A few months later.

Time advances imperceptibly.

Just after the New Year, the time for the handover ceremony of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters has been set.

The whole world seems to be immersed in the joy of welcoming the new year.

Among the four seas.

The revolutionary army, which had vigorously purged the internal worms, suddenly shrank its troops for unknown reasons, stationed troops towards the edge of the world, and blocked the sea area.

On the islands where news could not be spread, the revolutionary army erected factories one after another.

Not only does it produce advanced machines, but it also produces some weapons that are obsolete for the navy, but are several times more advanced than those on the sea.

Those islands that had been farmed by humans for generations were gradually replaced by convenient machines, which greatly liberated the labor force.

The liberated labor force is constantly absorbed and trained by the revolutionary army…

within the government.

Because of Long’s massive purge and blockade of sea areas, the acquisition of intelligence within the revolutionary army was basically cut off.

However, those agents who were not afraid of life and death still continued to break through the revolutionary army’s defense lines, trying to obtain important intelligence for the government.

Before the new marshal of the Navy, Sakaski took office.

He went to the Holy Land and had a secret conversation with Wulao Xing for a whole day.

What kind of support did you get?

On the pirate side.

The New World War of the Four Emperors raged for several months.

After the sudden announcement of the new marshal of the Navy, Sakaski, and the upcoming promotion ceremony.

This battle to distribute benefits came to an unexpected end.

Then, led by the red hair, people from all directions gathered on a certain island to communicate.

Afterwards, the island was erased from the sea map, and the four emperors began to withdraw their troops and re-divided their spheres of influence based on the territory they currently occupied.

The one who suffered the biggest loss was Hale Nok, followed by Red-haired Shanks. Both his business and territory had shrunk.

Only Charlotte Lingling and Kaido made a lot of money.

But now it’s too late to think about it so much. Sakaski’s promotion to marshal may not be peaceful… Prepare for war with all your strength.


Grand Line, Alabasta.

Yudi, the top floor of Yuyan Casino.

Today there are still three days before Sakaski is promoted to marshal.

Crocodile stood by the window, looking at the yellow sky, not knowing what to think.

There is a newspaper on the desk at the back.

The huge headline reads:

“The new Admiral of the Navy, Sakaski with a reputation for cruelty! Is the era of great pirates coming to an end?”

Then there is the analysis of Sakaski’s experience one by one, and what impact Sakaski’s promotion to marshal will have on the world.

The author of this article turned out to be Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Service who controls all news birds.

The sales volume of this issue also directly exceeded the sales record of the past ten years.

The last time such record-breaking news happened, Roger ascended to the throne of One Piece…


The doorknob turned.

Robin walked in wearing a sun hat, black shorts, and a short-sleeved leather jacket, holding a pile of information.

Looking at Crocodile standing by the window with some doubts, this expression…

“BOSS’s profit and loss statistics for this month are out.”

“Need to check.”

Outside King Crocodile’s window, the voice was calm:

“let it go.”

Robin placed the information on the table and turned to look at Crocodile:

“It’s really rare.”

“I didn’t expect you to show such an expression.”

“Something is actually troubling Mr. Sand Crocodile.”

Listening to Robin’s slightly teasing words, Crocodile snorted and turned around:

“What, you have nothing to do?”

“I think you seem to be in a good mood lately.”

“Nicole Robin…”

Hearing Crocodile call him by his first name, Robin knew that this guy seemed to be really angry…

Shrugging his shoulders, he walked out knowingly…

Crocodile walked back to the desk and sat down.

The huge headline in the newspaper is so dazzling.


This guy is already a marshal, and he is still standing still… playing the role of a disgusting hero for several years…

The irritability in my heart kept pouring out, and I took a few deep breaths.

He walked to the window again, opened the window, and rushed out.


The wind and sand in Alabasta became a little more violent…

Robin had just walked into the Rain Banquet Hall.

Sensing Crocodile who rushed out, he chuckled and disappeared into the crowd.

Crocodile is right. During her recent period, she

I was indeed very happy.

Even though Sakaski, her enemy, was promoted to marshal, it did not extinguish the flame of her happiness.

I originally wanted to contact the Revolutionary Army to try to make contact, but I didn’t expect to get an unexpected harvest.

Learned from the mouth of Long, the leader of the revolutionary army.

He had been to O’Hara.

Those books that were rescued by doctors, mothers and others from the fire.

Now they all stay in another part of the world, continuing to pass on O’Hara’s will.

O’Hara is not dead yet! ! !

The corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously, and he refused to put them down for a long time.

