On the dinner table.

While eating his meal, Sauter looked through Bonnie’s information and sighed.

“I didn’t expect that the only revolutionary veteran left was a little girl.”

“At the headquarters, we almost split up because of the Revolutionary Army incident.”

“In the blink of an eye, it’s just the sunset.”

Ain held his chin, looked at Sauter and said:

“During the decisive battle, the army led by Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, attacked Mary Joa.”

“That group of people account for half of the veterans and elites of the revolutionary army.”

“Later came the period of the Great Cataclysm. Through surveillance and other means, the gangs and pirate forces started to rebel, and the nobles counterattacked. The remaining veterans of the revolutionary army also died violently.”

“Joelle Bonny is the only one who is not dead.”

“On the one hand, it is its particularity. Whether it is silently or creating an accident, it is not an ideal solution.”

“On the one hand, as the only remaining veteran, Qiao Ellie Bonny still has a great say. She needs to be used to temporarily stabilize the remaining forces of the Revolutionary Army.”

“Now that the new government is about to be established, it is no longer needed. The revolutionary army will be fully taken over by the new government.”

Sotto nodded and put down the information:

“I see.”

“What about the specific tasks?”

Ain looked serious and took out a newspaper, but the date on it was from the day after tomorrow.

“The newspaper will spread all over the world the day after tomorrow. According to the surveillance analysis of Qiao Ellie Bonny, there is a high probability that she will be angered.”

“No matter what you do, it will be a matter of course.”

Sauter took the newspaper, looked at the news headlines, and suddenly laughed:

“It’s so shady. Is it Mr. Carroll’s method?”

“As soon as this report is published, those guys in the revolutionary army will probably think that we are stealing the achievements of the revolutionary army, and they will curse us shamelessly.”

Ain shrugged:

“Guessed it right.”

“But there’s no reward.”

The biggest headline in the newspaper read, “The new government’s plan is revealed to postulate the former Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Army “Long” as an honorary general.”

Below is a series of information and photos about Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, when he joined the navy when he was young.

Sauter actually understands this part, it’s all true.

But below…

He wrote some impeccable stories, including how Marshal Sakaski sent dragons to establish the revolution, and how the two of them risked everything to attack each other in order to confuse the original world government for so many years…

These stories may seem outrageous, but they are all true.

It is impossible to tell the truth from the false, even somewhat reasonable…


South China Sea, Bali Island.

The original branch base of the Revolutionary Army has now become the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

After the world restored communications, leaders of the revolutionary armies from various places began to communicate and gather together. Only then did they discover what the revolutionary army had become in the past three years.

The revolutionary army that originally occupied all the four seas was harassed by the rebellion set off by the catastrophe.

Today, the only remaining revolutionary army force is only one-fifth of its original strength.

Sihai was almost overthrown, and only the old bases that had been developed for a long time near the edges were not affected.

Although they are determined to attack the islands that rebelled and killed the Revolutionary Army soldiers, today’s Revolutionary Army simply cannot withstand the torment.

At the beginning, under the leadership of Long, the name was to overthrow the world government, including a series of policies related to the people.

Now that the world government has been overthrown, the navy is gradually taking over island ports throughout the world.

Coupled with the series of actions and policies, people did not resist them and people accepted them one after another.

Now if you want to conquer those rebels, you can’t do it in name only, because the world government is gone.

And revenge and liberation are two different things.

What’s more, the ports are now controlled by the navy. Not only must they capture the ports on their own island, but also the ports on other islands, which is equivalent to declaring war on the entire navy.

But as a newspaper spread, even though Bonnie planned to run the revolutionary army well with everyone’s expectations, she couldn’t suppress the anger in her heart.


The newspapers turned into crumbs.

Bonnie, who was dressed in a leather jacket, yelled angrily.


“What a joke!!!”

“Posthumous title of former Revolutionary Army Commander-in-Chief Long as an honorary general?”

“He deserves it too??”

“Putting everything that happened to the Revolutionary Army on Sakaski’s head is simply shameless!!!”

“Do they think everyone in the world is a fool?”

“You still have to bear everything, it’s a joke!”

“How many soldiers of the Revolutionary Army did that guy Sakaski kill, and he actually became the founder of the Revolutionary Army?”

“Which newspaper published this! How many berries did they receive!!!”

“Damn damn damn!!!”


The table in front of him was smashed into pieces by a punch.

The people around Zhan Zhan Hehe, although they wanted to dissuade her, but in their hearts they agreed with Sister Bonnie’s words. In the eyes of the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, this report was simply a fabrication.

