett.

The people who were interested in revenge laid siege for a long time but could not stand still until Sakaski gave Barrett the order to retreat…

Shanks couldn’t make a decision for a while, thinking about something.

Jesus seemed to have discovered something and looked into the distance:

“Hey, look.”

“Those are Kaido’s men.”

“It’s heading towards Hale Nok.”

As a sniper, I always observe the sea and the distance

The small black dots on the sea were just a subconscious glance, but something was wrong…

Didn’t Kaido also have a conflict with Sakaski? Why did he go to Hale Nok…

Shanks and Beckman stepped forward and sensed the huge fleet.

They looked at each other in confusion, and suddenly thought of something:

“Kaido!!!” x2

Everyone understood that they, who had just entered Hale Nok’s territory, would have almost joined Hale Nok if they had not been delayed for half a day.

As for Kaido’s fleet, a large-scale appearance in the waters of Hale Nok… there is only one situation.

That guy Sakaski cooperated with Kaido, put on a big show, and deceived the entire new world.

The purpose is already obvious…

This is to kill Hale Noak like a pig…

“Phone bug!”


New World, G-14 branch.

Sakaski hung up the phone and stood on the edge of the fortress, looking at the sea in the distance, waiting for something.

Lieutenant General Dole was nervously arranging his troops below, preparing for the upcoming battle.

At this time.

After a soldier informed Sakaski of the latest intelligence, the corners of Sakaski’s mouth curled up slightly.

Slowly took out the video call bug that he had dialed before.

In fact, part of the original plan was for Enel to attack Hale Nok’s fleet, destroy all the phone bugs, and block all their communications.

After everything was over, it was too late.

But Elnilu’s injury was unexpected.

I had no choice but to omit this link, change it a little bit, and adjust the plan.

Press the phone bug in your hand and dial.



Hale Nok Fleet.

Nearly a hundred large ships were sunk deeply into the sea.

The ship was filled with munitions, new, old, more powerful, less powerful, and even special missiles that had been eliminated by the Navy’s scientific research team.

Although it is surprising that such a secret weapon has appeared, as the controller of the largest underground force in the New World.

With many high-level partners in world government, it’s no surprise…

inside the cabin.

Everyone is having a meeting.

There was no preparation for a head-on confrontation with Sakaski from the beginning. The purpose was to eliminate all bases of the New World Navy.

The main reason for expanding the scope of control is because Sakaski is also at war with Kaido at the same time, which is a God-given opportunity…


The eyes of all the men were attracted.

Seeing the ringing phone bug, Hale Nok frowned slightly:


Bugs picked up the phone and didn’t wait to speak.

Sakaski’s voice came from over there:

“Kaido has been coveting your arms business for a long time, Hale Nok…”


The sound of the phone bug hanging up sounded.

Hale Nok’s pupils shrank…Kaido…Arms…

It seemed like he had thought of something.


The phone bug’s voice rang again…and this time it was red-haired Shanks…

Within two seconds of picking up the phone, Hale Nok’s roar spread throughout the fleet:


“Kaido! Sakaski!!!”

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”

boom–! ! ! ! !


at the same time.

Barrett flew away from the sight of the red-haired pirates.

Made a big circle.

Flying towards the territory of red-haired Shanks.

Join the fleet thousands of meters in the air…

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