A life that has always been gloomy is full of hope.

She made up her mind, found the right direction, and handed over the knowledge that Lorka taught her to the revolutionary army and the dragon without reservation…

“Mom, Doctor, Sauro…”

“And…Mr. Rolca…”

“I will take your share and live well.”

“Until the birth of the new world…”

The hot sun shines on me.

But in Robin’s feeling, it was so warm…


New World, Chambord Islands.


Five ships of naval soldiers and officers mobilized from various departments of the Grand Line are about to arrive at the Chambord Islands.

Chambord Islands, Naval Branch.

Enel was sitting on the sofa in the base director’s office, yawning:


“Have everyone bought it?”

Demora stood respectfully and said:

“Right away, Lord Enel.”

“The last group of soldiers on duty is rushing back.”

Although they were both lieutenant generals, as Sakaski’s confidant Eniro, Demora did not dare to neglect him at all and served him respectfully…

Enelu stood up:

“I’m back now, let’s go.”

In the sensation of seeing and hearing, a group of soldiers ran back in a hurry, and the door was closed tightly.

The soldiers on guard duty also quickly headed to the square.

All registered and re-registered personnel have been compared.

The huge base square was densely packed with soldiers.

Demora respectfully led the way to the square and looked at the crowd below:


“Please give Lieutenant General Eniro a lecture!”

After saying that, he gave up his position and stood aside respectfully.

Anilu raised the corners of his mouth slightly and walked forward:

“Everyone is here, good.”

“500 million volts thunder net…”


Thunder and lightning suddenly erupted from the body, sweeping away like a big net composed of thunder, covering every soldier…

No one left alive…

Demora, who was electrocuted in a hurry, his pupils shrank:



His heart was penetrated directly by the golden stick… He died with extreme unwillingness…


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

early morning.

Sakaski is two days away from being promoted.

Sakaski is already working in the marshal’s office.

Warring States was also there, sorting out information and making handovers.

But at this time, an intelligence officer came in. Looking at the two old and new marshals at the same time, he had a headache… and he didn’t know how to speak for a while.

Warring States glanced at him:

“If you have anything to do, tell me.”

The intelligence officer took a deep breath and gritted his teeth:

“Report to the Marshal.”

“Last night, all the soldiers in the Shampoo Islands branch, including Lieutenant General Demora, were slaughtered by Lieutenant General Eniro…”

“Then soldiers gathered from all over the Grand Line took over the branch in the Chambord Islands…”

This is also the reason why the intelligence officers have a headache. This is obviously the work of the new Marshal Sakaski, but it happens that there are still two days before the Warring States period…

Now we have a collision, and whether we report it or not, we will offend someone…

Warring States was suddenly startled:


After reacting, he looked at the intelligence officer with a gloomy expression:

“You go out first.”

The intelligence officer breathed a sigh of relief:


He ran out in a hurry.

Warring States took a deep breath and looked at Sakaski:

“Give me an explanation, Sakaski.”

Sakaski sat on his desk and looked through the information:

“Just cleaning out the moths.”

The Warring States Period is unbelievable:

“Don’t tell me that the soldiers in that base are all moths.”

Sakaski raised his head:

“You’re right. Under the leadership of that guy Demola, none of the soldiers in this base have a clean foundation.”

“Cleaning them out will also give you, the chief of the navy,

Pay and give way. ”

“You don’t want to fight with a group of corrupt, drinking and gambling soldiers.”

Even if someone with the rank of Navy Marshal quits the job, he cannot leave the Navy and must have a position.

But during the Warring States Period, the marshal resigned, and it was impossible to become a general, nor was it suitable for him to be a lieutenant general.

Only one position can be added temporarily, Omatsu, whose duty is to supervise high-level generals, which is very suitable for the Warring States Period.

Warring States frowned slightly:


There was some confusion. His original plan was to enjoy his retirement… But judging from Sakaski’s appearance, it seemed that he had no intention of leaving him idle…

Sakaski opened new information:

“In troubled times, use heavy codes.”

“The prelude to the demise of pirates has just begun.”

“Sealing the new world is only the first step…”


New world, Egg Head Island.

There is one day left before Sakaski is promoted to marshal.

The rare purity on the island.

Enel and Luo are both on a mission.

Government agents also mysteriously disappeared… and were fed to sharks somewhere.

Vegapunk rarely did any research, but just sat in front of the huge screen and watched the equipment operate.

If it were normal times, this time would not be idle…

for a long time……

Vegapunk took out his phone and dialed.


After just two rings, he was picked up.

