Zefa felt Sakaski’s determination for the first time, and there were no words to describe his feelings.

But it rekindled his heart, which had been silent for a long time.

Maybe… I can really see that day in my lifetime…

Zefa suddenly laughed.

There was some relief in the smile:

“Is there anything you need me to do, Sakaski.”

“I can still fight on the sea for another twenty years.”

“After teaching students for so many years, my bones are rusty and my hands are itchy…”

Morris shook his head and smiled:

“You’re so old and you still don’t accept old age.”

“Can you beat Kaido now, or can you beat Charlotte Lingling?”

“After twenty years of fighting, you will be the greatest help to Sakaski by teaching the students conscientiously.”

Zefa’s face was a little confused:

“You guy…”

Although what Morris said is true…it started a daily exchange…

By the window.

Sakaski turned around, looked at the two bickering people and smiled:

“Stop arguing, you two.”

“Lieutenant General Morris is right, the world conscription is about to begin.”

“The training of new recruits is also a top priority.”

“I would like to ask you two, together with some lieutenant generals and personnel from various departments, to write a few books and pass them on.”

Morris and Zefa also stopped bickering:


Sakaski nodded:


“It is divided into three books: first aid, survival, and military.”

“The catalog must be detailed.”

“First aid includes various common diseases and emergency first aid.”

“Survival is the knowledge of how to survive according to the different environment of the island.”

“As for the military, some basic combat knowledge, layout and other knowledge are recorded so that ordinary people can quickly master it.”

Morris and Zefa’s expressions slightly condensed, which was a pretty reliable idea.

Although these three books may not sound like much, they contain extremely rich and practical knowledge.

Allowing an ordinary person to quickly master first aid, survival, and even military knowledge by consulting the directory can greatly increase the chance of survival.

Once written, it will surely become popular all over the world instantly.

But if it spreads in large quantities, the pirates will inevitably take control…

Seeing the concerns in the two people’s hearts, Sakaski said:

“Don’t worry, before the pirates are eliminated, these books will only be distributed to branches in the four seas, one set for each branch.”

Sakaski’s tone paused:

“Used to ensure…”

“If we fail, the branch in Sihai will have the ability to reorganize the navy.”

The enemies are not just pirates…

For the final battle, although the calculation will win, it is always good to be more prepared.

Morris looked serious, and Zefa was also unusually solemn:

“Don’t worry, Sakaski.”

“Leave it to us.”

“You won’t be disappointed.”



Formerly Malinfando, now G-1 branch.

Sakaski stood on the edge of the fortress’s parapet, looking at the brightly lit island.

The soldiers were constantly busy, constantly carrying supplies onto the ship, and changing bases could not be completed in a short time.

Da da da da——

There was a sound of footsteps, and Carol walked over:

“The warships have been prepared. Let’s go now, Marshal.”

Sakaski nodded:

“Let’s go.”

Turning around and walking towards the stairs of the fortress, Carol followed.

The two figures slowly disappeared down the stairs.

Only the sound is getting smaller and smaller:

“Issue the Shichibukai summoning order.”

“Within five days, all the naval branches in the Chambord Islands will be gathered.”

“The various branches of the Grand Line will be transferred again…”

The sound completely disappeared.

Not long after, several warships slowly sailed out of the port and headed for the Chambord Islands.


South China Sea, Kingdom of Sobel.

In the brightly lit palace, Queen Mother Coni and Princess Bonnie’s eyes were red and swollen from crying.

Holding Bartholomew Bear reluctantly.

The big bear remained silent and just let the two of them hug him quietly.

Sabo sat on the roof of the palace in the distance, covering his eyes with one hand, tears constantly flowing down.


One punch hit the roof of the house.

“There’s really nothing we can do…”

“Xiong is obviously such a gentle person…why…”

Krall didn’t know how to comfort him. Long stood quietly with no expression on his face, but the beating veins on his fists also showed his inner uneasiness.

Save one person and die for a kingdom.

One man dies, one king is saved


There is no answer to this kind of choice. There is only the question of which person is willing to dedicate…

far away.

A guard ran over in a panic, breathing heavily:

“No! It’s not good!!!”

“Your Majesty the King!”

“Marshal Sakaski issued an order to summon the Shichibukai!”

“Required to arrive at the Chambord Islands within five days!!”

Although it had only happened half a day ago, everyone in the entire kingdom knew that the king sacrificed himself to become the King’s Shichibukai… to protect them.

Queen Mother Coni, who was crying while hugging the big bear, suddenly raised her head:

“This is too much!”

“It used to be seven days, but now it’s five days!!!”


His face was pale, and he seemed to be about to faint from anger.

Daxiong and Bonnie quickly comforted their backs, allowing Queen Mother Coni to breathe evenly:

“No…not going…bear.”

