The Grand Line, the Devil’s Triangle.

Victims Association.

An organization composed entirely of people whose shadows were taken away by Moria.

Three days ago, all the people whose shadows were taken away by Moria were surprised to find that their shadows all came back on their own.

This means… something happened to Moria! ! !

Countless people threw themselves on the ground, looking at their own shadows with tears in their eyes.

At the same time, the person who inquired about the information also came back, shouting loudly:

“Moriah must be dead!”

“All the zombie soldiers are down!”

“It’s time for revenge!!!”

“The only one on the island is that guy Hogba Gu!”

Everyone in the Victims Association became excited:


“Very good!!!”

“Quick, quick, quick! Pick up the weapon! Kill us!”

“Go, go, go!!”


The Devil’s Triangle, the terrifying barque.

Inside a terrifying sailboat as big as an island.

Hogba Gu was urgently repairing a speedboat. His own strength was very poor. He was able to become the leader of Moria’s subordinates entirely because of his like-mindedness and superb skills.

But I never expected that Moriah would die outside inexplicably…

“Damn it!”

“That guy! Isn’t he pretty awesome!”

“Died without warning!”

“It’s really troublesome!!!”

Although many ships disappear here every year, they are all big ships and cannot be driven by one person.

He hasn’t slept for two days…just repairing this broken speedboat…

Those guys must have discovered it…why don’t they run away and wait to die…


The Devil’s Triangle, on board the Lumba Pirates.

Yo ho ho ho~ Yo ho ho ho~


“Ah! 44°…”



“When did you come back!!”


Outside the Devil’s Triangle.

A fleet of dozens of warships were lined up in a row, far apart, waiting for orders.

Many young soldiers on the ship were faintly excited:

“It’s so exciting!”

“The mission this time is to eliminate this devil’s triangle!”

“Be sure to talk to them when you go back!”

An older second lieutenant was a little confused:


“Is this place famous?”

Is Moria from the Shichibukai under the King so famous?

The young soldiers looked at each other.

I’m also a little surprised…the second lieutenant doesn’t know about the Devil’s Triangle?

One after another, they all started talking:


“Lieutenant, you haven’t heard of the legend of the Devil’s Triangle when you were a kid!”

“No matter what goes in, be it a ship or a strong man, nothing comes out!”

“It is said that the Devil’s Triangle is connected to hell!”

“Everyone who walks in will disappear without a trace, leaving only ghost ships floating inside!”

“From time to time, there will be infiltrating singing, and there will be hell skeletons patrolling!”

The corner of the older lieutenant’s mouth twitched…

He also understood what was going on. Moria had been here for more than ten years, and these little guys were just in their early twenties.

Ignorant people spread Moriah’s mischief as a supernatural event, and it became like this…

The second lieutenant shook his head and said:

“There is no such thing as hell.”

“It’s just the work of pirates.”


I saw something out of the corner of my eye and turned my head sharply:

“Everyone has it!”

“turn back!”

Looking longingly into the distance, a line of fire breaks out from the sea and connects to the sky, like a staircase to the sky…

“You new recruits!”

“What a blessing.”

“Look at them carefully!”

“Experience the power of Marshal Sakaski!!!”

Looking at the rain of fire all over the sky…

Densely packed magma bombs, like rocket launchers, shoot into the sky at extremely fast speeds.

Since the warships were extremely far apart, the naked eye could see the magma bombs that disappeared into the sky, reappeared, and dived towards the Devil’s Triangle.

And it’s getting bigger visibly to the naked eye…

The entire sky was dyed red, occupying the entire world…

The hot breath spread over the surface, and each huge lava fist could be faintly seen, and the slightly twisted air around him…

The giant fist of lava that looks like a hill, and the roar caused by the dive, make people’s minds go blank…

If we talk about the naval soldiers seen from the outside, they feel powerful.

All that devil’s triangle

Those who are guilty can only feel one word…die! ! !

This is the stimulation brought by the body’s instinct.

In the sea that is always foggy, the sky suddenly turns red, as if the sun has fallen…


The place where the first giant fist of lava fell was the huge terrifying three-masted sailboat.

Penetrate it with one blow… and burst into pieces!

