For such a result, ‘Sakaski’ was not surprised and did not care.

He just nodded to show his understanding.

Then he filled out the approval form on the leave request form submitted by Ghost Spider and handed it to Carol.


New world, seas of all nations.

The two warships gradually came closer to the sea under the dim light of the moon.

This is the territory of Charlotte Lingling, one of the former Four Pirate Emperors. It is also the place where countless navy soldiers and generals fought to the end of their lives.

They exchanged their lives for this peace and tranquility…

The ghost spider stood on the bow of the boat, the breeze blowing on his face.

As the warships merged, Flying Squirrel jumped onto Ghost Spider’s warship.

A smile appeared on the ghost spider’s hideous and terrifying face:

“How have you been lately?”

The flying squirrel sighed and shook his head with a tired look on his face:

“not good.”

“The suicide rate among returning soldiers has skyrocketed, and they dare not sleep during the day and night.”

“I see it’s almost your turn on the roster.”

“Be more careful.”

Ghost Spider took two deep breaths from the cigarette and nodded:

“I know.”

He also has some understanding of the psychological problems of soldiers, but there is no good solution to this kind of thing.

The flying squirrel let out a soft ‘hmm’, turned around and looked at the huge stone monument on the deck, which made the warship sink a lot, and smiled:

“It’s really impressive.”

“Enough of that guy Dauberman bragging about down there.”

The ghost spider smiled, slowly exhaled the smoke, and turned to look at the huge stone tablet:

“That is.”

“This was written by Marshal Sakaski himself.”

On the solemn stone tablet, the three characters “Dauberman” are engraved on the head, and below are countless small names, all of which are soldiers who died in the sea of ​​all nations.

On the back of the stele, it was written by ‘Sakaski’ himself.

“Yongzhen thieves and bandits” are four big characters.

Surrounding those four big characters, there are still a lot of names…

Ghost Spider took a deep breath from his cigar and looked at the stone tablet in trance.

“This peace… is all earned with your life…”

The calm sea was rowed by warships, causing ripples.

The parallel warships sailed towards the depths of the waters of all nations, which was unimaginable before…

The next day, early morning.

According to the positioning marks and the soldiers’ exploration into the sea.

Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel, who were sure they had arrived at the place where the encirclement and suppression fleet had died, looked at each other, walked to both sides of the huge stone monument, and took a deep breath.


The stone tablet, which looked like a hill, was lifted up by two World Federal Government lieutenants.

The explosive force made the warship tremble.



But it had no impact on the two of them at all, one step, two steps…

It wasn’t until they reached the limit that the warship could bear balance that they shouted angrily in unison:


Under the combined force, the huge stone tablet was thrown vertically into the sky and fell freely into the sea.


The explosive impact caused countless splashes of water, as if Dauberman and the soldiers were responding to them.


Uniform movements, maintained for a long time.

Accompanied by loud military songs, the stone tablet slowly fell into the wreckage of the warship on the seabed.

Standing upright on the bottom of the sea, majestic and motionless…


The Grand Line (now the Global Waterway).

G-8 branch, port.

There are busy scenes everywhere, but it is a little empty compared to other branches.

Before the decisive battle, the petrified soldiers were restored and a large wave of blood was restored, which was quite lively.

The Ghost Spider, who had finished his vacation, was waiting here early, preparing for the handover.

As time passed, a warship appeared on the sea level.

It wasn’t until the warship sailed into the port and Ghost Spider jumped on the warship that Slokrondo, who was leading the team, breathed a sigh of relief.

A trace of fatigue can be seen on the face that has been expressionless all year round.

One can imagine the difficulty of sending soldiers back home…

After a simple greeting, Sloclondo took out a list, and Team Ghost Spider, whose voice was a little hoarse, ordered:

“This soldier committed suicide three times and his symptoms have improved a lot.”

“These soldiers committed suicide once and need to be observed.”

“These soldiers from Adres Island committed suicide…”

“These few…

“This name…”



“And this soldier from Kgesi Island.”

“Currently everything looks like a normal person, he can talk and laugh, he has never committed suicide once, and he helps other soldiers, but this situation has changed.

Happened more than once. ”

“When they first returned home, many soldiers were in this state, which was the most serious.”

“When you commit suicide, there are no warnings at all, and you can’t even react. Many people died.”

“You have to focus on it.”

Ghost Spider looked solemn and nodded:

“I know.”

“Don’t worry, there won’t be any accidents.”

Slokrondo gave a soft ‘hmm’ and sighed slightly:

“I’m going to rest first.”

Even the veteran elite lieutenant general can’t stand it in this kind of mission situation…

Ghost Spider silently wrote down the list, first said hello to the soldiers on the warship, memorized everyone’s appearance and names, and gradually became familiar with them.

In the evening, the warship slowly sailed out of the port.

Ghost Spider begins the soldier’s return mission.

Only a real escort will know how difficult this task is.

He always maintains the perception of seeing, hearing, and color the size of a warship. He almost doesn’t dare to sleep, for fear that when he wakes up with squinted eyes, he will hear the news of a soldier committing suicide…

There will be one or several suicides every few days.

