The edge of Shanks’ territory.

Thousands of meters above the sky, a huge fleet stayed.

All military flags were hung on it, and it was obvious…this was the floating fleet led by Sauter.

On the fleet.

Luo used his fruit ability and kept dancing with his hands.



Luo clapped his hands, indicating that Derek could go.

But Luo’s last blow…Drake felt something was wrong.

He took out a small mirror without leaving a trace… The veins on his head were rioting:

“Asshole! What do you mean!!!”

I saw Drake pointing at the gauze wrapped around his head…the big bow on it!

He wanted to chase after him angrily.

Luo quickly used his ability to get out of the way and said:

“Beautiful! Beautiful!”

Drake suppressed his anger:

“You’re beautiful! Stop!!!”

You are chasing each other… very energetic, not at all like fighting pirates not long ago.

Da da–

The sound of leather shoes falling on overtime workers was heard.

Falling next to Sauter, Sauter smiled and nodded to the visitor.

Reach out and wave.

The huge fleet slowly started… and headed towards Shanks’ territory.

“What is the mission this time?”

“Destroy as much as you can.”

“Just what I wanted…”


New World, G-14 branch.

After Sakaski hung up the phone, he turned and walked towards the fortress.

In the office.

Enelu was covered in bandages and slumped on the sofa, with his feet on the coffee table and gnawing on an apple.

After bandaging, I walked here with nothing to do.


The doorknob turned.

Sakaski’s voice came:

“how’s it going.”

Then a figure wearing a red suit walked in.

Enelu threw the finished apple into the trash can:

“No big deal.”

“It will be fine if you raise it for a while.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“Do you have a long memory?”

Enelu spread his hands helplessly:

“This memory hurts so much.”

“By the way…where are they?”

Sakaski walked to the desk and sat down:

“Going to perform other tasks.”

Enelu is a little strange:

“It’s not over yet.”

Because the last part of the plan is for Enel to destroy communications and block Hale Nok from receiving news.

Sakaski dragged out Hale Noc and Red-Haired Shanks.

By the time Kaido’s erosion is almost over, the overall situation has been decided.

There was nothing Hale Knock could do.

But because Enel was seriously injured, the last link ended immediately.

Now Kaido has just attacked Hale Nok’s territory.

He was sold by Sakaski…and told Hale Nok, and all their people withdrew.

It doesn’t count as selling teammates… There is no such thing as teammates between pirates and the navy…

This was a situation that Hale Knock was unable to remedy, because of Sakaski’s advance notice.

It turned into a tangled battle… and Charlotte Lingling and Red-haired Shanks were involved.

Well…the four emperors are fighting.

Sakaski crossed his arms and leaned on the office chair:

“Plans can’t keep up with changes.”

“That guy Kaido roped in Charlotte Lingling to share the cake.”

“Hare Nock can’t resist it alone. The redhead will definitely intervene.”

“So his territory is freed up.”

“The looting will be over.”

“The dog-eat-dog war among the four emperors will not stop for a while.”

“Then I will prepare to be promoted to marshal with peace of mind.”

The corner of Anelu’s mouth twitched…

“How can those two guys endure such a scheme?”

“After all, he is also a Yonko.”

Sakaski said:

“You have to endure it if you can’t bear it.”

“How can we expect Charlotte Lingling and Kaido to spit out the fat in their mouths?”

“As long as you don’t give up this benefit.”

“Hare Nock and Redhead can’t spare any time.”

Turning to the window, his eyes dimly looked into the distance.

In the past, the four emperors maintained a balance and had a tacit understanding not to take action or cross the line.

But now that the situation has been opened up, how can Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, who have annexed a large number of islands and gained wealth, spit it out?

If you didn’t take action to maintain balance before, it’s yours.

Now that the balance has been broken, there is no need to worry. It is already mine. If you want to take it back, there is no way.

Stalemate and melee are inevitable.

Hale Nock could not be willing to do so.

But it was of no use.

The slightly weaker Hale Nock plus the combination

The powerful red-haired pirates.

Against two pirate groups led by big hexagonal blood cows, it was difficult to tell the winner.

After this time, the power of Hale Nok and Red-haired Shanks will be greatly reduced.

Charlotte Lingling and Kaido have deeper power, but this is the result that Sakaski wants to see.

Among the Four Emperors.

Only Hale Nok and Shanks are the saneest and most normal people, and they are also the two most difficult to deal with.

One is a tycoon who has worked hard from scratch, traversed the New World for many years, and now controls the underground forces of the entire New World.

One is the red-haired Shanks, who has been taught by Roger Reilly and others since he was a child, and has a group of smart friends.

This is also the reason why Sakaski wants to weaken the two.

Compared to the two people above.

Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, although powerful, are relatively neurotic.

All clinging to their dreams… due to character flaws.

The shortcomings of the two are countless.

Photos of nuns, food cravings, alcoholism, desire for war, etc…..

Even if you are powerful, it is useless. There are too many shortcomings. It is best to control such people…

Enelu picked up another apple and tossed it.

As if thinking of something, he looked at Sakaski:

“By the way…uncle.”

“What if I really die this time.”

“You will be sad.”

Sakaski withdrew his gaze from the window:


Enelu was a little helpless:

“That will avenge me.”

Sakaski chuckled:


Anilu forehead support:


“So perfunctory…”


She covered her heart as if she had been stabbed… and fell down on the sofa.

Sakaski shook his head and smiled, got up and walked to the window.

The slight sea breeze blows, bringing a bit of coolness.

Facing the fiery red sunset, the broad back seems to support the heaven and earth, and the cloak carrying justice flutters slightly…

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