Under the impact of the huge explosion, this huge and terrifying three-masted sailboat shattered like glass… was torn into powder, and sank to the bottom of the sea along with the magma.

The erupting heat wave rushed out and collided with the energy erupted from the giant fist of lava falling elsewhere.

The hot shock wave storm swept away in chaos.

The entire Devil’s Triangle has become a huge melting pot.

All people and things began to burn and turned into ashes…

Under the violent heat wave, nothing can resist…

This is real hell…..

Not only that.

The magma that fell into the seawater still exudes a red color, and has not been cooled by the seawater…it continues to evaporate heat.

It seems like the whole sea is going to be burned up…


On the warship where Sakaski is located.

The magma in both arms slowly retracted and turned into arms again:

“Meteor volcano….”

There is a feeling of relaxation in the body.

Carol looked at the giant fist of lava that was constantly falling.

The huge sea area that swallows up the devil’s triangle of destruction… some sighs:

“Destroy the heaven and earth…”

“This is your purpose.”

Sakaski chuckled:


“I haven’t been active for a long time.”

He moved his shoulders and turned to leave:

“Let’s go to a new world.”

Then the warship slowly turned around and left.

The remaining warships remained motionless, executing orders.

Their role is to do the final cleaning.

Don’t let any fish slip through the net…

Although there may be nothing left…


The new world is where the Steam Pirates are stationed.

It has been several days since Sakaski was promoted to marshal and declared war.

Very thorough…

The Shampoo Islands were completely locked down.

Any ship that wants to pass to the New World will be closely inspected.

The Steam Pirates’ business was most affected and suffered the heaviest losses.

Coupled with the melee between the four emperors some time ago, the power business has shrunk by almost half.

The current situation of the Steam Pirates is simply getting worse…

I have contacted many government officials these days, but still no agreement…

Hale Nok sat on the throne with his eyes closed, his head in one hand:


“Everyone get out!”

The subordinates did not dare to stay at all and quickly retreated…

Hale Nock took a deep breath:


Slowly opening his eyes, the indifference in his eyes showed that he was not in a good mood…

The prices charged by the government guys are too high, so what if that guy Sakaski is now stuck in New World’s neck… It’s a joke, they really treat him as a part-time worker…

Sooner or later, no matter how much I eat in one day… I have to spit it out…

His fingers kept tapping on the armrest of the throne…thinking about how to break the situation.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. With the current accumulation of the Steam Pirates, they won’t be in a hurry for a while…

Now that the road from the government side is cut off, we can only consider wind-free zones…

Compared to Kaido, if he wants to take the windless zone, he needs to train his own subordinates to escort the ship.

Hale Nok is much simpler…just recruit him with a lot of money.

But the problem is that this can only circulate the goods without losing money or making a profit…

Dong dong dong——dong dong dong——

There was a rapid knock on the door.

Hale Nock frowned slightly:

“Come in.”

I saw one of his subordinates running in with a face full of joy:


“There is a way!!!”

“The technology of the Vinsmoke family in the North Sea can easily cross the Red Earth Continent!”

“They want to work with you!”

Hale Nock leaned forward slightly:


His subordinates were still full of excitement:

“It was just confirmed and it’s true!”

“As long as we seize those technologies!!!”

“Then you won’t be afraid of the navy’s blockade!”

Hale Nok’s eyes moved slightly and he chuckled:



“Get in touch first and see what they want…”


Grand Line, Chambord Islands.

The Shampoo Islands were originally a gathering place for pirates.

At this time, not a single pirate could be seen in any port.

The siege that lasted for many days.

Those who were lucky enough to escape all put away their pirate flags. There was no one who would rather die than surrender…

Living is the most important thing…

Scattered pirates gathered in remote taverns everywhere…

And I don’t know when… such a news spread among the pirates…

As long as you have enough money….

You can still go to the new world with coating…

late at night.

The captain of the Flying Pigeon Pirates took advantage of the moonlight to secretly drive the ship into a remote cabin near the naval base.

Stopping at the front and rear of the house, the secret door opened… The ship dived, leaving a huge basement.

