Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

Everyone in the Five Old Stars looked at Sakaski on the screen with a hint of solemnity.

The changing shots, the constantly changing branches and soldiers, all have an almost fanatical admiration for Sakaski, which is shocking…

There has never been a naval marshal with such prestige…

The five old stars holding the sword narrowed their eyes slightly:

“I still underestimate him.”

“The influence…is really disturbing.”

The curly-haired Wulaoxing held a cane:

“The previous decision was indeed a bit hasty…”

“If this guy really rebels, then we have to ask Lord Im to take action…”

But there is also a trace of unconfidence. To be honest… no one in the world can kill a strong man of this level with one blow.

The sturdy Wulaoxing frowned:

“Having said that…his determination to destroy the pirates should not be fake.”

“And with the current combat power of the navy, we will wait until that guy Sakaski fights the Yonko of the New World.”

“Not many people can survive…”

“The most important thing now is the revolutionary army.”

The blond Five Old Star also nodded:


“Before destroying all the pirates, in Sakaski’s way.”

“We don’t need to think about those issues.”

“On the contrary, the Revolutionary Army… has recently researched a lot of new things.”

“The things that the previous agents of CP worked hard to bring back have been tested and can greatly improve the efficiency of production.”

The rest of Wulaoxing also felt a little heavy, thinking of those things…

It is true that there are no such things that can greatly improve production efficiency, but they are all controlled by the government.

If the untouchables freed their hands, life would be better.

Then who will serve the nobles…

“This matter really needs to be studied carefully…”


New world.

Wano Country, Onigashima.

In the huge palace, Kaido sat on the throne.

Jhin below had his arms crossed, and Quinn had a cigar in his mouth, watching Sakaski in the video phone bug playing.

The rest of Jack, and later the Sixth Fei, were all sitting respectfully, not daring to make a sound.

Kaido raised the gourd of wine and took a few sips, then put it down:


“That guy Sakaski…”

“He really set me up.”

Jin frowned slightly:

“Sealing the new world is a big deal.”

“When we cooperated, we calculated until today.”

“In this case, the territory we seized will not be of much use.”

“Everything can’t be shipped in, and it can’t be shipped out.”

“There is only so much that can be digested within the new world.”

“Isn’t it a waste of time?”

Quinn next to him laughed:

“Human scum, what’s the use of your big head?”

“The route over there is unavailable, so why not try another one?”

“The Windless Zone is much faster than taking the Grand Line.”

Jin snorted coldly:

“Idiot Quinn, in that case, the cost is simply not worth it.”

“The strength of the escort is at least real combat and above, so there are so many supplies and arms.”

“They all ran to escort us. Who will guard the territory?”

“It’s you…”

“Vegapunk, the scientist from the Navy, has developed a warship that can cross the windless zone.”

“You don’t always claim to surpass the Vegapunk, so why haven’t you developed such a ship?”

“Otherwise, there would be no need to go to such trouble.”

Quinn’s face darkened, and he bit off the cigar directly:

“What did you say! Damn…”


The sound of a wine gourd hitting the stone table was heard.

Kaido wiped the wine from his mouth and stood up:


“What’s the noise about?”

“It’s business as usual.”

“Someone is more anxious than us about this kind of thing…”

“Just wait.”


The corners of his mouth curled up, and he looked in the direction of Hale Nok…

The four emperors have temporarily put aside their grudges, so it is normal for them to use the open road.

After all, we now have a common enemy…


South China Sea.

Sobel Kingdom, inside the palace.

Long and a group of top leaders of the revolutionary army gathered here.

Watching the video call bug, Sakaski’s declaration of war on the pirates and the ending ceremony were all a bit silent.

I don’t know how to speak…even though I am an enemy.

But Sakaski’s courage and determination to eliminate the pirates did not

People question.

There is even a hint of admiration…

The last conversation with Vegapunk echoed in Long’s mind, and he seemed to understand why Vegapunk believed that Sakaski…

Turn around.

Looking at the top brass of the Revolutionary Army:

“Everyone has his or her own opinion.”

“And the future development direction of the revolutionary army.”

Everyone else looked at Sabo in unison.

Although he is young, his wisdom is far beyond ordinary people. By everyone’s acquiescence, he is already the number one think tank under the Commander-in-Chief…

Sabo looked solemn, touched his chin and thought for a while, then breathed a sigh of relief:


He raised his head and showed a confident smile:

“One word.”


Everyone was a little confused, and Long Ze also showed a smile, yes…

Sabo smiled and continued:

“Although I admire the new Admiral.”

“But unfortunately, we are enemies.”