“I will… unite other countries…”

Big Bear made up his mind and shook his head:

“No need, mother.”

“This is the order given by Wulaoxing himself. Even if you unite with other countries, the result will not change.”

“I’m afraid something may have happened if the Shichibukai summoning order was issued suddenly.”

“I’ll go investigate first.”

“After all, I am the king of Sobel Kingdom, so everything will be fine for a while.”

He stood up and said to Bonnie:

“Bonnie, protect grandma.”

“The Kingdom of Sobel will be handed over to you from now on.”

Turning his head to look in the direction outside the palace, no one could be seen in the darkness outside.

But both the dragon and the bear nodded in agreement.

Daxiong looked at his family and smiled, then stretched out his hand and patted his body.



Bonnie rushed to where the big bear disappeared, but missed…

Kneeling on the ground and hammering the ground, tears kept falling…


Grand Line, Alabasta.

Yudi, inside the Yuyan Casino.

In the huge office, Robin was reporting on the activities of the dancing fans.

He was interrupted by the sound of a phone bug. Crocodile found the phone bug and answered it. In just two or three breaths, his face darkened.

The person on the other side seemed to have said something and hung up the phone directly… without giving any face to Crocodile.

Crocodile took a deep breath to adjust for a while, then calmly put down the phone bug.

boom! ! !

Still unable to hold it back, the table was smashed directly.


“What a joke!”

“Get to the Chambord Islands in five days!”

“Let me fly away!!!”

This is Alabasta…it took five days to reach the Chambord Islands, and there was no other way but to fly.

Robin shrugged:

“BOSS, you can indeed fly.”

Crocodile turned around, looked at Robin, and snorted coldly… Nonsense, what do you mean?

I just feel quite unhappy. It’s been a long time since I felt this kind of command…

It’s certainly no problem to fly to the Shampoo Islands within five days, but you have to travel day and night.

When someone gives him an order, he has to…

Thinking of this, the anger kept rising, and he quickly adjusted his breathing:



Close your eyes and take a deep breath to suppress the anger…

“You should take care of the matter of Yu Yan first.”

“We’ll talk about it when I get back.”

Crocodile with a cold voice opened his eyes, walked to the window and opened it…

Turning into a gust of wind and sand, it rushed out…

Driven by the strong wind, the materials in the house were blown everywhere.

Robin was also a little silent. There was only one person who could suppress Crocodile to this level…

“It’s really scary…”



Grand Line, Kgosi Island.

It was once a rich island because of its dense forest resources.

After Roger massacred an army of more than 5,000 people, the former wealth was gone forever.

Although he later cut off Roger’s bloodline and took revenge, it took more than twenty years to heal the wound…

But many young children have lost the majestic teachings of their parents.

Afraid of losing their mother’s favor again, many of the younger generation on the island have become gangsters…

Having nothing to do all day long, forming gangs and fighting are commonplace…

ston town.

The place where Sakaski and Roger fought.

Inside a dilapidated cabin on the edge.

“You can’t do this! Isaac!!!”

A young woman clung to a

An older young man with a somewhat similar face to hers.

Isaac shook hard:

“Go away!”

Young women are thrown aside:

“Alia, you are already married. Everything in this family belongs to me.”

“You have no right to tell me what to do!”

Aaliyah shouted with tears on her face:

“That’s the living allowance the state gives to mothers!”

“You even want to take this money! You are still a human being!”

Sitting on the bed next to her was a demented old woman who kept muttering the word revenge…

She was also one of the people who followed the king’s leadership and went to South China to take revenge…

After that day of revenge…many people went crazy out of great sorrow and joy.

Fortunately, the king is very responsible and uses nearly half of the country’s finances to subsidize these citizens. This is also the reason why Kgesi Island has never recovered its economy…

Isaac also roared:

“To hell with her!”

“Who told her to go to Nannan to get revenge?”

“Otherwise it wouldn’t be like this!”

“It’s been a silly day! Let’s just die!!!”

“Revenge! Revenge!”

“There is no end to the number of pirates we can kill!”

“So what if that guy Sakaski declares war on the pirates!”

“It’s just empty words from big shots!”

“There have been fewer pirates these days!”

“Why did he want to save this island in the first place!”

“If we don’t save it! How can there be so many people living in hell on the island!!!”

Snapped! ! !

Aaliyah slapped Isaac on the face:

“He saved you! Saved me! Saved my mother! Saved this island!!!”

Isaac clenched his fists tightly and turned his head slowly with a ferocious face:

“Who wants him to save…”

He has thought about the experience of suffering since he was a child more than once…

If everyone had died, wouldn’t they have suffered so much…


Things were scattered on the floor of the drawer.