When the boat stopped, I jumped off the boat, sweating on my head…it was so exciting…

Smuggling under the nose of the Navy! ! !

He motioned to the two pirates, carrying five treasure boxes filled with gold treasures and berries, and looked at the commanding coater:

“I said… you are too courageous!”

“Doing this right in front of a naval base.”

“It can’t be an undercover agent of the Navy.”

The commanding coater rolled his eyes:

“Do you know what it means to be dark under the lamp?”

“Besides, this is how undercover agents make money.”

“The money I get from one job now is more than I earned in the past six months.”

“I still have to thank the navy.”


The captain of the Flying Pigeon Pirates twitched the corner of his mouth… Indeed… it’s too dark…

From Beihai to here, the treasures plundered along the way are all on the ground…

When I think about my struggles along the way, I have some doubts about life…

As for whether there will be people who don’t pay after completing the membrane…that doesn’t exist at all…

If someone did some tricks on the film… I don’t know how I died…

Time passes slowly.

The sky was gradually getting brighter, and a coated pirate ship slowly sailed towards the Fishman Island on the bottom of the sea…

When the pirate ship disappeared, the coater who directed everyone returned to the house:


His momentum changed, he became a little decadent and yawned:

“Are all capable people so timid?”

“Not many come here for coating.”

After some activity, he took out the phone bug:

“It’s better to report to Mr. Carroll first…”


at the same time.

The sky is slightly lit up.

On the endless red earth continent barrier.

A huge fleet of snails climbed on top.

The entire fleet formed an almost ninety-degree right angle with the Red Earth Continent, but it still crawled forward.

Vinsmoke Gaji stayed up all night.

As long as this crucial cooperation is achieved, Vinsmoke will once again rule the North Sea!

Standing on the top of the horizontal castle, looking at the endless sea in the slightly bright sky.

Endless pride filled his chest.

As for why this huge fleet is allowed to crawl sideways…

I also wanted to let the Four Emperors see their own strength, powerful technology and heritage…


The Devil’s Triangle.

A few days have passed, and the devil’s sea is now.

The fog completely dissipated and no one could be seen all day long, disappearing without a trace.

Only the steaming sea water is rising…

The soldiers all took off their shirts and were doing the finishing work shirtless….

It’s really too hot….


A soldier saw an afro, carrying them on his back and holding an upside-down iron basin floating on the sea, still moving slightly…

“Very good!”

“A fish slipped through the net!”

He quickly raised his gun and wanted to shoot, but their marshal cleaned it too thoroughly… Finally, he saw that a fish had slipped through the net!


Gunfire rang out.

Everyone looked over:

“Ah! There are survivors over there!”


“He actually attacked secretly by himself!”

“I’ll come, I’ll come!”

The sound of gunshots continued, and Afro seemed to finally react, as if he had used all his strength… to turn his head, which also shocked all the soldiers.


“It’s a hell skeleton! Lord Lieutenant!!!”

The older second lieutenant was disturbed by the noise and came over:

“What hell skeleton.”

“What the hell are you doing again!!!”

When I walked in front of the soldiers who were getting out of the way, I was shocked when I saw the skeleton floating on the sea holding an iron basin.

But I reacted randomly… Look at this skeleton

The feeling of powerlessness…

“Although…it’s a little weird…”

“But this is not a hell skeleton, it’s just a person with abilities.”

“Where’s the sea tower stone chain? Bring it.”


New world, new Malinvando.

In the fortress’s office, Sakaski was in front of the sand table, analyzing the situation.

Carol walked in with a strange look:

“Marshal Sakaski.”

“The warship that was operating in the Devil’s Triangle before found a man whose lower body was burned.”

“But the skeleton is still alive?”

Sakaski waved his hand casually:

“It’s just a devil fruit user.”

“Send to Dantou Island.”

“Let’s see what we can research and recycle.”

Carol stepped back and disappeared…

Sakaski had no feelings for this kind of guy… He had killed too many.

Keep it if it’s useful, recycle the fruit if it’s not useful, it doesn’t affect anything…

The troops of the Grand Line have begun to gradually invest in the new world.

Sakaski looked at the four enemies on the sand table:

“Who should I start with…”

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