The entrance to the base.

Moria walked towards the conference room while looking left and right.

As if he thought of something, he looked at the soldiers leading the way:

“You are in the Chambord Islands.”

“Have you ever heard of Absalom’s name, Navy?”

“I’m looking for my companion.”

The two soldiers leading the way didn’t speak, they just led Moria quietly.

Moria made a ‘cut’ sound:

“How dare you ignore me, you…”

After turning a corner.

The two soldiers in front suddenly stopped:


After saying that, he immediately stepped back from both sides.

Moria looked up and looked ahead:


The door of the conference hall in the distance.

The newly appointed Navy Marshal Sakaski stood at the door carrying something.

The few Shichibukai standing nearby were standing not far away.

Moria had a bad feeling in her heart, so she stopped and did not move forward.

He slightly mobilized his ability and was about to speak.

Seeing Sakaski on the other side, he casually threw the thing in his hand over.

The thing is not big, but when it is thrown by the attached armed color, the power can be clearly felt.

Moria narrowed his eyes slightly, unable to figure out the intentions of the new navy marshal.

But the movement in his hand was not slow, and the dark shadow wrapped around his arm, forming a protective film of shadow.


Wei Wei raised his hand to catch it.

The impact of the armed color hit, and the body shook slightly, but it was nothing serious.

But the small box thrown by Sakaski exploded under the impact.

A head with pink twin tails rolled to the ground…

Moria looked at the head, his mind went blank.

His pupils shrank sharply and his mouth opened in disbelief:


Can’t say a complete sentence.


It seemed like something hot had penetrated his body… Moria looked down.


Sakaski appeared here at some point, and the magma arm penetrated his chest, but Moria didn’t care about this… He just wanted to know…

“You…take Perona…”


Sakaski below pulled out his black and red arms, and Moria knelt on the ground uncontrollably…but still stared at Sakaski.

Sakaski’s voice was emotionless:

“Don’t have eyes?”

Moria’s body trembled angrily:

“You actually…!!!”

Mobilizing his abilities, the shadow beneath him continues to expand, and it will explode when he stands up.


There was a gunshot and a bullet penetrated Moria’s eye.

At the same time, the shadow dancer whose ability to mobilize appeared behind him also shattered…

Moria felt the weakness of her body…

“Hailou… stone…”

The body fell limply…

Seeing that Moria is exhaling more air than inhaling…

Carol appeared out of nowhere with a few soldiers…


Sakaski, who returned to the conference hall, looked at the remaining three people:

“Everyone is here now.”

“The meeting begins.”

Sakaski’s indifferent voice made the three of them subconsciously frightened, and they sat upright…

Although Sakaski’s cruelty, methods, and strength are obvious to all.

But the two Shichibukai who were equal to him were killed so lightly…

The unstoppable fear in my heart…it’s really terrible…

It seemed that those killed were not two Shichibukai, but two ordinary little pirates…

After all, Moria’s bounty is as high as 320 million, which is higher than everyone present.

But like an ant, it died so dramatically, with no resistance at all…

A few people did not dare to show any neglect…and waited respectfully for Sakaski to speak.

Sakaski didn’t care what others thought and continued:

“The entrance to the new world is currently blocked.”

“There is no need to guard Fish-Man Island for a long time.”

“Jinbei, you lead the Sun Pirates to cooperate with the Nine Snakes Pirates.”

“Hunting pirates near the Shampoo Islands.”

“Relieving pressure on the Naval Branch of the Shampoo Islands.”

Jinbei and Grandma Za stood up together:

“I understand.”

“I understand.”

Sakaski nodded slightly and waved his hand downward slightly to indicate that he should sit down:

“As for Crocodile.”

“The Expansion of the Baroque Work Society.”

“The entrance to the seven routes of the Grand Line, all

Set up a branch. ”

“Hunt pirates, record pirate information, and actually hand it over to the navy branch.”

Crocodile felt cold.

Now all his funds are being used to carry out the Utopia Plan…

The Whiskey Peak where Baroque Works is located is just one of the routes. If seven routes are to be built…then the Utopia plan will have to be stopped.

After playing the hero for several years, the plan is about to succeed… at this time…


Sakaski glanced at Crocodile:

“You can go stay with those two guys now.”

Crocodile reacted suddenly:

“no problem.”

“give it to me.”

There was faint sweat on my head… Why do I need money if my life is gone…

Sakaski chuckled:

“very good…..”


Off the Chambord Islands.

A warship slowly sailed away towards the Devil’s Triangle.

Inside the temporary marshal’s office.

Sakaski leaned on his office chair:

“What’s the situation with the evacuation of people in the New World?”

Carol nodded and said:

“Proceeding steadily and orderly.”

“Since announcing the decisive battle with the pirates and detonating Fas Island (one of the End Point islands).”

“Many people within the Navy’s jurisdiction want to escape the New World.”

“Saote has started to use floating fleets for transportation.”

“Currently there are not many places, so we can only place them on some less populated islands and desert islands first.”

“As for the people under the Four Pirate Emperors, although they are also very scared, they cannot escape at all.”

“This time they have a tacit understanding, and all ports are directly blocked.”

“The only ships that can appear on the sea in the second half of the New World are pirate ships.”

Sakaski said softly:

“As much as you can transport, transport as much as you can.”

“Try to transport it to the red continent on the other side.”

“Where are the mobilized warships?”

Carol looked at the latest records:

“All the called warships have arrived in the Devil’s Triangle.”

