The navy chases pirates, the navy kills pirates, and pirates also kill the navy, and pirates also kill civilians.

All this, back and forth, there is no right or wrong, just different class opposition positions, their missions are different.

In Bai Jing's view, this is normal, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

The navy is not necessarily good, but most of them are at least responsible for maintaining the order of the civilians on the surface, although many pirates and the navy are in collusion behind the scenes.

If there is no navy, this world will be in chaos.

But in the same way, most pirates are evil, and a few may be good.

The two are like the opposites of yin and yang, maintaining the balance of this world, and neither side can be missing.

Bai Jing and his pirate ship sailed hundreds of miles to the northwest corner before they vaguely saw the appearance of this naval branch.

The military headquarters of this navy was built in a gorge of three mountains. The mountains on both sides made the military headquarters stand in a U shape, and the military headquarters of the navy was at the bottom of this U, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The front part is the navy's wall. If the navy warships want to enter, they must open the gate at the navy entrance, otherwise they will be blocked.

After entering, the surrounding walls are all naval platforms, and behind the platforms is the prison guarding the prisoners.

There are nearly 50,000 navy troops here, or even more.

Five lieutenant generals and more than a dozen major generals are here to maintain order.

When Bai Jing's pirate ship approached the navy headquarters, it had already attracted the attention of the navy above.

The sentry standing on the wall saw a pirate ship coming towards their navy headquarters in the distance. His eyes condensed, and he immediately picked up the communication snail beside him and sent it to the senior management of the navy headquarters.

"Report, a pirate ship is slowly approaching us."

"Don't hesitate, set up the cannons and smash it to pieces. All pirates deserve to die. Execute all the justice in your heart!"

The high-level officials above immediately gave the order, and the few hundred navy officers who received the order offered the cannons on the city wall.

The cannons were aimed at the pirate ship where Bai Jing was.

"The order from above is to kill these pirates. Fire!"

Hundreds of people stood on the deck, looking at Bai Jing and his group indifferently.

Bai Jing saw the rows of cannons flashing coldly from a distance, aiming at them.




The huge shells blasted towards the few people, forming a rain of shells in the sky.

Bai Jing's pirate ship was still moving forward, with no intention of stopping.

Bai Jing leisurely took out a recliner on the deck, lay down, smiled, and glanced at Longma.

Longma understood, quietly, held the scabbard tightly with his left hand, held the handle with his right hand, and swung it forward fiercely, drawing a half-moon arc in the air.

Pressing the handle with his thumb, he slowly put the long sword back into the scabbard, everything was smooth and done in one go.

The sound of the sword returning to the scabbard rang out, "clang!"

And the dozens of shells above exploded, and were cut from the center by a sword energy.


Bai Jing knew this was the result. With Longma and even the Golden Emperor, he was still robbing the prison with his luxurious configuration, which was a bit of a waste of talent.


"The other side has a swordsman, keep firing, increase the force, and load them for me."

"I don't believe he can cut them all down in one breath."



From the top of the city wall, dozens of cannons were pushed up and aimed at Bai Jing's warships, bombarding one after another.

Long Ma slashed with his sword again and again. Seeing that Bai Jing and his pirate ship were almost in front of the gate of the naval branch, the faces of the navy turned ugly.

The sentry on the city wall shouted, "Close the sea gate, and never let anyone in."

"Bomb them all to death."

The navy around immediately came to support, set up guns and cannons, and bombarded again.

On the hills around, thousands of navy appeared in the field where the naval headquarters opened the door, and they all held their guns and shot at Bai Jing and his team.

Ace looked at the shells flying in the sky, pressed down the smiling and crying cowboy hat on his head slightly, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Flames appeared in his hand, and he punched forward fiercely, shouting, "Fire Fist!"

The shells in the sky were all turned into ashes under the fire fist.

Hua Zhiyin and Stella stood on the deck, their faces did not change at all.

Bai Jing stood up and jumped off the pirate ship, his body flashing with lightning, floating above the sea.

He slowly bent down and poked his fingers into the sea..

I saw that with him as the center, the sea water around him quickly turned into golden water, gradually condensing from liquid to solid at a qualitative speed.

In front of the Navy Headquarters, the area of ​​several hundred meters was condensed into golden land by him.

The Golden Emperor couldn't do it, because the objects he transformed into gold would return to their original state once they touched the sea water.

Other devil fruit ability users might be able to do it, but they couldn't float in the air when they touched the sea water.

If you can't swim after falling into the sea water, it will be a bit troublesome, so it's better for Bai Jing to do it.

In front of him, it has turned into a golden land.

Bai Jing stepped into it, and Longma followed behind Bai Jing. The Golden Emperor glanced at Stella and said, "I'll go down and join him."

At this moment, the huge body of Little Oz jumped off the pirate ship and landed on this golden land.

The same was true for Ace. In order to take care of the two, Corazon did not go down, and his combat ability was inferior to that of several people.

Just protect the safety of Hua Zhiyin and Stella, and this pirate ship.

The three stood on the deck, watching from afar.

Bai Jing led the way, with Long Ma in front on the left, Golden Emperor in front on the right, and Ace and Little Oz following behind.

In front of them, the huge navy gate was closed, made of thick steel.

The huge steel gate was astonishingly several meters thick, and the height was also at the level of more than 20 meters.

The navy above obviously recognized who Bai Jing was, the supernova that had been making a lot of noise in the New World in the past few days.

The pirate Bai Jing, the man with a bounty of 2 billion.

The man who even the admiral couldn't do anything about, the man who killed the Celestial Dragons, now appeared in front of them!

The sentinel above hurriedly pushed away the communication snail and reported the matter to the upper level.

When the five lieutenant generals and a dozen major generals in the naval division heard the news, they looked unhappy and hurriedly appeared on the sea wall, overlooking the five people below.

They were extremely fearful, and the five lieutenant generals spoke one after another, "Supernova Sea, the thief Bai Jing is worth a bounty of 2 billion berries."

"Unknown swordsman."

"Golden Emperor Tezoro, the king of the Golden Kingdom!"

"Fire Fist Ace, the bounty is 550 million berries."

"Little Oz, 550 million berries!"

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