“Looking at it from the perspective of the future development of the revolutionary army.”

“We can only wait for the decisive battle between this navy marshal and the four pirate emperors of the new world.”

“This is the best time to overthrow the world government.”

“It can be seen from the order just announced by Navy Marshal Sakaski that it is completely desperate. Even if the war fails, all pirates in the New World will be buried with them.”

“One-third of the soldiers of the Grand Line were taken into the new world.”

“If there is a decisive battle, I’m afraid they will smoke even more.”

“So we just need to wait patiently and gather strength. Industrialization has just begun, and it is time to recuperate.”

“When industrialization takes full shape, our strength will be enough to sweep across agricultural kingdoms all over the world.”

These words such as industrialization and farming were only learned by Sabo after communicating with Robin.

At that time, I felt astonished… The wisdom of the lamp of revolution is really… unfathomable!

Sabo continued:

“When the navy and the pirates battle, the navy of the Grand Line may all devote themselves to the New World.”

“This is our opportunity as well.”

“When the time comes, we can drive straight in and attack the Red Earth Continent in one go.”

“Pull down those high-minded guys.”

“Although their technology is more advanced than the industrial age we have just entered.”

“But they are not as united as we are.”

“Every country in the world is working on its own and not working together.”

“Although the foundation of the World Government is deep, at that time we controlled the world.”

“It’s not certain who loses or wins…”

Long nodded:

“Sabo is right.”

“Does anyone need to add anything?”

Everyone shook their heads, it was too detailed and there was nothing to add…

Long smiled and said:

“Then carry out the plan and try not to conflict with the government and navy.”

“The domestic branches of the World Government have also been informed not to make any big moves before the decisive battle comes.”

“Let’s adjourn.”

“Bear and Sabo you two follow me.”

On the rooftop of the palace.

Dragon, Big Bear and Sabo gathered here.

The dragon looked at the big bear:

“What did the government find out?”

Big Bear shook his head:

“No, my mother made inquiries through her contacts, but the top officials in the government kept silent. It seems that they are serious about taking action against me.”

Big Bear’s mother, the Queen Mother Coni, is very popular in countries all over the world.

There are even many people in the world government who have received her favor.

But even so, nothing was found out. The attitude of everyone keeping silent showed everything…

Sabo and Long looked at each other, obviously understanding that Big Bear’s identity had been exposed.

We must come up with countermeasures as soon as possible. Unlike others, Big Bear is now the king of the Sobel Kingdom… and cannot escape at all.


In the perception of the three of them, Queen Mother Coni was running towards here quickly with a telegram, followed by nervous servants…

A bad premonition came to the three of them.

A gust of wind picked up Queen Mother Coni, flew to the rooftop, and put her down gently.

Before she could stand firmly on the ground, Queen Mother Coni took the telegram and shouted with fear on her face:

“Bear! Run away! Run away!”

Several people looked at each other and took the telegram, which read.

“Lord Wulaoxing has just given an order to the navy to arrest your son, Bartholomew Big Bear. Please take good care of him.”

This shocking news has yet to be considered.


The king’s phone bug on the big bear started ringing…

After comforting his mother, Big Bear signaled several people to mute their voices and answered the phone.

On the other side of the phone, a familiar and indifferent voice that I heard just now came…

“Bartholomew Bear.”

“Given the influence of the Sobel Kingdom in the South China Sea.”

“After discussion between the government and the navy, it has been decided to grant you the title of Shichibukai.”

“You have one month to arrive at the Navy Headquarters and receive the reward from New Marine Fando.”

Queen Mother Coni wanted to grab the phone bug and shouted loudly:

“What a joke!”

“His Majesty the Shichibukai is awarded to pirates!”

“The Kingdom of Sobel is a member of the World Government! The bear is the king of the Kingdom of Sobel!”

“Giving a king the title of pirate! Are you kidding me!!!”

“Absolutely lawless!”

“You are humiliating our Kingdom of Sobel! I will definitely unite all countries in the world to respond to the government!”


Over the phone, Sakaski’s indifferent voice came:

“In seven days, go to the headquarters to receive the reward.”

“If you can’t make it in time, you can repent to the Kingdom of Sobel under the Demon-Slaying Order.”

Queen Mother Coni’s eyes widened in anger, the demon-slaying order was for demon-slaying… How dare you! ! ! !


Without waiting for an angry shout, Big Bear stopped him:


“I go.”


The sound of the phone hanging up came.

Queen Mother Coni collapsed on the ground, crying continuously.

Sabo’s pupils shrank sharply and his fists were clenched. He was very unwilling but helpless…

The rest of the people were in a state of confusion…nothing else.