The leader of the revolutionary army, Long’s voice came from over there:

“Have you considered it?”

“Want to join us.”

Vegapunk smiled:

“You’re overthinking, Dragon.”

“Although I agree with your philosophy, I still think Sakaski is the one who can save the world.”

Long was a little silent:

“That’s it…”

“All right…..”

“What’s the matter with this call?”

Long and Vegapunk have known each other for a long time, even before they were arrested.

It’s just that we didn’t have much interaction before…until O’Hara’s chance encounter.

Although he was amazed by Long’s concept at the time, he didn’t have many ideas because he had met Sakaski early…

His concept is more realistic and more likely to be realized than Dragon’s.

And the things here can no longer be parted…

Vegapunk sighed slightly and said:

“This is the last time I’m talking to you.”

“Because I realized I made a wrong decision.”

“I didn’t think too much about it when I gave you the blueprints for those weapons.”

“But as you moved…I realized I was wrong.”

“I can’t guarantee that you won’t use those weapons on naval soldiers.”

“This is a betrayal of the Navy, a betrayal of Sakaski.”

“It also makes me unable to forgive myself.”

“I have confessed to Sakaski about our acquaintance and communication.”

“Sakaski didn’t say anything.”

“But I no longer have the face to see him…”

The dragon on the other side of the phone was silent for a long time:

“Feel sorry…….”

After obtaining the knowledge inherited from Robin, he began to pay attention to industry and technology… and asked Vegapunk for some technological weapons.

But I didn’t expect that he and Sakaski had such a relationship…

Vegapunk smiled:

“That’s it… Dragon.”

“By the way, let Bartholomew Bear be careful.”

“Bye now.”


Hang up bug.

Vegapunk slumped in his chair and let out a long sigh.

How many friends can you have in a lifetime…I lost another one…

But he couldn’t pretend like nothing happened… he felt guilty…

With a wave of his hand, the distant swallow giant bear came over.

Picking up the exclusive phone bug on the table, he swallowed it.

Vegapunk got up and started studying day and night again…


The day Sakaski was promoted to marshal.

All soldiers in naval branches around the world were uncharacteristically quiet.

He has been standing in the branch square since early morning.

Waiting for the figure to appear on the big screen…

The soldiers on the sea also lined up neatly.

Full of excitement, waiting for the launch of Video Phone Bug…

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

In the square, nearly 10,000 soldiers stood in uniform order.

Everyone’s face was filled with excitement. The person in their hearts had finally reached the top.

That is…..

.their beliefs.

Countless reporters came from all over the world and waited on the viewing platform early just to report the first-hand news.

All over the world, on countless islands that have been profiled or directly saved by Sakaski, people gather in homes with video phone bugs…

Even the pirates were watching the video phone bug attentively…

Wano Country, Onigashima.

Kaido was holding the wine gourd, drinking wine while looking at the phone bug…

Cake Island…..

Sherlock Lingling, sitting on a huge table filled with sweets, eating while…

Steam Pirates Station…

The Red-Haired Pirates, the Red Voss…


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Sakaski, wearing a marshal’s cape, stood behind the promotion podium.

There were not many people around, only Sengoku, Carol, Zefa, and Morris.

Even Barrett and Eniro are not here, because they were all sent to the New World by Sakaski…if it weren’t for Sengoku who needed to hand over.

Now we have arrived at the mission location…

Carol raised her hand to look at her watch and said with a smile:

“Marshal Sakaski, the time has come.”

Sakaski’s lips curled up slightly:

“let’s start.”

Carol immediately went down and started preparations.

With an order…

Buzz – um – buzz – um –

A burst of murderous sirens kept sounding…

Everyone watching was shocked. Could someone be making trouble at this time?

But as Sakaski and Sengoku slowly took the stage, people discovered that this was actually ritual music?

The reporters at the headquarters also breathed a sigh of relief. Their lives were no longer in question, and they were also very excited.

Promoted to marshal despite warning, one can imagine how fierce the new marshal’s methods will be… A world war is about to break out!

Even before he spoke, the camera started ringing continuously, and he didn’t dare to miss any moment.

On the promotion stage.

Sengoku took out the marshal’s medal, handed it to Sakaski, and wore it.

The two nodded, and Warring States slowly retreated.

Everyone in the world is a little confused. What about other links?

I saw Sakaski step forward and pick up the microphone:

“The Warring States Period Omatsu still has missions.”

“Keep everything simple.”

“Everyone, the war is about to begin.”

“Do everything and prepare to receive it.”

Sakaski paused briefly to give people around the world time to react.