Ghost Spider’s tense nerves had never relaxed, and it was even more uncomfortable than a fight between life and death.

But fortunately, as the soldiers returned to their hometowns, they put down their fears and arrived home safely, and the number of people on the warship gradually decreased.

The night before the warship arrived at Kgesi Island.

The ghost spider quietly came to the window of a soldier’s room and melted into the shadows.

According to the information given by Stoloberg, the most serious soldier has never revealed his intention to commit suicide. If there is a chance to commit suicide, it can only be today.

The data analyzed will not be wrong, so…

The ghost spider stands in the shadow, waiting quietly…

Until dawn.

The outline of Kgesi Island is faintly visible as a black spot.

The bugle sounded, and the soldiers began to get up in a daze.

In the room where the ghost spider is paying attention.

A baby-faced soldier opened his hazy study, reached for the alarm clock on the table, and tried twice but couldn’t reach it.

As soon as he reached out, he touched a nail.


The cabin walls cracked.

The ghost spider broke through the wall, adrenaline surged, and its big hands grabbed the baby-faced soldier’s wrist, terrified.

The nail that the baby-faced soldier accidentally touched in his hand had penetrated the skin of his heart, and blood slowly flowed out.

Originally, everyone looked like a baby-faced soldier with a gentle smile, but now he looked ferocious, with crimson eyes looking directly at the ghost spider:

“Let me go!!!”


Although he has participated in several wars, there is no way he can shake Ghost Spider, who is an elite lieutenant general.

His body was pinned to the ground by the ghost spider, and he let out crazy roars and curses.

The two of them were struggling wildly, while the other remained silent.

Until the port that was about to approach the coast, noisy sounds reached the ears through the broken cabin.

The crazy soldier seemed to feel something terrible.

Shouting with a cry:

“let me go!!!”

“Let me die, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!!!”

“I don’t want to go back, I don’t want to see them, I don’t want…”

“Please let me go!”

“Let me die!!”

The ghost spider suppressed the soldier and said in a deep voice:

“Then why did you submit the application to return home?”

The baby-faced soldier’s voice trembled as if he was struck by lightning:




I miss home…

But I can’t say these four words…

I miss home, I miss my mother who I miss day and night, I miss my long-separated lover, I miss every flower and tree on the island…

I think about the hometown that I dreamed of over and over again in my dreams. I think of my mother looking forward to her gray hair. I wake up crying countless times in my dreams…

So I filled out that homecoming form…


I regret…..

I was the only one who survived the war…

I can’t imagine what it will be like when I return to my hometown…

I’m afraid they’ll ask me…

ask me….

ask me….


You came back alive, where are they…

I’m afraid…

I’m really scared…

Please, let me die…

The baby-faced soldier listened to the noise getting closer and closer, roaring feebly like a weak beast.

But didn’t get any response.

Just those big hands.

He suppressed his body tightly until the warship docked at the port.

The ghost spider picked up the soldier

Get up.

Although the baby-faced soldier twisted wildly to resist, he was still irreversible and was carried to the deck.

The baby-faced soldier closed his eyes tightly, like a dead man being carried and placed on the deck.

“Stand still!”

“Your mother is waiting for you on the shore!”

“Put your chest out!!!”

“You are the hero of Kgosi Island!”

“You must take the last wishes of the people of Kgexi Island who were killed by pirates and the will of the heroes who died in the new world to witness the future of this world!”

“Go and witness the beauty of this world!”

“One day in the future, stand tall and proudly tell them!!!”

“What would that world be like under the light of justice!”

“Their sacrifice is not worth it!!!”

“You’re a hero! Corporal Blaise!”

“Put your chest out!!!”

After the Ghost Spider shouted sternly, he let go of the baby-faced soldier.

Blaze’s mind echoed with the screams of the Ghost Spider.

My brain could no longer think about anything. I unconsciously raised my chest and walked stiffly towards the stairs of the warship, one step, two steps…

Standing on the stairs, I looked at the huge crowds at the port of Kgesi Island.




Fireworks bloomed all over the sky, as if they were free of charge.

In the early morning when the sun rises, you can also see the brilliant fireworks.

Everyone shed tears, cheered, and shouted for their hero to return. Even though more than 3,000 people joined the army, only one came back…


He is the hero of their Kgexi Island! ! !

The madness had faded from Blaise’s scarlet eyes.

I don’t know when the tears stopped, and the fear in my heart had been eliminated.

In that crowded port.

He saw the figure running upstream towards him.

It’s like a scene in a dream.

I remember that she had black hair when she left, but now she has white hair and is much older.

Obviously so thin…

In her memory, she struggled to carry firewood…

At this moment, he was filled with strength, pushing away countless people and rushing towards him.

Blaise couldn’t restrain his inner emotions and jumped off the warship…





Fireworks go off to celebrate the hero’s return.

The mother and son embracing each other are exactly what those vice admirals are guarding day and night.

In the jubilant port, the docked warships quietly left without knowing when.

Heading to the next island…

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