Can’t think of any good solution.

Are you betting that Sakaski won’t dare to activate the demon-slaying order?

Are you kidding…

That guy has no humanity at all… really can do it…

The first shot is a sure kill…

Horrible Sakaski…


North Sea.

The Vinsmoke Family.

A sea kingdom composed of giant snails.

In the largest palace, Sakaski’s promotion ceremony has been completed.

The channel has been cut off.

But Gaji’s eyes were still red and he was breathing heavily… His whole body was trembling:

“Opportunity! Opportunity!”

“The glory of the Vinsmoke family! Will definitely come to Beihai again!!!”


The whole person is like a madman.

Over the years, they have fought in various places, but not an inch of land has been gained.

No matter how slow he was, he still realized that he was being played like a monkey by the World Government.

But there is no way. If they don’t comply with the government’s calculations, then whether their family will still exist will be a problem.

So even if I knew it, I would have to break my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

But after seeing Sakaski’s plan today, he saw an opportunity to lead the Smoak family back to glory! ! !

Sakaski sealed off the new world, making it impossible for pirates to enter or exit.

The base camp of the Yonko is the New World, and the same is true for their business…

The route to Fish-Man Island was cut off, unless they could cross the Red Earth Continent or cross the windless zone… But the cost of that was unimaginable.

And their Vinsmoke family has huge snail technology that is unique in the world!

You can cross the Red Earth Continent without any hindrance.

What’s this?

This is your chance! ! ! !

An opportunity to join forces with the Yonko!

An opportunity to restore family glory!

An opportunity to rule Beihai!

An opportunity to fight back against the government!

“Vin Smoke! Will be great again!!!!”



The Grand Line, first half.

Formerly Malinfando, now G-1 branch.

The promotion ceremony has just ended, in the office of the fortress.

Sakaski hung up the phone.

For the revolutionary army, they originally planned to support them. After all, they are vulnerable to thunder. For the current navy, pirates are the main target.

But… I can’t even keep my identity, Wulaoxing’s phone calls came here.

Sakaski shook his head:


Zefa and Morris were also sitting in the office.

They thought Sakaski was talking about Queen Mother Kony… After all, you were originally given a month, but only seven days were left because of her provocation…

Zefa frowned slightly:

“Isn’t that a little too radical, Sakaski?”

“After all, it is a country that joins the World Government. The Demon-Slaying Order…isn’t it a bit contradictory?

Moved. ”

“What if they weren’t intimidated.”

“And the war mobilization announced today is too sudden.”

“Those guys in the New World, if they jump over the wall in a hurry…”

Sakaski chuckled:

“You think I’m scaring them?”

Zefa’s eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

Morris’ hand holding the teapot paused, without any other reaction, and continued to pour tea.

Sakaski stood up and walked to the window, looking at the sea in the distance:

“It’s just a kingdom.”

“If you don’t understand, then it will be destroyed.”

“The king of Sobel Kingdom chose to join the revolutionary army and was found out by the government. There is only one ending.”


“I don’t have the patience to play house with them.”

“I joined the army when I was twelve years old and I still have it today.”

“What for?”

“I have killed countless pirates, and I was almost killed by pirates.”

“Am I doing this for myself?”

“Whitebeard’s ability tore my body apart, and Roger’s slashes shattered my chest.”

“But so what, they’re all dead.”

“I’m alive…..”

“The biggest cancer in this world is those pirates.”

“If we don’t address the root cause.”

“Even if I spend my whole life I can’t kill all those pirates.”

“This chaos will not end for hundreds or thousands of years.”

“Radical means?”

“I do not think so.”

“Previous naval government methods have been too soft.”

“Maintaining balance and fearing sacrifice is simply ridiculous.”

“This declaration of war.”

“I just want to tell the world clearly.”

“The end of the pirates has come.”

“I want them to watch their own death without being able to do anything about it.”

“What about the Four Emperors?”

“Will I personally crush their dreams and futures, children, territory, and partners?”

“Do they deserve this too?”

“I want them to die in despair after losing everything.”

“If ten or twenty years from now, there will still be garbage like pirates on this sea.”

“That would be a remission of my duty.”

“But this kind of thing will never happen.”


“From the declaration of war just now to the elimination of all pirates.”

“This war for the future of the world has already begun, and no one can stop it for a moment.”

“What about a revolutionary army? What about a kingdom?”

“All obstacles in front of me will be completely crushed by me until all pirates are eliminated…”

“This is for the future of this world.”

“Sacrifice…one generation is enough…”

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