Bonnie maintained the photographing posture with one hand, standing there breathing heavily, her eyes scarlet.

He turned around and walked out, pushing away everyone in front of him.

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment…

On the cliffs on the shore.




The steep cliffs were crumbling, and large craters violently blasted out of the ground appeared one after another.


“It’s easy for you to die once and for all!!!”

“Leave this mess to me! What do you want me to do!!!”

“what can I do!”

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!”

Boom! ! ! !

A corner of the cliff completely broke and fell down.

Bonnie fell to her knees, covering her face with her hands and crying ventively.

Helpless and fragile…

For a long time…

The next day, early morning.

Bonnie, expressionless, arranged her clothes.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I took a deep breath and tried to put on a relaxed smile, but I couldn’t.

In the end, he just smiled self-deprecatingly, picked up the whip on the table, hung it on his waist, and walked towards the port.

She didn’t want to persist anymore. Even if she died, she would definitely see the bastard who killed her father and used shameless means to seize the achievements of the revolutionary army.

That Sakaski who killed countless revolutionary soldiers…

Ask him, after killing so many people, can he really pretend that nothing happened…

On the way to the port.

Bonnie didn’t meet many Revolutionary Army soldiers.

Although the least number of people have calculated this time, it is really too quiet, and I feel a little uneasy.


In front of the port, when she saw the armed and silent revolutionary soldiers gathering together, Bonnie knew where the uneasiness came from.


Bonnie clenched her fists and her voice was trembling.

“Sister Bonnie, please take us with you.”

“Yes, how can revenge not take us with it?”

“Break into Marie Joa and tear apart the hypocritical faces of those navy.”


“That’s right, Sister Bonnie, we are ready.”

“The port can be captured at any time.”

Bonnie looked at these people smiling brightly, but they said the most impossible things. She knew that these people planned to die with her…

But she just wanted to die to escape, how could she be worthy of their following…

The corners of his trembling mouth moved slightly, but he couldn’t speak.


A cold voice suddenly came from above the crowd.

“as you wish.”

Bonnie looked up, her pupils shrank, General ‘Purple Lion’.

Seeing Sauter raise his arm, Bonnie had a bad feeling in her heart. She looked at everyone and shouted:

“Run away!!!”

His right hand reached for the long whip at his waist, and he stepped forward into the air.


The ground trembled and twisted. Although these Revolutionary Army soldiers were well-trained, they had no power to fight back when faced with the crushing force of the general…

The land controlled by Sauter almost instantly was wrapped and compressed in a ball of earth.

Bonnie’s eyes were splitting and she roared:


The long whip in his hand was thrown towards Sauter with domineering force. Sauter just glanced at it and shot out four spears made of rocks.


Bonnie’s limbs were penetrated without any resistance and were suspended in the air.

Anger and severe pain caused Bonnie’s face to twist, and she let out a beast-like growl.

But it doesn’t work…

Sauter controlled the huge compressed earth ball and Bonnie, whose limbs were penetrated by rock guns, and flew towards the port.

Port Fortress.

The soldiers lined up and waited, with Ain at the head.

Watching Sauter flying from a distance, he said:

“let’s start.”

The base man next to him turned around and went down to give instructions.

Then, a piercing alarm sounded across the island.

Buzz – um – buzz – um –

The whole island entered an emergency state, and then Bonnie looked at her in disbelief, even a little horrified.

The soldiers lined up were turned into children by Ain’s ability…

Then the navy was destroying the port on its own…

Bonnie suddenly understood and looked at Sauter with unconcealable despair:


“You have designed this a long time ago!!!”

But didn’t get any response.

That morning.

About Qiao Ai, Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Army

News of Lee Bonney’s attack on the World Federation spread like wildfire.

Although people were in disbelief, including the revolutionary troops on the island, the soldiers who had turned into children could not believe it.

They all knew what Bonnie was capable of.

In the following period, several attacks occurred around the world, but most of the revolutionary islands remained silent.

Firstly, they do not have a deep sense of belonging to the revolutionary army, and secondly, many base leaders have already been replaced in the catastrophe…


The next day.

At the top of the Red Continent, the headquarters of the world federal government.

In the office of the President-General.

Carol reported the latest news to ‘Sakaski’.


“Alabasta’s desertification control is halfway through…”


“And the current commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army, Qiao Ellie Bonny.”


The note in Carol’s hand closed.

“He was executed yesterday.”

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