But for Bai Jing, none of these are a problem.

Bai Jing saved Onisel Pique, so he owed Bai Jing a favor, and this favor was to make peace with Corazon.

The second favor was to revive his wife and children, let his wife and children forgive him, and let their family reconcile and meet again.

This favor was even greater than the first one. As for his future movements, Bai Jing respected him and didn't care whether he got on the ship or not.

Whether it was an open plot or a conspiracy, Bai Jing played it very well. After all, he was a Chinese, familiar with the 36 Stratagems, and proficient in various military tactics.

The three of them listened quietly to the location of the naval branch and how many troops the naval branch had.

"You just found out about this now?"

"I knew about it half a year ago. I heard that he was detained in a naval base hundreds of miles away from our kingdom."

"I heard that because he is a cadre of the Don Quixote family, he is given special care and is guarded by 5 vice admirals."

"There are also nearly 50,000 navy officers stationed here, and all kinds of measures are in place to prevent him from being hijacked."

"Is it that serious? Isn't it just a cadre?"

"Why mobilize so many troops?"

The pirates on the side discussed loudly in confusion.

"You think, Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon. When he was detained, Vice Admiral Tsuru and others came out together, just to detain Doflamingo."

""See how much they value Doflamingo, so they also value their cadres. "

The three of them got some useful information, looked at each other, drank the tea in their cups, and stood up to leave.

At this time, the whole kingdom was looking for Bai Jing, and the whole country was mobilized. Whether it was the spies in the dark or the residents on the street, they all got this news.

Then they had to find Bai Jing, and those who found Bai Jing would be rewarded.

As soon as the three of them left the tavern, they heard this news.

Corazon and Longma took a look at Bai Jing and could guess the ins and outs of the matter. The woman that Bai Jing resurrected from the underworld must have some relationship with King Liku and Cyrus.

And as a thank you, they looked for Bai Jing.

Bai Jing wore a mask and quietly hid.

"Don't you want to meet them?"

"Even if you go to accept the reward."

Longma was puzzled and asked curiously.

Bai Jing shook his head gently, "It's nothing for me, but it may be a problem for Corazon. "

Bai Jing smiled jokingly.

Corazon just raised the corner of his mouth, shook his head, and said nothing.

Those crimes were not committed directly by him, but there were some indirect connections.

Bai Jing patted Corazon's shoulder gently and said, "Don't worry, even if you meet, it won't be a big deal, because everything has been resolved before. "

"Now let's go to the Navy Branch, rescue Onisel, and complete this regret. "

The two nodded in confusion, and the three disappeared at the corner of the street.

After everything was ready, the three returned to the pirate ship.

Originally, they were going to stay in this kingdom for a while, because they were waiting for the luxurious pirate ship built by the Golden Emperor Tesoro.

But now they should rescue Senio first, then return to this place together, and then change the pirate ship and continue sailing.

The next adventure will definitely be stronger. Bai Jing can already think of the adventures in the future. It must be the days of being hunted by the navy every day.

In the past few days, in the kingdom, many navy must have noticed him.

Bai Jing felt it, but he didn't care, because no matter how many navy people came, it was a gift to him.

He may not be very strong in single combat, and he can't beat Garp, Sengoku or Akainu for the time being.

After all, with a generation of veterans or marshals in charge, the Navy Headquarters is still strong.

But what about the admirals?

If there is one, he will beat one, if there are two, he will beat two.

If there are three, see if he can fight, if he can fight, he will fight, if he can't fight, he will run.

The single combat capability is not strong, but the group combat capability, a thunder fruit, that is a hundred miles in radius can be covered with thunderclouds and thunder, and the number of people who come down will die.

And the perverted ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit is terrifying to think about.

Not afraid of seastone, not afraid of domineering, not afraid of seawater, without any shortcomings.

Seeing the three people come back so quickly, Little Oz and Ace couldn't help wondering, "Why are you leaving now without doing anything?"

Bai Jing shook his head and said, "Go to the nearest naval branch nearby and hijack someone."

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Ace couldn't help but be amazed when he heard this. Bai JingHe doesn't look like a pirate at all.

He is not afraid of the navy at all, and even dares to offer a bounty to the navy alone. Now he is going to take the initiative to cause trouble in the navy branch. It is estimated that Bai Jing's bounty will increase again.

The bounty is now 2 billion. The navy has already dispatched once, even Garp has been dispatched.

I am afraid that he will dispatch again next time, and he will be fully prepared.

The Demon Killing Order will also be issued to launch an indiscriminate attack on the ocean where Bai Jing is, just to kill Bai Jing.

But in Bai Jing's opinion, there is not much difference, because the navy has dispatched 100,000 and 20 vice admirals before, which is no less than the Demon Killing Order.

It's just that the warships they are equipped with are not built by the imperial shipyard Water Seven Islands.

The warships built in this place are the strongest warships of the navy and destructive warships.

After receiving Bai Jing's message, Stella and Golden Emperor arrived late, smiled apologetically at the five people, and then jumped into the pirate ship.

Hua Zhiyin emerged from Bai Jing's body and floated in the air.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Bai Jing said, "Let's start the boat and go to the navy branch to hijack Onesel!"

Several people were excited. It was too exciting to take the initiative to attack the navy branch and rescue people from the navy branch.

This golden pirate ship slowly sailed away from the shore and headed towards the navy branch.


At the same time, in this navy branch, behind the navy square was a prison, and all the pirate prisoners were locked in it.


The sound of a whip hitting a prisoner fell heavily on the body of a prisoner.

The navy holding the whip shouted, "Go, hurry up, haven't you eaten enough?"

"I can't even walk."

After one whip, his flesh and blood were blurred, and his body was already covered with scars.

His hands and feet were all tightly handcuffed with chains made of seastone.

It was obvious that this navy was deliberately making things difficult, but the hundreds of navy officers on the scene had smiles in their eyes and did not intend to stop him.

They watched jokingly from the side, and even waved the long whips in their hands, and continued to whip and scold the criminals on the side.

Who is right and who is wrong?

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