At some point, the demented mother came to the cabinet… opened the drawer and dug inside.

He took out a small box, opened it and walked over.

There were scattered berries inside, and there wasn’t much money.

But it seems to be more than ten years old. It should be a small box used to save money before going to South Korea to fight for revenge…

The brother and sister were stunned, not knowing how to react.

The demented mother saw that the two did not take it, so she stuffed it into Isaac’s hand:

“Revenge… revenge…”

“Money…for…Mr. Sakaski…”




He is obviously older than Sakaski.

But he still uses the honorific title Sakaski, his benefactor…

It seemed that he had just returned to normal for a moment, and he kept muttering about revenge…

Isaac’s whole body was shaking constantly, his eyes were red:

“What revenge!”

“Go to hell!!!”


He dropped the box containing the scattered Berry in his hand to the ground.

Rushed out…

But when rushing into town….

People are celebrating everywhere…celebrating Sakaski’s promotion to marshal…celebrating the extinction of pirates…

Countless people walked towards the navy branch with money and belongings… just like his demented mother…

Isaac was stunned, clenching his fists and shouting:

“Crazy… crazy!”

“Everyone is crazy!!!”

It seemed like I had exhausted all my strength…


Kneeling on the ground, crying…


Five days later.

Chambord Islands.

A huge, shadowy ship docked.

The person who came was none other than Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King.

Moria walked out:

“Finally, damn Navy.”

“It’s really troublesome to issue a summons order.”

“Perona, please go to the island to explore again and see if there is any news about Absalom.”

Perona was dressed like a scary doll and floated out:



Moria nodded and walked to the navy branch alone.

After Absalom disappeared, there was no news for a long time. Only then did Moria realize that something had happened.

He quickly took Perona out to look for news about Absalom.

At the base camp, Huogubak is in charge, so there is no need to worry about accidents.

After Moria left, Perona flew aimlessly around the Chambord Islands:



“Where to find it?”




It’s like a phantom shattered.

Perona’s ghost body was instantly shattered and dissipated…

On the huge dark ship.

Carol pulled out the sword inserted into Perona’s heart and swung it.

Then he put away the Devil Fruit Recycler.

“It’s surprisingly simple…”

Perona’s ghost is actually her soul. When the soul comes out… the body is like an unconscious puppet, unable to do anything.

This is why Perona likes to collect dolls, because no one would think that she still has a real body, let alone hiding it in a doll… It’s a pity…


Carol disappeared.

Only zombies struggling all over the ground were left…and Perona’s headless corpse…


Naval Branch.

There is still some time before the meeting starts.

But there were only three Shichibukai, Jinbei, Crocodile, and the representative of the Nine Colors Pirates in the hall, Granny.

Moria had never been in contact with Sakaski, so he didn’t pay much attention.

And Bartholomew Bear is just stuck…


Seeing that the time was approaching, Big Bear suddenly appeared in the conference room.

Jinbei and Kroldal’s eyes narrowed slightly… This kind of ability…

The mother-in-law has nothing to do with her, and Jiu Shedao, who is strong or not, has no ability to think about that…

Sakaski twisted his neck:

“Put the shackles on him.”

“The World Government will send someone to hand you over in a moment.”

Two soldiers came from a distance holding shackles.

Sakaski’s casual attitude surprised Big Bear.

But after a moment of silence, he still stretched out his hand…

He has not yet been deprived of his title of king, and the specific result will have to wait until the trial. After a moment of hesitation, Big Bear gave up his resistance.

Two soldiers came over and put shackles on him.

A feeling of weakness came over… Hailoushi’s… Such thoughts just flashed in Da Xiong’s mind.

Seeing Daxiong put on the sea-floor stone handcuffs, Sakaski nodded:



A sound penetrated the flesh.

Sakaski, who was sitting in the first seat, didn’t know when his arm turned into hot flowing magma, which penetrated the big bear’s chest in an instant.

Sakaski shook his hand, and his arm turned into flesh again.

He stood up and walked to the big bear whose chest was burned through:


In front of that majestic chest, a hole half the size of the chest was burned… It was obvious that there was too much air and there was not enough air.

That expressionless face was full of shock and disbelief…how dare he…

Sakaski gestured to Carroll, who didn’t know when he would be back:

“Send it to Dantou Island for transformation.”

Carol nodded with a smile and called two soldiers to carry it away…. The meat ball fruit was obtained….

Sakaski has no intention of giving up his life…

It is better to keep this kind of fruit ability in your own hands.

Sakaski glanced at Jinbei and Crocodile who were on alert with cold sweat on their brows:

“Why panic?”

“You are still useful.”

“Can’t die.”

He glanced at the useless guy coming from outside the base…

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