But…the world has boiled…

No one thought that the newly appointed Navy Marshal would be so extreme. In just the third sentence, he had already declared war!

Countless Sakaski’s enemies sat upright unconsciously, wanting to see what Sakaski said…who he was declaring war on.

To pirates? To the revolutionary army?

The reporters in the headquarters were a little trembling, speechless with excitement, and even dropped their cameras to the ground…

Sakaski spoke slowly:

“On this blue sea.”

“It has beautiful scenery that you will never see in a lifetime.”

“We should be extremely lucky to be born in such a beautiful world.”


“It just happens that there is a group of guys like this.”

“They see looting as fun.”

“They slaughter villages and towns at every turn, and hundreds of thousands of people die every year because of them.”

“They see massacre as a sign of loyalty.”

“Because of the quarrel of words, venting anger on the so-called companions, massacring the country and destroying the island.”

“They destroy everything in the world unscrupulously and call it adventure.”

“Their lawless provocateur navy and government call it freedom.”

“The cancer of the world, pirates.”

“The word pirate can be traced back to the establishment of the World Government.”

“Eight hundred years.”

“The cancer in this world has never been eradicated.”

“Even under the agitation of the sinner of that world, the so-called Pirate King Roger.”

“The beginning of this nineteen-year disaster.”

“Millions of lives were destroyed indirectly and directly by pirates.”

“The number of people directly and indirectly affected is tens of millions.”

“This is the garbage regarded as a myth by pirates, which ushered in the era of great pirates.”

“What a shocking amount.”

“What’s even more shocking is that these data are still rising.”

“Every day, people are killed by pirates.”

“That’s why I’m standing here today.”

“I can responsibly tell the people of the world that

And those marine garbage. ”

“It is urgent to eliminate pirates. There is no place in this world for trash like pirates!”

The tone paused again.

Preparations to declare war:


“From now on.”

“Champaign Islands, start blockade.”

“All coated houses must be taken over by the Navy.”

“Trade and cruise ships can register and head to the New World.”

“The person in charge of the Shampoo Islands Base.”

“The former navy marshal, the current navy commander, Sengoku will serve.”


“In the first half of the Grand Line, all branches will dedicate one-third of their troops to the new world.”

“The Sihai Branch will withdraw one-tenth of its troops to supplement the first half of the Grand Route.”

“Strategic layout for the new world.”

“The direction of the pirate Hale Nok is commanded by Admiral Kuzan of the Navy Headquarters.”

“In the direction of the pirate Charlotte Lingling, the Vice Admiral of the Navy, Monkey D. Garp, is in command.”

“The direction of Pirate Kaido is under the command of Navy Headquarters Admiral Porusalino.”

“In the direction of Pirate Shanks, there is an admiral from the Navy Headquarters, Eniro, taking command.”

“In the Navy Headquarters, above the generals, there is a new position of general general.”

“It will be replaced by Douglas Barrett, the former admiral of the navy, who will also serve as the central garrison.”

“The remaining Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters will enter the new world in batches and divide them uniformly.”

“Navy Headquarters, Marinefando has been transferred to the G-1 branch.”

“The G-1 branch in the new world will be replaced by the new naval headquarters, called New Marineland.”

“All naval bases around the world have entered a state of readiness for war.”

“At the same time, after discussions with the government, a three-year, worldwide military conscription will be launched.”

“Admiral, increased to four.”

“During the world conscription period, those with sufficient strength can be directly promoted to generals.”

Sakaski motioned to Carroll.

The large screen erected in the square suddenly lit up.

The picture shows a small island with countless warships and ships sailing away.


“Three End Points located in the New World.”

“The legend that can destroy the new world is spread like a joke.”

“But as a naval marshal, I can responsibly tell the world that the legend is true.”

“There is this huge magma storage underneath these three End Points.”

“Three places were detonated, triggering a chain reaction of earth veins that will destroy the entire new world. No one can escape.”


boom! ! ! !

On the huge screen, the island was exploded with a bang, and the terrifying power was frightening even across the screen…

“Just detonated the first one.”

“The second one will be detonated when we begin the final battle against the pirates.”

“If we fail in that war, the third one will explode, and no pirates will be able to escape the new world.”

“On this blue sea, what should appear are the happy smiling faces of people, not the garbage on the sea that is armed with knives and guns and mainly burns, kills and loots.”

“The so-called era of great pirates is about to begin with destruction.”

Sakaski took a deep breath:


The soldiers lined up neatly below, as well as the navy officers watching the live broadcast around the world, shouted with red faces:

“Must win! Must win! Must win!!!”

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