“Waiting for orders.”

Sakaski stood up and looked out the window:

“How long does it take for us to arrive.”

Carol said:

“At full speed, it will take about three days.”

Sakaski nodded:

“Full speed ahead.”


The Grand Line, a remote island.

Inside the only casino in town.

Different from the usual bustle, everyone is now gathered at a gambling table.

On the gambling table, the chips of both parties have been piled up.

One of them was completely red-eyed… and put all the piles of chips on…

“I bet on white!”

Why is there a red eye… Because the person opposite has a mountain of chips, all of which were won from him…

The blind uncle opposite showed a smile:

“Your Excellency is so courageous.”

“In that case…”

Also push out the mountains of chips in front of you:

“I’m betting on black.”

The croupier swallowed and rang the bell:

Ding bell~

“Betting is over!”

Then a roulette wheel slowly spun… countless people’s hearts were in their throats…

The roulette wheel is getting slower and slower…The man with red eyes opposite is in disbelief…

“Black 17!”

“Black wins!!!”

The blind uncle smiled:

“It seems I’m lucky.”

The man with a red eye across from me suddenly overturned the table:


“your turn….!!!”

I wanted to rush over, but just as I was about to pinch the blind uncle’s neck…


The whole person was pressed to the ground, unable to get up.

Everyone looked at the calm blind uncle, a little scared… the person with abilities!

The blind uncle stood up and turned to the dealer:

“Please help me exchange these chips.”

The croupier trembled when he saw this guy talking to him:

“Yes Yes!!!”

I quickly exchanged cash to send this plague god away…

In remote sea areas, ability users represent unscrupulous…demonic existence…how can there be so many good people…

Outside the casino.

The blind uncle walked out carrying a backpack of Berry.

Feeling the warm sunshine, a smile appeared:

“This way… the travel expenses will be enough.”

“Betting on the future of the entire world…the justice of completely wiping out all pirates.”

“What a spirit of courage.”

“I am a

You must experience it for yourself…”


Kogosi Island.

Naval Branch Recruiting Office.

Thick crowds crowded this small place.

If it weren’t for various restrictions, I’m afraid there would be more people than this… But even so… there are still too many people to count.

There was even an old man with gray hair who lied that he was only 30 years old and wanted to join the army to kill pirates, but was forcibly taken away from the scene by several soldiers…

Isaac looked at this funny scene and snorted:


In my mind, I don’t know what to think…

As the footsteps move….

In front of the Navy Recruiting Office.





“Why join the sea…”



Isaac walked out of the navy branch base in a daze and completed all preparations before joining the army.

Looking at the portfolio in his hand.


He slapped himself directly:

“Why are you so crazy…”

I want to tear off the portfolio, but I can’t bear to do it.

The words “Conscripted into the Army” on the cover…

Why is it so frustrating…

I feel the incomparable honor…

I can’t calm down my excitement…


Although he resisted on his lips, looking at those four big characters, the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously…

“Just keep it for now…”

He carefully put it away and walked back home.

A few days later.

The people on and off the departing warship were reluctant to say goodbye to their children.

After this separation, it is still unknown whether he can come back alive.

But in order to support Marshal Sakaski in destroying all pirates, even death… is enough.

If it weren’t for age… half of the people on this island would have to join the army…

In this atmosphere, even though Isaac left without telling anyone, he quietly wiped away his tears…recalling his mother and sister…

The sweet scenes of childhood, the beautiful family, the father’s chest, the mother’s arms, the lovely sister…

How could I become such a bastard…



Suddenly, I understood a lot…

“Everything is a pirate…”

Clench your fists, if there are no pirates…

The father would not die, the mother would not be stupid, the family would not be broken up like this, the country would not become so poor and weak… and all of this… is because of the pirate’s whim… ..

He understood the meaning of Marshal Sakaski’s words…

“They see massacre as a sign of loyalty.”

“Because of the quarrel of words, venting anger on the so-called companions, massacring the country and destroying the island.”

“They destroy everything in the world unscrupulously and call it adventure.”

“Their lawless provocateur navy and government call it freedom.”

The momentary happiness of these pirates is their endless suffering life… They are the orphans and widows of thousands of families on an island… It is their ruined future…

The warship started to sound its whistle and started slowly. Isaac came back to his senses:

“Kill all the pirates…”

His eyes were firmer than ever…


A female figure in a long skirt ran over quickly and squeezed out of the crowd.

Isaac was stunned and grabbed the railing with both hands:


That’s his sister….

After Aaliya squeezed out of the crowd, she ran to the edge of the platform and threw it hard.

Isaac didn’t have time to see what it was, so he stretched out his hand to grab it, and he almost fell down. Fortunately, he was caught in time by the two fellow recruits behind him.

Aaliyah put her hands on her mouth and shouted loudly:

“This is my father’s medal!”

“Put it on! We must come back alive!!!”

“My mother and I are waiting for you!!!”

Isaac’s whole body was shaking a little, and tears welled up in his eyes:


The warship slowly sailed away from the island.

This ship, which carries the hopes of people on an island, sets off and sails in an unknown direction…

It’s not just here.

Scenes like this are happening on naval recruiting islands around the world.

These recruits do not have extraordinary talents, they are just ordinary people in the world.

But what they bear is the expectation of the most people in the world… to eliminate all pirates…

What no one knows is…

They carry these expectations…eventually…

Most of them died on that island…

I didn’t even take a step back until I died…

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